}. Yeah, well make that someone yourself and do whatever the hell you want.. Hi Shaid, Please use below code:-. Salesforce Consultant || 6X Certified Salesforce || 1X DevOps Certified || TrailheadRanger || Salesforce Lover || Follow me at https://shivshankarsfdc.com/, Automate record creation using Apex triggers, Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts, Test automation logic to confirm Apex trigger side effects, Test integration logic using callout mocks. Salesforce Trailhead Superbadge: Apex Specialist Solution Challenge 1: Automate record creation STEP 1: Create a new Trailhead Playground Install the unmanaged Package Rename Case to Maintenance Request and Product to Equipment STEP 2: Automate record creation using Apex Trigger Update the trigger MaintenanceRequest: Connect on telegram if you again face a similar issue, Hi jaffer. newItem.Equipment__c = equipmentId; @TestSetup newEMIRecord.Maintenance_Request__c=MRRecord.ID; newEMIRecord.Quantity__c=EMIRecord.Quantity__c; Challenge 3 - WarehouseSyncSchedule.class Copy the name of the package and use this command in the terminal. ), Press J to jump to the feed. The major problem that I have with superbadges is just understanding the question I have always known the input and output when I did programming. Contact contact = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName,Email,AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Email = test@test.com LIMIT 1]; where status = :STATUS_NEW]; Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c workPart = [select id if(newMRRecordList.size()>0){ Date newDate = Date.today(); if(result.get(oneCase.Id)!=null) { where Maintenance_Request__c = :emptyReq.Id]; system.assert(workPart != null); // List caselist = [Select count(id) from case where case] Would have to get back to you. }. } if(c.Type == 'Repair' || c.Type == 'Routine Maintenance'){ if(newProducts.size() >0) If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. private static void testMaintenanceRequestNegative(){ Please create a seperate trailhead playground for each superbadge challenge. } Maintenance_Request__c = requestId); Hey pratap! Hope it helps. pr.Warehouse_SKU__c = (String)productMap.get(sku); 6. Http http = new Http(); Use the included package content to . private static final string REPAIR = Repair; Test.stopTest(); Is there a resource that I can go through that could help my understanding of apex broaden out and then attempt this superbadge. new List(); The followings are the challenges to earn this badge: Automate record creation using Apex triggers. Let the universe renounce some goodness to you . @isTest for this code: @isTest Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. sign in test.stopTest(); list allRequests = [select id Its been long time I completed those quests. newDate = Date.today()+result.get(oneCase.Id); , TrailheadSalesforce I have a background in programming but I just can't understand most of the challenge. Install the unmanaged package for the schema and stubs for Apex classes and triggers. Tips, ApexWeb APIApexDML1, Trigger.new sObject List This query will return all completed batch, future, and queryable jobs that were completed today. from case]; Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c workPart = [select id @isTest }, Its not optimized but it gives me 500 points, and it is good! , Apex, ApexHttpCalloutMock If you don't get the complete picture of super badge, you can jot down the requirements and connect them(like a process flow diagram). Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. for(Case newCase : [SELECT Id, Comments, Vehicle__c, Status FROM Case WHERE Subject LIKE DummyOK%]){ } I create correct algoritm to find less maintenance cycle days. insert equipment; This superbadges require a bit of practical experience in apex and all of them are not available on trailhead. It looks good on a resume to be a contributor. List secondList = new List(); Account acc = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = test LIMIT 1]; } You signed in with another tab or window. Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c wp = new Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c(Equipment__c = equipmentId, System.debug(*** Total cases (expected 600): +numberAllCases); By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. } Apex Specialist. Skip to content. https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.ja-jp.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_scheduler.htm, ApexGUISchedulable Apex, [] [] [Apex] Apex , GUISalesforce maintenanceNew.Date_Reported__c = Date.today(); Try logging in and out and reverify. newCase.Date_Due__c = todayDate.addDays(numberOfDays); salesforce Share Improve this question Follow Try running this query in your developer org: SELECT Id, JobType, MethodName, Status FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE CompletedDate = TODAY. emptyReq.Status = WORKING; private static final string REQUEST_SUBJECT = Testing subject; PRIVATE STATIC Vehicle__c createVehicle(){ Modify the Apex Classes as below, save and run all. newCase.Subject=Routine Maintenance of Vehicle; Apologies for m caught quite off guard at this moment. I've successfully create a . } I find it really difficult to do anything on my own. If you're if that type, you can read the apex developer documentation. } insert workP; test.startTest(); https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.ja-jp.salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet.meta/salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet/salesforce_app_limits_platform_apexgov.htm, 3-8SOQLforTrigger.new100Trigger.new200(200200), for200 Step 1. Superbadges - Apex Specialist (The 'MaintenanceRequest' trigger does Apex Specialist Superbadge Data Integration Specialist Superbadge Lightning Component Framework Specialist Superbadge PROJECT: Build a Conference Management App [3 hrs 40 mins] Lightning Experience Reports & Dashboards Specialist [4 - 6 hrs] takes the place of the "Reports & Dashboards Specialist" superbadge retired in 2017. EquipmentIDListUpdate.add(EMIRecord.Equipment__c); I'm also trying to get more comfortable with Visual Studio Code with the Salesforce extensions. Map result = new Map(); Apex Specialist. Are you sure you want to create this branch? newCase.Date_Due__c=Date.today(); public static Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c buildItem(Id caseId, Id equipmentId){ id vehicleId = vehicle.Id; product2 equipment = createEq(); } Apex Specialist | Notes Collection maintenanceNew.AccountId = acc.Id; Apex Specialist Superbadge Null Reference on Challenge 4. insert somethingToUpdate; Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c workP = createWorkPart(equipmentId,somethingToUpdate.id); What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification? sign in For that, I would suggest the following udemy course: Salesforce Development Course. Is it a bug? upsert newProducts; Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. For the first release, there are four Superbadges that you can earn: Apex Specialist I'm going to go into depth a little bit more about the Apex Specialist badge a little later on, but this one focuses heavily on apex customization via triggers, scheduled apex and apex callouts. } Use above code for step 5 and then use system assert with constant 0 and returned value will be 0. maintenanceNew.Subject = 'Other'; caseToUpdate.add(newCase); // This object is available in API version 17.0 and later. } Also various YouTube videos and blogs exist. Vehicle__c=vehicleId); Replace male USB-C plug in lenovo charger cable Is it possible to talk with "a staff"? for(Case MRRecord: newMap.values()){ I am not able understand the issue, can you please help?? } if(Trigger.isUpdate){ Mock, product.isActive = true; Viewed 5k times . I have access to udemy too so could someone mention a course or something. If you like what I write and it has been ever helpful to you. https://takesurveyguide.com/safeway-customer-survey/. Apex Specialist Superbadge. Automate record creation using Apex | by insert workPartList; test.startTest(); This repository is for solving all the problems and pass all the challenges in the way of earning this superbadge. Vehicle__c vehicle = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Vehicle__c WHERE Name = car LIMIT 1]; check if u have creted a process builder , i did create a proces builder and deactivated and it worked for me. Apex SpecialistSuperbadge,Challenge-1 : Automate Record Creation,Challenge-2 : Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system. For that, I would suggest the following udemy course: Salesforce Development Course. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. System.debug(*** Updated cases: +caseToUpdate.size()); Integer numberAllCases = (Integer) [SELECT COUNT(Id) conteggio FROM Case WHERE Date_Reported__c = TODAY][0].get(conteggio); } Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new WarehouseCalloutServiceMock()); String jobID=System.schedule(Warehouse Time To Schedule to Test, scheduleTime, new WarehouseSyncSchedule()); //Contains schedule information for a scheduled job. I am working on "Advanced Apex Specialist" Superbadge but I am not able to pass challenge 1 as it keeps on showing me that Select one label is not created. if(maintenanceCycle==0){ , Test.setMockMock Retry the process aforementioned. Hot Network Questions oldNewCaseMap.put(c.Id,newCase); for(AggregateResult res :wpc){ } MaintenanceRequestHelper.createNewEquipmentMaintenanceItem(Trigger.newMap); private static void testMaintenanceRequestBulk(){ Challenge Not yet complete Here whats wrong: Trigger.new, ApexHTTPHttpHttpRequestHttpResponse }, insert listEquipmentMaintenanceItem; to use Codespaces. Is there a specific import order? Thank you for this solution! CronTrigger is similar to a cron job on UNIX systems. Trailblazer CommunityTrailhead, ApexSalesforce Developer, Trailhead vol2. With that being said, it seems like you need more understanding of the apex coding language in general. SYSTEM.assertEquals(newReq.Date_Reported__c, system.today()); @istest Change the labels for Case and Product To Maintenance Request and Equipment respectively. Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor. Almost every step has assistance posted on the Salesforce Developer and Trailblazers forums. LWC Superbadge Step 3 - Setup / Clarification. }, PRIVATE STATIC Case createMaintenanceRequest(id vehicleId, id equipmentId){ for(Case MRRecord: newList){ It did not work for me. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Is it a bug? Help with Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 3? @istest product.Replacement_Part__c = true; Step 1 Go through the Apex Specialist Use-Case,Business Requirement And Schema Diagram of the Story, Step 2 -Create a New Trail Head Playground so That there will not be any Problem while Going through the apex code, Step 3 -To Start the apex challenge Install this unmanaged package after that go through the Standard object and the custom object details in your org so that you might get understand the basic of the Requirement, Step 4 you all have the apex class made while installing unmanaged package, a. Update the following below code in the MaintenanceRequest trigger, trigger MaintenanceRequest on Case (before update, after update) {, // call MaintenanceRequestHelper.updateWorkOrders. Can you please help me out, I am also getting the same error. insert tmpCases; public static Map getDueDate(List CaseIDs) { from Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c A tag already exists with the provided branch name. private static void testMaintenanceRequestPositive(){. pazhukh/Advanced-Apex-Specialist-Salesforce-Super-Badge newCases.add(newCase); newCase.Status=New; }, @isTest static void test_triggerMaintenanceRequestHelperTest() {. newMRRecord.Subject=Routine CheckUp + date.today(); I would recommend you to follow the blog rather than looking into the code. vehicleToEquipmentMap.put(MRRecord.Vehicle__c,EquipmentIDListUpdate); product.Name = test; newCase.Subject = 'Test Subject'; newCase.Date_Reported__c=Date.today(); system.assertEquals(newReq.Type, REQUEST_TYPE); if(MRRecord.Status!= oldMap.get(MRRecord.ID).Status && MRRecord.Status == Closed && (MRRecord.Type==Repair || MRRecord.Type==Routine Maintenance)){ please help. Case newCase = new Case(); newCase.Vehicle__c=vehicleId; We are always on the hunt for writers that have something interesting to say! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Map mapOldCasesWithItems, Map mapOldCasesWithNewCases){. TimeZoneSidKey=America/Los_Angeles, UserName=stdtest@testorg.com); List caseList = new List(); if(!EquipmentIDListUpdate.contains(EMIRecord.Equipment__c)){ Integer addDays=0; Map caseKeys = new Map (CaseIDs); Rename cases and products to match the HowWeRoll schema, and assign all profiles to the custom HowWeRoll page layouts for those objects. maintenanceNew.Product__c = product.Id; newVehicle.Name = Dummy Vehicle; public static Product2 buildEquipment(){ } Hi, Choose the Tab (orObject) you want torenameand clickEdit. Case newCase = buildCase(vehicle.Id,'Repair','DummyOK_'+i_ok); public static void setupTest(){ insert requestList; for(integer i = 0; i < 300; i++){ i wanted to excel myself in healthcloud domain of salesforce as i have started badges of that domain on trailhead Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I am getting invalid type schema: for work_part__c, can you help me how to resolve this on, it doesnt seems typo error, but i cant find any field of such type also. }, Case newRoutineCase = createNewMaintenanceCase(oneCase.Id, oneCase.Vehicle__c, newDate); public static void updateWorkOrders(List caseList) { Automate record creation using Apex | by Shiv Shankar | Medium Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. } update emptyReq; newCase.Date_Reported__c=Date.today(); I think everyone has given awesome suggestions , I'll try to add some more insights -. List createdCases = [Select Id from Case where Type = Routine Maintenance]; GitHub - minicruiser/Apex-Specialist-Superbadge minicruiser / Apex-Specialist-Superbadge Public Notifications 13 Star Code Issues main 1 branch 0 tags Go to file Code minicruiser Update MaintenanceRequestHelper.cls 8b195dd on Jun 6, 2022 14 commits step2 Automate record creation Update MaintenanceRequestHelper.cls 8 months ago Make sure you create the Custom metadata records with the exact same names given (that matches the product families) In the constants apex class, declare all the properties as public static. } In that case the post hasnt been updated that much recently. }, public static void updateNewMaintenanceRequest(List newList){ By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Hey nelson..Save that test class first and then use the same, for Challenge #2 please run System.enqueueJob(new WarehouseCalloutService()); in Anonymous window, this will work for sure, Can someone please share the working code for 4th (this) challenge. Trailhead solution for Apex Specialist superbadge Challenge 1 - MaintenanceRequest.trigger and MaintenanceRequestHelper.class Challenge 2 - WarehouseCalloutService.class Challenge 3 - WarehouseSyncSchedule.class Challenge 4 - MaintenanceHelperTest.class Challenge 5 - WarehouseCalloutServiceMock.class and WarehouseCalloutServiceTest.class case cs = new case(Type=REPAIR, I'm having a really hard time finishing this challenge. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? system.debug(EMIList +EMIList); Here I have no idea what the input is nor what the output is supposed to be. which certification i should do to expertise myself in that domain, Hi there Neha ! centerfold boy girl gallerycara membaca heatmapjava print libraryNot when Mom says I have to go inside Keep on trying, and you can finish this badge! newEMIRecord.Equipment__c=EMIRecord.Equipment__c; insert vehicleList; Hope it helps, find it at the bottom of the website or search site name on telegram. Please edit your answer to include an explanation of your code. mukesh gupta. if(maintenanceCycle>0) } Origin=REQUEST_ORIGIN, GROUP BY Maintenance_Request__r.ID ]; result.put((Id)res.get(cID),addDays); private static final string REQUEST_ORIGIN = Web; Use integration and business logic to push your Apex coding skills to the limit with the Apex Specialist superbadge. for(Case MRRecord: newMap.values()){ SELECT Maintenance_Request__r.ID cID, MIN(Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c)cycle if(MRRecord.Type==Routine Maintenance){ for(Integer i_fail = 0; i_fail < 300; i_fail ++){ return equipment; List newCaseList = new List(); Please update challenge 6 as well as all the related material. Case newMRRecord = new Case(); if(res.get(cycle)!=null){ lifespan_months__C = 10, Thats a technical error. HttpResponse response = http.send(request); Maybe not optimized! for(Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c emi : emiList){ Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts. Career Paths. static private Case createNewMaintenanceCase(Id oldCaseId,Id vehicle, Date newDate) { from Case What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? emiList = [Select id,name,Maintenance_Request__c,Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c from Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c where Maintenance_Request__c IN: caseIdSet]; Map leastValueMap = new Map(); Vehicle__c Vehicle = new Vehicle__C(name = SuperTruck); } Also search for blogs, articles regarding it. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. } } The region and polygon don't match. requestList.add(createMaintenanceRequest(vehicleList.get(i).id, equipmentList.get(i).id)); system.debug(newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList +newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList); This is the message I get: Apex specialist superbadge challenge 4. 2022; static testmethod void testjob(){ Please lemme know if works. MaintenanceRequestHelper.createNewMaintenanceRequest(Trigger.oldMap,Trigger.newMap); Apex Specialist Tips, Copyright 2000-2017 salesforce.com, inc.All rights reserved., Trailhead Reports & Dashboards Specialist, https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.ja-jp.salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet.meta/salesforce_app_limits_cheatsheet/salesforce_app_limits_platform_apexgov.htm, https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.ja-jp.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_scheduler.htm. update caseToUpdate; debin-kuriakose/apex-specialist-superbadge - GitHub Eigenmann & Veronelli hiring DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SPECIALIST in Rho Udemy would be a paid platform, hence I'll suggest to first exhaust all the free resources and then jump on to Udemy courses. Check the name of the apex class created and match it in same fashion. } acc.Name = test; By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Learn directly from Salesforce experts. } ApexSchedulable , execute, Thanks for letting know. hi, martand please lemme know if it is verified, I ll update the same! for(Integer i_ok = 0; i_ok < 300; i_ok ++){ https://salesforce.quip.com/gJ3QAkFy6boE, Apex SpecialistApexMockApex cas.Status = 'Closed'; Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Closing a Maintenance Request of type Routine Maintenance did not create of a new . A limit involving the quotient of two sums, Doubling the cube, field extensions and minimal polynoms, Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers), Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). salesforce - Apex Specialist Challenge 1 - Stack Overflow MRRecord.Date_Due__c=MRRecord.Date_Due__c + integer.valueOf(maintenanceCycle); maintenanceCycle=EMIRecord.Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c; system.assert(allRequest.size() == 1); I am getting Variable does not exist: MaintenanceRequestTest error. List wpc= [