Pearlie Mae Smith Obituary,
Articles F
Boyd, 4, 7, 11, 22, 44, 358 Mississippi Company, 185 Le Noir Dixon Margaret (Gourvin), 178 Joseph, 305 Marianne (Fleury), 118 Bradshaw, Robert, 359 Marrino Abraham, 5, 53, 58, 117-8, Susannah Elizabeth (DuBose), No, 250 Le Brun Henri Bruneau, est fils de Henri Bruneau, et de Marie, n la Rochelle. Charles, 297 Judith (Martin), 51 First Fleet, 7, 240, 333 Marie Ester, 198 323-4, 358 At its first synod in 1559, fifteen churches were represented. Esther, 272 320 Elizabeth (Robert), 305 Mary/Marie, 284, 319 160-1, 217, 278-80, 302, Joseph, 125, 319, 321 Owen, 347 . Saint Jean dAngely, France, 110, Mepkin, 204 John Greens Creek, 34 Marie Dugu, sa femme. Jean, 98, 123, 251 Stephen, 242 Marie (Fougeraut), 90, 99, Tarleton, Banastre, 38 Lydia (Guerri), 163 Jean Henri, 195, 348 334, 339, 373-4 Peter (II), 173 Susanna (Gignilliat), 151 Jennings Caucourt, Artois, France, 152 Savineau Marais, 183, 323 St. Kitts, West Indies, 151, 255 Congregational (Circular) 155, 238-9, 327 Palthaser, 36 Anne, 88 Combahee River, 6, 48, 58, 144 135, 139, 202, 205, 211, Rebekah, 102 Christiana, 336 103, 118-19, 203, 288 Franois, 78 Cherigny, Claude de , 268-72 Susanne (Le Serrurier), 9-10, Esther (Michaud), 112, 126, 278, 303, 332, 334, 352 James Elias, 188 70-1, 89, 93, 141-2, 197-8, Modemen, Jeanne, 264 255, 257, 342 Eutaw Springs, 126 Faucheraud, 116 St. Thomas and St. Denis Parish, Martha, 199 271, 273, 276, 278, 293, 295-6, 170-1, 173-5, 177, 182-3 Jouet, Ferment, Anne, 194 Lynch, 50-1 Berteaud 273-7 Iron, 370 Paul, 60, 62 Jeanne, 260, 295 Susanne, 103-4, 113, 267, 289 Moyou (Moyon) Philippe, 196 William, 317-18 Marguillier, Jean, 307 Seron, 210 Saint Nazaire, France, 155, 157 Thomas, 23, 375 Taylor Augustus, 206 Bruage Citadel, France, 114 Robert/Roberts Thomas, 177 Pierre, 6, 47-8, 248 Frierson, 297 Hand, 371 Wetee Creek, 247 James (III), 164 Marie (Guerineau), 281 See also Waites. Bourdeaux. Richard, 243-4 John, 249 John, 102-3, 211 Judith, 89, 188, 265, 299, 301- Mary (Stone), 77 192, 208, 225, 240, 248, Michael, 168, 183 Mnigaut, Elizabeth, 201, 205, Peter (II), 289 Marianne (DuPuy), 344 Bertomeau Judith, 208, 242 The French Huguenot Church of Charleston, which remains independent, is the oldest continuously active Huguenot congregation in the United States. Malaria, 10 DuGu/Du Gu/Dugu, 288 Clerk (Minister), 54, 71, 298, Jennens/Jennins See also Picault. Bouvell, Elias, 56, 86, 238, 336 Elizabeth (Foissin), 173 Wig Maker, 181 Religious wars began in France. Catherine (Gaillard), 126, 141 John, 297 Ile Madame, France, 115 214, 239-40, 260, 296, 317 Ralph, 83-5, 148, 187, 214, Margaret/Marguerite, 192 Magdalen, 266, 276-7 Margaret, 189 Jenkins Endeavour, 13, 58, 65 171, 249, 329-1 64, 67, 78-82, 84, 105, 137, Bollard, William, 92 149-51, 210, 236, 239, 241, Tampl/Templet/Tampie, 80, 331 3rd. 214, 219, 222, 239, 274, Jeanne Elizabeth (Guerri), 37, Charles, 126, 222 Samuel, 118, 129-30, 139, 241 Elizabeth Catherine, 247 John, 359 Arrin Pierre, 75, 133, 148-9, 156, 199, 209-6, 218-22, 253, Alexander, 109, 115, 162, 190, Massachusetts, 166 Cocas, Eleanor, 184 Paul, 139, 215, 259, 316 ISAAC CAILLABEUF, n Ste. Madeleine, 249 Bonneau 132-3, 135, 144, 148, 165, Pierre, 106, 162 Pierre, 272 John, 52, 186, 196, 211, 359 Baton, Isaac, 117, 168, 357, 359 Skippers Point, McClellanville, Fublaine, France, 50 Then, on April 13, 1598, as the newly crowned Henry IV, he issued the Edict of Nantes, which granted to the Huguenots toleration and liberty to worship in their own way. 338 Pilots Boat, 361 Hlne, 124, 126, 131 James (II), 130 St. Lucia Island, 39 Elizabeth (Cater), 237 French Santee Settlement, 58, 63, 252, 254, 327, 342 Margaret, 189 Anthony (IV), 173 Bolton Robert, 61 Marion 262-3, 293, 296, 299-301, Morrison, H. T., 353 106, 109, 140, 158-64, 191, Stephen (III), 336-7 Leslie, 39 184, 195, 200, 206, 208, 260, 261 264 Attacks in NC, 291 Jane, 174 Ravenel, 4, 104, 287, 374-5 Serrurier) de, 148, 210, 242, These extended themselves at first only from the lower ferry at South Santee - Mazyck's Ferry - about two miles below Wambaw Creek, in St. James Parish, to within a few miles of Lenud's Ferry and back from the river into the Parish of St. Denis, called the Orange Quarter. Fordyce, John, 36 Jean, 227 John (III), 275, 276, 277 Rabousson (Notaire Royal), 64 Chapron, Marie, 56 Madame, 136-7, 250 Willinghams Ferry, 127 Samuel, 279 Valvot, 87, 330 Stephen, 162, 190-1 Daniel, 9, 11, 17-8, 29, 40, 45, Daniel, 46, 87, 114, 216, 286, Jacques, 9, 200, 231, 256, 279 Murrell, John, 314, 335 Archdale, John, 13, 15, 60, 97 Benoit, 44, 171 165-7, 202, 219, 224-5, Elizabeth (Peronneau), 237 Morritt, Thomas, 35, 280 Judith, 310 James, 322 5. pp 76-78, Charleston, South Carolina, 1897. Henri, 210, 239, 251-2, 256-7 Faucon, Nicholas, 194 Mary (Faucheraud), 116-7 Isaac, 135, 249, 252 Isaac (IV), 216-17 Salt, 11, 63, 66, 120, 163, 273, Anthony, Jr., 241 Cornelius, 151, 270, 272, 357 Savanna Creek, 123, 125 Elizabeth (Gaillard), 126, 237 Watahan Creek, 20, 46, 153-4, 195, 227, 261, 348, 349 Joseph, 97, 126 37, 49, 73, 74, 77, 88, 90 Damaris Elizabeth de, 283, Schaffouse, Switzerland, 121 Elizabeth (Bacot), 200 Brockinton, Jane (Savineau), 324 Abraham (II), 190 Pierre, 110-11, 117 Jerman/Jermon, 34. La Hourdin, 268 Elizabeth (DuBose), 102 314, 315 Cramah Chateau, 78, 79, 85 Hewes, John, 354 North, Mary, 306 Mary (Miller), 261 Mary, 77 Calhoun Race Course Tract, 332 Santee High Road, 33, 123 Isaac DuBose (c1661-c1718) joined the Huguenot Church, Threadneedle Street, London on 23 Aug 1682. 224, 233, 262, 274, 302, Nova Scotia, Canada, 39, 87, 108, Banbury Catherine, 240 Jean, 254 Elizabeth, 239 Kings High Road, 52 326 DuPort, 259 PIERRE DE ST. JULIEN, Malacare, n Vitre en Bretagne, fils de Pierre St. Julien, Malacare, et de Jeanne Le Febure, Damaris lizabet Le Serurier, sa femme. 123-4, 127, 130, 136-7, Cypress Swamp, 158, 269, 276 In 1690, Charleston was the fifth largest city in North America,and remained among the ten largest cities in the United States through the 1840 census.<. William, 217 William, 101, 308 Melcher, 245 Marguerite (Rembert), 35, 161, Fisherman, 232 Margaret, 275 Skrines Ferry, 36, 38, 125, 127 211 Marie Elizabeth, 150, 238-40 121, 284 Jeanne Burgeaud, sa femme, n en L'isle de R. Alexander, 263, 333 John (II, Jr.), 195 Orei, 178 Back River, 72 14. Tour de P/La Tour-de-Peilz/,,,,,,,,,,_South_Carolina,,, Abigail, 48 228-9, 254, 315, 344 Sieur de Malacare, 281, 309-10 Serr, 61, 332 Catherine (de Senleque) de, Jean (II), 140 Lynchs Creek, 49, 51-2, 103-4, Dewees 163, 175, 181, 187, 190, 215,, Suzanne, 264 Mickee/Mickie Although the Huguenots settled along almost the entire eastern coast of North America, they showed a preference for what are now the states of Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and South Carolina. 6 Joseph, 237 Ralph, Jr., 84 High Road to Charlestowne, 348 James (II), 140, 163, 164, 321 Louis (II), 112 Chastaigner, 78, 292. 250, 278 Birmont Burgeaud Port Royal, SC, 5-6, 58, 144, 361 Elizabeth Harris, 76 Stead Mr., 235 Nouail/Noel, Anne, 281 188-9, 192, 221, 329, 331 Shaw, John, 174, 193 Sarah, 174 Ormoy, France, 264 Bullwat. Layware Grocer, 120 Pooshee Swamp, 283 Susannah, 208 Martha, 173 331, 332 Louis (II), 45, 55, 95, 102-3, Sewee Indians, 29, 168, 174, 180 161, 188, 221, 329 Anthoine Bonneau, Jean Henri Bonneau, leurs enfans nz en France, et Jacob Bonneau, leur fils n en Caroline. Wambaw, 22, 35, 37, 40, 144- Tradesman, 6, 15, 156, 181, Pierre, 211 Chastelaillon Barony, 342 Mary Esther, 275 Herne, John, 317 David, 103 Johnston Didcott. Margaret (Lynch), 171 Ayme (Lefebvre), 310 . Anne, 98 Corneille Isaac, 184 John (II), 164, 258-9, 324 Elizabeth, 172 Elizabeth (Belong), 78 8 175 Anne (Valleton), 189 253, 265, 282, 285, 300, 105, 111, 121, 137, 141, 144-5, Joseph, 35, 70-1, 90, 109, 287 Andrivet Shipwright, 4, 234, 326, 357-8 Anne (Le Sade), 134 Israel, 266 75, 79-80, 91, 124, 207, Rhett Mary (Jermain), 55, 194 Bilonm, Mr., 178 Benjamin, 151, 236 French Huguenot Jacques de la Planche / Jacob Plank. Evans 284-8, 306-8, 348 St. James Santee Wardens, 54, 69, Pennsylvania exceeded those in South Carolina.1 1 Laux, "The Huguenot Element in Pennsylvania," p. 1. 324 Susannah, 189-91 Apothecary, 51, 120, 205 Susanne, 206 LaRoche Jeanne, 75, 186, 243, 245, 247 Cambrai, France, 111 Gosfraight, Kifiana, 208 Abel, 17, 50-1, 195, 265, 357 New Babylon to Eden: The Huguenots and Their Migration to Colonial South Carolina. Jean, 166 Marianne (Gourdin), 153, 201- Joseph, 279 Edward, 322 Wragg Anthony, 78 120-28, 130-2, 165, 223, 278, 283, 297, 299-301, Chartrons, France, 56 167, 180, 182, 184, 191, 194, Low Countries, The, 371 Catherine (DeBloys), 226, 348, 177, 193, 210, 242, 257-8, Wambaw, 37-8, 40, 126, 166, Dawson, 325 St. Andr de Valborgne, France, Mary, 336-8 248, 264-8, 270, 283-4, 289- Susannah, 297 John (II), 233, 309 Mme, 86 The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine VOL. 329, 350 Battery Warren, 239, 374 Esther, 103 Judith, 189 De Bourdeaux. William, 115 317, 323-4, 333-5, 345, 375 118-9 The Huguenots of Colonial South Carolina provide a forum to look at the experience of a minority group in colonial society and how they dealt with the process. 184, 197-8, 265, 270, 291, 327 141-2, 157, 162, 166, 178, 182, Anne (Guerri), 224 Pays de Vaud, France, 253 Mr., 209 Sarah, 337 Le Febvre/LeFevre Jeanne, 358 John, 77, 156-7 Marguerite (de Bourdeaux), Baird Shipping Broker, 209 Andrew, 266, 277 Hastrel Favre Wilcox, Mary, 338 Mme, 299 Catherine, 339 Sawmill, 6-7, 115 He was many years a leading member of the Provincial Assembly, and was appointed one of the Assistant Judges of the Province in 1740. Serjeant, 337 Madeleine (Dieu), 211-13 Thomas, 324 John, 169, 170-2, 190, 233, 64-5, 72, 75-6, 79, 85, 114-5, Elizabeth, 89, 185-9, 304, 355 Fort Brescon, France, 79 282, 312, 314-15 Moody Bunce Island, Sierra Leone, 62 See De Farcy. Elizabeth, 132 Ville Anne, 134 192, 222, 225, 227, 273 Mary, 184 Charente River, France, 114 Mary (Sanders), 272 288, 290 74, 117, 132-3, 179, 225, Estienne, 142, 166 The English settlement embraced within the Parish of St. Stephens, was designated as English Santee, while that below, composed of Huguenots in the Parish of St. James, was called French Santee. Abraham, 141, 143, 149, 151, Louis, 9, 74, 75, 344-5, 357-8 Buckly William, 352-3 238 1750 . Lowndes, Rawlins, 238 Jean, 132 Mary, 55, 174, 193-4, 261 Sauvagot, Marie, 323 Hamilton Jeanne (Prinseaud), 335 261 229, 253, 279, 326, 358 Barbados, 30, 180, 183, 192, 207, Peter, 315, 319 205 Isaac (III), 102-3 Magdeleine, 197 Catherine, 237 John, 61, 92, 103, 111-12, 126, William, 162 Samuel, 85 Sieur de Landes, 63 Elizabeth, 76 Jacques, 350 Bonnetheau, John, 116, 233, 340 James, 351 298, 380 Champignon 188-90, 199, 218 Madeleine (Rembert), 103, Pierre, 344 Esther (Marion), 237 Judith (Mayrant), 242 Suron, Joseph, 326 Brionnet, along with Jacques Lefvre d'Etaples, shaped Marguerite's religious beliefs, and she in turn encouraged reform within the church and the need to reinterpret the Scriptures and translate them into French. Henri Auguste, 6-7, 9, 57-8, 240, 269-70 90, 293, 299, 310, 313-15, 323, Paul, 240-1 Esther, 237, 350 Susannah, 253 Magdalen Elizabeth Rachel (Fanton), 72-3, 133 258, 267, 274-6, 297-8, 323, Henry, 62, 153, 201, 203, 204, Fickling FORUM ARTICLES SEARCH. Marie, 166 Margaret, 172, 221 DArabin, Jeanne Ren (de St. LAURENT PHILIPPE TROUILLART, n la fette Regnault Roidam, fils de Pierre Trouillart et de Marie. Ren de, 63 John, 68-9, 86, 102, 137, 167, Jeanne (Huberson), 135, 249- Jeanne, 106, 158-60, 163, 164, Jaudon 109, 292 Paiset, Elizabeth, 268 Physician, 75, 115, 135, 162, New Orleans: Pelican Pub. Mary, 184 Nicholas, 17, 50-1, 357 They organized their first national synod in 1558, in Paris. John, 261 Marie Ester (DuPr), 198 Press, 2005. Steers, Thomas, 118, 156, 243 Marie (Le Gendre), 209 300 They were disposed to look on the settlers, whom they had joined, in the favorable light of bretheren and fellow adventurers, and though they understood not the English language, yet they were desirous of living in peace and harmony with their neighbors, and willing to stand forth on all occasions of danger with them for the common safety and defense. A history and genealogy of the Huguenot family of Ravenel, of South Carolina Ravenel, Henry Edmund. Cuming Ralph, 31, 36, 129, 174, 192-4, Le Prou, Andre, 264 336 DeVeaux, 277, 341 Greenland Tanner, 11, 47, 114, 124, 139, Marie/Mary, 178-9, 181, 201, Fanton Potell/Postell, 53, 63, 90 Bernard Franois, 187 Oldmixon, in his history of Carolina, published in 1708, remarks of Craven County, that it is pretty well inhabited by English and French. Caleb, 286, 288, 349-50 Marie (Chatagnier), 85 Clarke, Robert, 355 Elizabeth, 311 173, 177, 183, 335 Charlotte, 84 Gamaliel, 369 Jean de, 64 228, 365 John, 302, 306 Giton 139, 219 192, 279 Schoolmaster, 47 Dauphin Province, France, 16, William, 259, 261 Summerville, SC, 269, 373-4 La Court, Marie, 53, 259 Elizabeth Ester, 153, 202 Sieur de Cramah, 9, 78-9, 81-2 69, 126, 215-6, 219-20 191, 285, 290 345, 357 Jeanne, 283 Sara (Bertomeau), 185, 245 Collins Creek, 18 See also Pepin. 262, 279, 286, 288, 298, 302-3, Murray Creek, 154 Broad Path, 125, 200, 231 Hannah (River(s), 203 Guillaume, 181 Elizabeth, 148 Fountain Creek, 20, 22, 121, 145 Rachel, 116 225 Judith, 198 Mary (Gendron), 140 Hooper, Mr, 198 Palatinat, 195 Certificate of, 358-9 The surname "du pre . Toumeys Geological Survey, 375 Peter, Jr., 196 Susanna (Maybank), 244 226, 306, 354 Delabastie. Falmouth, England, 5, 57 John, 133 Callard, 345 Pierre, 6 Sarah, 116 South Carolina French Huguenot Immigration - 1690 To 1700. Susanne, 303 They established the settlement Jamestown on the Santee River north of Charles Town, and elsewhere in the lowcountry. Crouch Andr, 74 Spanish Florida, 58 On that day, soldiers and organized mobs fell upon the Huguenots, and thousands of them were slaughtered. Fougeraut, 196. Jean, 345 Sara (Bertomeau), 185-6, 245- Claude, 327 Daniel, 254-5, 257, 259 Servant, 9, 44, 55, 74, 76, 97, 227, 288, 347-51, 358 Sarah, 338 Margaret, 40 Susannah (Stanley), 259 Sarah (Ford), 171 Anne, 220 Elizabeth, 268-72, 292, 317 General Resources; History & Culture; Libraries, Archives & Museums; . Susanne, 58 Nicholas, 17, 53, 62, 273 Mrs., 138 Keating Lewis, 351 Codner Peter, 103, 279, 321 Dutan, Elizabeth, 264 Peter/Pierre, 68, 75, 90-2, 99- Many Protestants took part in the expeditions to Brazil, Florida or South Carolina. Mary, 108, 334 Joseph, 46, 114 45, 69, 70, 73, 85, 87, 94, 106- Anne (Chastain), 271, 294-5, Orphan, 69, 83, 84, 294, 356 ", from: