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google_ad_type="text_image"; Im here to serve you! Opal is found near Smith Creek in Carbon County, and if you want to find quartz minerals, they are located from north of Saratoga along Wyoming Highway no. The ranchers might harass you, but I just harass them back, since its public. popular museums of interest to rockhounders, places to visit, and rockhounding sites for children and families. TIP:Rockhounding is much easier when you use proper tools and equipment. Additionally, you cannot progress away from Black Rock to the southGoogle Earth and maps for the area are old, but mining concerns have cordoned off the area and dug huge swaths of land away, so youll just drive for 30 minutes and get stuck. You can also find quite a few more interesting minerals like amazonite, tourmaline, and beryl in the tailings of old mines scattered across the hills and mountain ranges. Interesting sedimentary features near Adobe Town, WY: 7.) Please take our survey about how you use and access the data we provide on our website. Hello, I am John.As a little boy, I was fascinated by stones and liked to take them home. Cryptocrystalline quartz varieties like agate, jasper, chalcedony, and petrified wood are prevalent over much of the region. HOME Im going to try and find a shark tooth location to surprise my husband. lol Thanks again! I hope this will make it a bit easier to find information on my Wyoming rockhounding pages. Post navigation. ROCK SHOWS Gem, mineral. They were easy to dig out of formation, but even more easily were found eroded perfectly on the surface. google_color_text="FFFFFF"; Calcite for making lamps and also nice bots in roadside cut near Lander. Sharktooth Ridge teeth and trace fossils near Rawlins, WY: 6.) Becoming a member of one or more clubs or societies comes with a wealth of benefits. These include allanite, beryl, calcite-aragonite, columbite-tantalite, cordierite, feldspar minerals such as orthoclase, plagioclase, galena, graphite, kyanite, magnetite, manganese minerals, mica minerals, uranium minerals, and varieties of quartz. types. GreenDay hikes; can be done as overnights. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. google_color_text="FFFFFF"; Note: stramatolites can be found in some washes at the base of the Pryors nearby. And if you have any tips (Ill keep your finds a secret! Cracking them open reminds me of opening a Kinder-Egg with a surprise toy inside. These gemstones are found throughout Wyoming in Albany, Carbon, Natrona, Park, Platte, and Fremont Counties. Sign In. Natrona County is located in central Wyoming, and it is another excellent county when it comes to rocks or minerals. We are here for any questions or concerns that might arise about your adventures in mineral collecting. Anyway, follow that Jeep trail down toward the bottom, where it first starts getting pretty flat, and youll find a ton of fossils. Wall of crystals found hiking Big Balls of Cowtown Trail. At the top of this small incline, make a right. Rockhounding Locations in WY, MT; UT. Pegmatite and sedimentary rocks such as bentonite are also found in Johnson County. Agates, copper minerals, uranium minerals, and calcite-aragonite can be found throughout Park County in northwestern Wyoming. Clear chalcedony and vein moss agate occur along this countys outcrops of the Bridger Formation. Welcome to Wyoming Rockhounding Adventures, 2010 Rockhounding and mineral collecting reports, 03-27-10 Wyoming rock hounding agate and jasper, 04-23-10 Schrckingerite or schroeckingerite found at lost creek, 05-22-10 Riverton rockhound club field trip, 05-30-10 Orthoclase the other white crystal, 09-04-10 Wiggins fork moss agate petrified wood, 10-09-10 Malachite and azurite in the rain copper mountain part 3, 10-23-10 Azurite and malachite copper mountain pt4, 2011 Rockhounding and mineral collecting reports, 04-10-11 Schrckingerite or schroeckingerite found at lost creek part2. google_ad_width=120;