You may need to do some detective work on this and bring that out into the open. If narcissists are sure that theyre perfect, why would they mess with success? 2 Flaunt how happy you are without them. I switched tacks and did something close to what you described. I was taught at a young age to be a caretaker my grandmother choose me since I had patience. She has a cookie business, that he controls of course. He does have a good side, but I am beginning to wonder which is the real him. The saddest part is to deal with our son who copies his father, takes no responsibilty for his own behaviour and impossible to reason with most of the time. regards I think however there are differences in people with npd. Trying to Make the Narcissist Accountable is Keeping You Hooked. Others think he is wonderful. Once you give them that negative attention they will hold it over your head. Hi. Carry in a recliner with me after I asked you to please help me because it was outside and it was about to rain and you refusing, while sitting on the bed eating pizza. They bring their objective guidance, support and validation to your healing. He is a disbarred attorney who signed an amicable divorce decree but of course, has refused to pay a penny and has left us in a mess. He was agressive in subtile ways, ignoring me, humiliating me, always complaining about the things that were not good about me, telling me to put on other clothes if we went to freinds.. and so on. Dependency: You feel out of control and rely on the narcissist (often unwillingly . How to hold a Narcissist accountable.Holding a Narcissist How different from what I normally get from my husband. He said he hates himself and directs that hate to me, but that it is his own selfhate. Any hope of that happening? I have just learned in the past few months about these disorders. When he gets mad about you making the police report you need to be ready to say calmly that he did thousands of dollars damage to your car and so of course you needed to report it to make an insurance claim. Work on attachment and boundaries (there are defined in The Love Safety net Workbook) before you think about forgiving and the new church sounds great just give it some time. After another long fight, I agreed to add it to your tab and for you to pay it back with your monthly payments. I almost feel I dont even need to write my own post as pieces could be taken from almost everyones posts to write my story. As my solicitor said at the time they were far more afraid of her than me. Another common way for a narcissist's lack of accountability in relationships is to withhold from you as a form of punishment. But my heart knows that I will never be able to count on him to be there for me unless it suits him and his own needs at the time. I am assertive and have boundaries, yet none of the above techniques worked. I find the advise you offer well intentioned but in my situation my relationship is over. I did this wrong more than once before, I wanted to leave him four times already out of anger, out of fear and just in the heat of the moment, when we were arguing. So conclusion I dont think its wise to ask them would they feel more comfortable getting help from somebody else to help with the situation as they see this as a threat and if they are truly narcissistic they dont think they need help with anything. I realised my husband is always trying to prove what a good guy he is to everyone. Kim, you also say about leaving accountability to others. Powered by WishList Member - Membership Software. Go figure) Well we have been arguing for months now about the fact that he wants to Do this together but he wont make any decisions as to the details of doing it together financially and we end up fighting every time we talk about it. I was disappointed however, and stuck in my own issues, feeling like I gave and gave and wasnt getting much in the last couple of months we were living together. Hi Renee and welcome! Our whole program is about you becoming authoritive and able to take the lead effectively. He told her the other day that if she would be more involved then he would start putting that money towards her college fund! Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Ive learned a lot from this website, emails and posts. She was the kindest most loving, giving person I had ever been with.. until she wasnt anymore. Hey Welcome Cheryl and good job surviving the hell you were raised in, it is tough when we end up having to parent ourselves. It is not wrong to use this survival skill, everyone benefits and it is to ensure your own safety. I felt sorry for her. So I have learned that it is best to let true Narcissist alone, especially those that have untreated and unrecognized borderline along with the condition. How To Make A Narcissist Miserable - 13 Things To Do - Or is cutting off sex simply the same as threatening to leave him? Whenever we are growing closer, he will try and start a fight about nothing, just to give himself permission to get away and blaming me for it. Looking back we both use each other for opposite reasons. He will never admit hes wrong. Thanks for All you do & continue to do for all of us that struggle with this challenge. It went from serious concern about his behaviors to the police belittling my call for help (we are not here to solve your relationship problems) and the mental health services deciding Im disturbed and needed to be put in hospital against my will to give me a break from my husband. Id like to thank you for your work. While taking 60 days of total leave in a year and doing nothing. He has used me for money and to bail him out of problems continuesly and it took me a long time to realize it. That money was for her college fund. Thank you. He then made one last effort saying he wanted to see if he could salvage the marriage and his offer was that he would be willing to stay in the marriage, but I should not look to him to be a husband in any way. I ask myself, how can I love a person so cruel? They cannot put themselves into your shoes and feel or understand. )0: he is travelling so often, it is always possible to lead me on! Narcissists Are Not Accountable | Psychology Today Even to a point that it appears to be his decision letting you off the hook. That might not sound like much to some people for us we were lucky to go 5 days without something happening. I say, A job is important, it will make you feel worthy; and it will also make me happy. What he said was I love you but I cant live with you. It is very enlightening. Being a mom and knowing how much she had been through and not seeing you, I told you that was wrong and that I would buy her something. I do know he does not have credit cards because he just filed bankruptcy. This man I love cant own up to his own behavior that breaks the trust. Also, since it is getting harder to jack with mehe is moving on to our 13 year old daughter. (4) he lied to me every day, hides stuff and he verbally attacks me telling me what a liar, I am, how I lie lie lie lieWhen he is the only liar. In the case of a one off event I believe that yes the person should be held accountable preferably by a court of law. And I am practicing to manage my own defence. I left him four months ago , but somehow I found myself in a state of sadness and heart brokenness I have never thought I can handle for such a long time . Also you need to make sure first that your bosses have the backbone to deal with these people. For all this time I have been working on myself, attending classes through the church (designed for couples, but they are letting me go by myself)and I (unlike him) remember the good timeshe COULD be really, really sweetand my soul still loves him (its the only way I know how to describe it as it takes me out of the very human/ego part of me that is pissed as hell at the childish, immoral behavior) also lets me not put the blame on myself (which I bought into, and still do some days, like today). Hi Kim and Steve, He calls it the 4 Ds of financial abuse: Debt: Every discussion about finances - no matter how mundane - becomes triggering and turns into a panic attack. I have only learned that I must accept being crucified, and still have the opportunity to live forward. My parents are divorced. I had broken up with my ex (daughters father) 3 years ago in London. Living with individuals with NPD means accepting the facts of 1) being the only adult in the relationship and 2) giving empathy and recieving empathy. I was not a good wife, or mother, so on etc. realsing that being assertive and self reflective is of no prevail I fled him the day where he walked towards me with clenched fists, telling me I make his life miserable and he is suicidal! It is a relief to find this page. This has been my experience of Narcissists. Is it a good idea to just go and do my own stuff then in a non-confrontational manner? He is controlling, a bully, very verbally abusive, calls me every name he can think of, ignores me, lives in a constant disordered mess, hates everyone, is never wrong himself,has pychotic episodes (scary) lays blame on anyone but himself etc etc. Ive read a lot of wonderful responses to your article, but I especially would like to respond to Amy. But my brain knows that this is most likely the beginning of another cycle of hell, though my heart longs for it to be real. But I cannot pretend things r ok when I am not seeing them ok. He even told the marriage counselor he couldnt promise (an affair) wouldnt happen again! Ironic, isnt it, how many stories there are and yet in the midst of such circumstances we can feel so isolated. Butterfly is my chosen name because if you help a catteiller out of its cocoon it will die. The story above contains the prescription for striking fear in a narcissist by holding up the shining mirror of truth. Relation was ok, he has done many things which I know now were just leading up to hell. Thats something Ive learned to be so difficult with my husband (we are both men). here to come and talk to you when you get angry. Photo by - I am Liberal thinking person and positive too until I get around her and her negativity!She is constantly pointing out my shortcoming while I reserve my feelings about her shortcomings.. its as if she is talking me out of our relationship! Dear Michelle, (Comment 48) I dont understand why someone that doesnt have that connection stays, there are other fish in the sea you can find love you can find someone who is healthy and please dont bring your children into a narcissist relationship that is so selffish and unfair to them it hurts my whole soul to think about it. I was shocked. 4 Deny them what they want. Both of them were totally neglected and punished severly when they were young and left for the oldest sister to raise them. He was able to respect them for several weeksthen quickly deteriorated to the same behaviors, but worse. The result- she flew into a narcissistic rage and fabricated false allegations against me. I wish you both good luck . But wanted me to stay with him!!! I am far from having a healthy relation with my husband. I havent said anything yet.. You need to start today. My boyfriend takes no responsibility for anything that he goes. Do I defend myself how do I handle the lies he tells me or texts me. Making a narcissist accountable can result in them putting more effort into protecting themselves at the cost of everyone around them. Its all straight from the heart and tells it like it really is. As soon as we were separated and he had a chance to talk alone, he turned them against me. He HAS improved, but his basic method of interaction is still unempathetic bullying, put-downs, anger, outbursts, only occasionally considering my needs and concerns, and not being accountable for the little things in life. I am a school teacher, so I used many of the strategies I use to manage behavior with students, and they often work. Learn yours also. I really think that Kim & Steves ebooks Back From The Looking Glass and The Love Safety Net Workbooks would benefit you, even with the separation. He has not moved onto another relationship, though I suspect he uses porn as comfort. 13 1 Sponsored by TruthFinder Have you ever googled yourself? Unfortunately I had no where to take my boys and needed to sort this but by which time he had totally turned my boys against me poisoning them as a form of punishment. Im here to look for tools, connect with people with common problems, AND offer my unique story as well. He can have what he calls a bad day or two a week where I suddenly become his punching bag and then when I say hey, dont talk to me like that, he tells me how I brought it on and how I dont have any clue what he goes through at work etcyet he says he loves his job and wants to give his best!?!? I dont recommend this to anyone, but as his abuses escalated over a long period of time and never decreased, in addition to other factors, I very carefully planned and executed the plan to leave and divorce him so I could survive. I never did something like this in my life, but, Ive always been a very active person and did a lot on my own and now Im stuck in a wheelchair with limited funds and spend a lot of time and energy on my health. You must understand that Ive no family support to help me raise my 11 year old daughter and my family live in Oz, so this was a real blow to me Something snapped and I thought Right Im moving on. Kim, do you think your husband had to do something similar when he learned how to be more accountable? I do have two children from my previous marriage so I have to make sure our home is in order and there is food LOL, so to have him have natural consequences for example there not being food is not an option. I hope everyone reading this blog is able to share a genuine laugh or smile today. Because of this its probably best to not even try! (I dont want to date yet, am working on myself, but may need that piece of paper to feel comfortable to move forward. I have never loved nor despised a man as much as my n I was told that Your friends have told me you have drinking issues and you are not in control and Im worried about you This was said in a romantic restaurant in central London so Sandy stormed out and ran away.. (storm no 1) Then I was told that Im not conforming and I should accept him for who he is and was immediately slighted for not complying to his needs Storm no 2 On this one he persuaded me into the car and verbally abused me for an hour whilst locking me into the car Ive had telephone calls at the middle of the night for 3 hours with him trying to explain his point of view because I just dont get it Its a sad thing being codependent but Im now aware of my upbringing and why I always look for men to approve me. How to Make a Narcissist Fear You? 12 Greatest Fears of the Narcissist That was my on feeling of insecurity. But recently it has about chewed me up and spit me out. You laid the facts straight out down the line without a hint of self-pity or confusion about your rights as an individual, or as a mother. Mine treated me like a queen for 6 months. Because I want him to relax and be himself. And this already had effects. But I just feel like Im still the one doing all the work.