I have tried to include the more common variations. She was the first Goddess to own fire but when the kingfisher stole this gift she deserted the earth. Her name literally means Potato mother. DiscoverMoon Goddessesfrom Other traditions. These Volcano Copyright Symbol Sage 2022 All Rights Reserved. Different cultures and people interpreted the element of fire in different ways. In Roman religion, Vesta was the goddess of hearth fire, home, and family. She was often represented by images of serpents or snakes and legend says she sunk a whole town into the waters of the great lake, making her a figure to be both feared and revered. rain, rivers and seas), which were said to have healing properties. Learn about the gods, stories & themes of our ancient ancestors. The Aztec people had many gods and goddesses that they worshipped, ranging from traditional sun gods to mythical gods and figures. Moon God. List of fire gods - Wikipedia In the Inca beliefs, Mama Cocha is one of the four elemental, divine mothers; the others are Mama Nina, the goddess of fire, Pachamama, the goddess of the earth and fertility, who presides over planting and harvesting and can cause earthquakes. Copyright 2007-2022 www.Goddess-Guide.com. Amaterasu is the sun goddess in Japanese mythology. for survival. Freya is known as a giant, and also possesses powers of magic, making her a key figure in Nordic mythology. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. In ancient Japanese mythology, honoring Fuji is possible by participating in a fire ritual. They are worshiped and honored by always tending to it and preventing it from distinguishing. Source: AncientPages.com Read rest of the article here, Most Detailed Geological Model Reveals Earths Past 100 Million Years, Ecological Improvement Of Freshwater Ecosystems Benefits Fish And People, Clevelands Prehistoric Sea Monster Had A Mouth Twice As Large As A Great White Shark, Ancient Manuscripts About Sea Monsters Solve An Ocean Mystery, 200 Tons Of Silver Hidden From The Romans On The Shores Of The River Lahn, Shiitake Mushrooms And Its Evolution A New Study, Nefertum God Of Lotus Blossom, Perfumes, Aromatherapy, Beauty In Egyptian Mythology, Fascinating Slavic Mythology Offers Surprising Insight Into The Mystery Of Reincarnation, How Gilgamesh Defeated Mighty King Agga Of Kish, Durendal Magical Sword Of Knight Roland That Cut Stone Boulders With A Single Strike, Mead Of Poetry: Odin Gave This Magical Potion To Gods, Valkyries And Humans, Arimaspians: Mysterious Mighty Warrior People With One-Eye, Mythical Submerged City Of Ys Europes Own Sodom And Gomorrah, Before Ragnarok: Horryfying Fimbulwinter In Norse Mythology Was Based On Real Events, Mystery Of The Kusanagi Treasure: The Legendary Sword, Yam: Tyrannical Hydra-Like Sea Monster God Cast Out Of Heaven, AncientPages.com Read rest of the article here, Scientists Use Satellites To Track Earth Greening Amid Climate Change, Manannn Mac Lir Irish God Of Sea, Healing, Weather And Master Of Shapeshifting. Discover the names of the star Goddesses and the regions that they came from. In Incan mythology Mama Kuka was originally a promiscuous woman who was cut in half by her many lovers. Legend says she grew so large, she can no longer move about the jungle and stayed in a single spot, allowing vegetation to grow over her body. As Oya is considered the guardian between the realms of life and death in Ancient African mythology, she is extremely powerful, resulting in both love and fear from those who follow her. Connecting volcanoes with fire gods is a common theme in ancient religions and mythologies. As we learned to control fire, we acquired the crucial ability for our survival. This aspect of fire can be seen through myths related to the Egyptian fire goddess Wadjet. Saint Brigit was also believed to be the guardian of households, protecting them from fire and calamity. Zhurongs fathers name translates into Skillful Pot. Show more Asian drama. All those that followed the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire by Francisco Pizarro burned the records of the Inca culture. She is also known as the goddess of the hearth, domesticity, family, state, and virginity. The Importance of Fire Goddesses Across Cultures, 10 Symbols of New Beginnings with Meanings, Persian Lion and Sun Symbol History and Meaning, Do I Need Sodalite? Inti, the Sun God. Mama Killa was the moon goddess and it was believed that she gave the Inca people silver through her tears. It was believed that she lived in the family hearth, providing warmth, comfort, and peace. According to the Yoruba religion, Oya is the African goddess warrior ruling over fire, magic, wind, fertility, as well as violent storms, lightning, death, and rebirth. Goddess of Fire Trailer - YouTube According to various myths and religions, fire symbolizes a variety of things, including desire, passion, eternity, resurrection, rebirth, purity, hope, but also destruction. Goddess of the dawn and twighlight, she is described as the beautiful wavy haired maiden. In other depictions, Xiuhtecuhtli can be seen wearing turquoise chest coverings. Fuji (Ancient Japanese Goddess of Fire), 9. A list of deities from Inca mythology. Nina is the Babylonian goddess of the oceans, and an Incan goddess of fire. It is not necessary to live near or have access to a volcano in order to honor the ancient fire Goddess. The latter is Mama Waira, who teaches the Inca the art of spinning. Home; Apps. Pachamama is also the Goddess of earthquakes. As the goddess of the hearth fire, she was honored and venerated in both homes and temples. Simply lighting a single candle flame is one of the quickest ways to honor Fuji. The latter is Mama Waira, who teaches the Inca the art of spinning. What kind of name is nila? - TimesMojo Inca Gods - Tierras Vivas She represented the eternal flame of the hearth fire, the sacred place for ancient Romans. Fires are offered to please her. Aetna (Greek and Roman Fire Goddess Mythology), 4. Welcome to Mythopia, where I publish articles on the Monomyth (the oldest story ever told). Also known as the goddess of war, healing, plague, chaos and the desert sun as well as the destroyer of the enemies of Ra, Sekhmet is the goddess of fire in ancient Egyptian religion. performed by the woman. Learn about the gods, stories & themes of our ancient ancestors. She is also known as the patron of the Niger River and she is the wife of another Yoruba god, Shango. Here the element of fire is temporarily tamed. french hooks gems: green, blue, red it does have a Hebrew meaning: "God is gracious and has shown favor. Loki is a Norse/Germanic God of Fire. Her name is interpreted to mean the daughter of Agni, the god of fire as well as the one consecrated from fire or the one born from fire. She is a source of health and provider of food. In fact when the maize develops in multiple growths that look like the head and limbs of people, they are dressed in fine clothing. whose altars and temples remain outside the city walls. This links her with other many breasted goddesses, such as Ishtar (Mesopotamian) and Artemis (Greek). To this day, its customary to cremate the dead in some cultures. Full Moon 24 Jun 19:39, Imbolc - Feb 2ndOstara - Mar 21st/22ndBeltane - April 30th/May 1stLithia - June 21st/22ndLammas - July 31st/Aug 1stMabon - Sept 21st/22ndSamhain - Oct 31stYule - Dec 21st/22nd, Imbolc - August 1stOstara - September 21st/22ndBeltane - Oct 31st/Nov 1stLithia - Dec 21st/22ndLammas - Feb 1st/2ndMabon - March 21stSamhain - April 30th/May 1stYule - June 21st. The Newsletter is due to be published in -44990 days, on the . Fire Goddess as a Symbol of Life, Fertility, and Love; As the heart of each household, the hearth fire was the source or warmth, light, and food. Sekhmet was known as being extremely cunning, fierce, and, as some recall, even bloodthirsty. Her temple in the city of Rome was located in the Forum Romanum, housing the eternal flame. It's currently on the decline again, as the 322nd most popular girls' name in 2018. By: Author The Editors of Give Me History, Posted on Published: January 10, 2022- Last updated: May 28, 2022. Banks; Starbucks; Money. Agni, also known as the Hindu fire god, is not only a fire God in Hindu mythology, but he is also the guardian deity of the Southeast regions of India. Draupadi is extremely popular throughout Indian mythology and is exuberant in her expressions. Goodess of marriage, festival and the moon. According to an old tradition, one way to worship the goddess of the sea is to bathe in its waters at midnight. From her body grew the first coca plant the leaves of which are chewed to boost energy and are used by the Andean priests in ritual offerings known as k'intus. Also known as Tt Pele and Madame Pele, she is believed to be the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. The Inka Goddesses reflect the Inka view that the whole of the cosmos is made up of living energy. This symbolic interpretation is best seen through the funerary and memorial customs. Jocano, F. L. (1969). Hestia is most often referred to as a goddess of both family and hospitality, and may more commonly be linked to the Greek God Zeus himself. Freya is one of the most well-known fire goddesses in history and in modern times today. In Greek mythology, Hestia is known as the goddess of the hearth fire or the Greek fire goddess. Zhurong is noted as being simplistic in nature, desiring nothing, and being addicted to nothing. In Norse mythology, Loki is known for becoming increasingly more menacing and mischievous, ultimately resulting in being banished to a cave by The Gods until the end of the world. She was the protectress of virgins and young girls, and associated with spring and renewal. Fire Goddesses Around The World - The Extensive List - Symbols and Meanings A member of the research team dives into Lake Titicaca, which straddles the border of Bolivia and Peru. Therefore, the hearth fire goddesses, such as the Greek goddess Hestia, the Celtic goddess Brigid and the Aztec Chantico, were seen as fertility, life, and love symbols. This civilization was formed by a very religious population. We have tried to collect as many Holy Aliases as possible. The name Caia Caecilia is also said to be the authentic Roman name for Tanaquil, who was the wife of Tarquinius Priscus of Rome. Chasca - Myths & Beyond Brigid is also a fertility goddess. For the full alphabetical list of alternative names, check out Godchecker's list of Inca deity names . Thanks to these myths and folklore, we can conclude that fire is perhaps one of humanitys most important symbols. God of the hearth and wealth. In Chinese mythology and history, the Shanhaijing, or the compilation of Chinese mythic geography, represents Zhurong as the son of the father, whose name means play with pots. She became the first female porcelain artist of the Joseon Dynasty. The Pandavas brothers were all known in Indian mythology to be sons of the Gods. 3/4: Aginid Bayok Sa Atong Tawarik: Archaic Cebuano and Historicity in a Folk Narrative. She is also responsible for providing plenty of fish, preventing storms, and calming the waters for their safety. According to one myth, it was Inti who gave the gift of civilization to human beings, via his son, Manco Cpac. Famous Ninas in history and pop culture include musician Nina Simone (born Eunice), journalist Nina Garcia, and actor Nina Dobrev. Other times, she would be closely connected with Hermes, and the two deities represented domestic life as well as wild outdoor life and business. Sea and fish goddess, protectress of sailors and fishermen. the Globe that experience volcanic activity include Volcano Goddesses within The name Prometheus, is a name that means forethought, which is likely why so many highlight the wisdom and intelligence of Prometheus. How do you say baby girl in French? - Reviews Wiki | Source #1 for Chasca is linked to the planet Venus and is the servant of the Sun God Inti. Theres a number of deities in different civilizations worldwide that represent this aspect of fire. According to Gaelic folklore, shes also known as the goddess of poets, healers, smiths, as well as inspiration and childbirth. They are the personification of different expressions "Mother Sea" or "Mother Lake", hispanicized spelling Mama Cocha) is the ancient Incan goddess of sea and fishes, guardian of sailors and fishermen, wife of Viracocha, mother of Inti and Mama Killa. T'boli Art: in its Socio-Cultural Context, pp. To purify them, they were usually burned at stake. Fire gods and goddesses are some of the most ancient types of gods in numerous mythologies, from Greek and Roman to Hindu and Chinese. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The daughter of Agni, the Hindu god of fire and the sun and Svaha, Agneya is the Hindu goddess of fire. Agischanak (Tlingit) Mountain Goddess of the Tlingits of Alaska. She is depicted with multiple breasts, and represents the womb of the world. cleansing. These "dolls" are treated as the manifestation of living energy of this Goddess. Other meanings include "favor" and "grace." Agneya was greatly loved by her devotees. happy home. According to Hindu mythology and ancient cosmology, Agni is known as one of five main elements found to sustain life. In the Indian Brhaddevata, it is said that Agni was dismembered and placed among the grass and other earthly materials, where he then transitioned into the God of Fire. She uses light to draw sprouts from the ground and inspire blossoms. The Roman Goddess list contains names and attributes of over fifty Roman Goddesses. Fuji (Ancient Japanese Goddess of Fire) Goddess of mount Fuji. People have used fire for hundreds of thousands of years. The name Nina has enjoyed pretty consistent popularity in the U.S., remaining in or around the top 100 names for most of a century. In Ancient Roman mythology, the Vulcan fire god is the equivalent of the Greek fire God Hephaestus. Darago (Philippine) The warrior Goddess associated with volcanoes. When she gave birth to a son, she demanded that the father step forward. Other times, shes known as The Lady of Devouring Flame, who uses her fire to destroy her enemies, just like a serpent would use its venom. Nina Femme | Feminine Care Products in South Africa The regenerating properties of fire are represented by the sun. The ceremony is organized every 8th of September and includes dances, music, and serving of food. All rivers, lakes, mountains, animals, plants, and meteorological phenomena possess such a spirit, according to the Inca. For this reason, volcano goddesses are often extremely powerful and formidable. According to the Aztec religion, Chantico, or Xantico, was the goddess ruling over the family hearths fires. An Introduction to Inti and the Inca Sun God - ThoughtCo Due to his father, Izanagis grief, Kagutsuchi was beheaded. The Inca civilization flourished in the Andes mountains of South America between 1400 CE, and the early 1500s. below including Darago and Masaya. Nina is a common name in Russia, This name also nearly coincides with the Spanish word nia meaning "little girl". 75 Girl Names That Mean Strength for Your Powerful Girl Fox, R. B. was a traditional realm of the fire Goddesses as the role was traditionally Introduced to Britain in the 13th century. Ancient Desert Mystery Did Thousands Vanish Without A Trace Because Of An Ominous Prophecy And Revenge? She is the wife of Viracocha, the God of Heaven, and mother of Mama Quilla, goddess of the moon and fertility and Inti (Inti Tayta), the Sun god. Fuji, the ancient Japanese Goddess of fire, is known for her strength and majestic appearance. LIDAR Discovers Giant Ancient Mesoamerican Calendar Structures Were Aligned To The Stars, New AI Technique Will Help To Decode Long Lost Languages Of Ancient World. Inca society was a theocratic society, meaning that politics and religion were completely intertwined. In a historical context, it is debated whether Loki is simply confused with Logi, which typically means fire, of fire, or the personification of fire. Hearth fire goddesses were seen as protectors of households and families and were often associated with women and marriage. Tabiti represented the primeval substance from which the universe was formed. In Japanese mythology, Fuji is known as a giant mountain or volcano. Nina was popular in the 1880s and declined but only slowly until its least popular year, 1978, before skyrocketing to its all-time peak in 1980. Her main role was the prevention of destructive fires. The women who did it asked for health, beauty, strength, and fertility. He can help those who believe in him with prosperity, fertility, success, and even with the healing of the body. Mama Cocha is the ancient Incan goddess of sea and fishes, and protector of sailors and fishermen exposed to dangers at sea. New Historic Site Page Added - 29/03/2012, River Uncovered After 100 Years - 29/03/2012, Block Voting Cookie To protect their beloved moon goddess, they would attempt to scare it away by throwing weapons, gesturing wildly and making as much noise as possible. Like Hestia the Greek Goddess. This is a list of deities in fire worship. Even the farmers have to worship and make offerings to Mama Cocha because she controls annual rainfall that affects crop health, and is beneficial for agriculture. 20 Inca Gods and Their Most Outstanding Attributes worshipped at a community level in many ancient tradition. Mama Cocha has always been particularly important to people living alongside the coastal regions due to proximity and daily dependence upon the sea. In Africa, Oya is known as the Yoruban Goddess (not to be confused with the African fire God) of weather. Wadjet (Egyptian) The Lady of the flame, this serpent Goddess used fire to burn her enemies like a snake spitting venom. She works as the chief editor of Symbol Sage but also takes the time to write on topics that interest her. The second one on our list of fire goddesses is Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and fire. Cultures in different parts of the world tell various tales and myths about the element of fire and its different properties. Potatoes were a vital food source for the Incan people, and most villages would have a particularly odd-shaped potato to worship, embodying the spirit of Axomama. Zeus, feeling angered and betrayed by Prometheus temptation and his own actions, banished Prometheus to a mountain, where he was bound and chained. To the Q'eros she is a living being on whom our physical lives depend. Pele, the ancient Hawaiian volcano goddess, is one of the most well-known figures in Hawaiian mythology, even today. . In addition to the Yoruba religion, she is venerated in many cultures and religions including Haitian Vodou, Santeria, Quimbanda, Candomble, Umbanda, and folk catholicism. All rivers, lakes, mountains, animals, plants, and meteorological phenomena possess such a spirit, according to the Inca. Mama Cocha was another primordial deity, who resided over the sea. Weve researched the most prominent goddesses that are directly associated with the element of fire and created the list in alphabetic order: According to the Greek and Roman mythologies, Aetna was the Sicilian nymph and the volcanic goddess representing Mount Etna. In some regions of empire people believed she was the goddess of all bodies of water, including lakes, rivers, and even human-made watercourses. There are a variety of different spellings for each of the Inka Goddesses, as Quechua the main language of the Inkas was not written down. who is the personification of the South East direction. Catch Goddess of Fire, now on #iflix! Controversial Artifacts No One Wants To Examine Thoroughly: Is There Something We Are Afraid Of Discovering? She was regarded as a love goddess, and according to lore, she communicates to people through clouds and dew in a type of geomantic divination. The Inca believed that problems arose when people took too much from nature, thus placing a great strain on Pachamama. To find out more about other Goddesses associated with. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In todays post, we will be examining the symbols of , Despite not being a flashy character or having amazing war , If youre human and at least somewhat aware, the image , A thumbs up is the universal symbol for approval while , Todays post is about a symbol most of us are , Best known for their gorgeous appearance, layered petals, and long-lasting , Depending on how a culture or spiritual system interprets the , We are carrying on our articles series on spiritual symbols , Oya, African/Yoruban Goddess of Weather, Fire, Death and Rebirth, Aetna, Greek Goddess-nymph of Fire and Volcanoes, Brigit, Celtic Goddess of Fire and Wisdom, Feronia, Roman Goddess of Fire, Fertility and Freedom, Sun Gods And Goddesses, The Personification of Sun Across, 2023 Symbols and Meanings - Your Ultimate Guide for Symbolism, Symbols of Prosperity, Wealth and Good Fortune, Greek Goddess Hestia Symbols, Sacred Animals And Plants, The Full List, 7 Diverse Meanings Of The Pirate Skull and Crossbones Symbol, Ancient Universal Symbols & Their Meanings The Use of Ancient Symbols, Skull And Crossbones Symbolism, Meaning, Origin: The Pirate Jolly Roger Flag, Dahlia Flower Meaning and Symbolism Top 10 Special Aspects, Famous Octagram Symbols and Their Meanings, Merkaba Star Meaning And Origin: Merkaba Symbol In Sacred Geometry And Meditation, Tattoo Design Ideas, Greek God Symbols, Sacred Animals And Plants, Ancient Egyptian Symbols And Their Meanings. Through these myths, people sought and continue to seek inspiration, hope, and enlightenment through the fire, or the protection against its devastation. Her name translates from Quechua as "earth mother" or "world womb." Malinao in hald with a thunderbolt; Unnamed God: a Bicolano sun god who fell in love with the mortal, Rosa; refused to light the world until his father consented to their marriage; he afterwards visited Rosa, but forgetting to remove his powers over fire, he accidentally burned Rosa's whole village until nothing but hot springs remained, Makilum-sa-bagidan: the Bisaya god of fire. These civic fires In Egyptian mythology, Ra is the heart of the gods, and without him, all gods and goddesses would simply cease to exist. A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - In one of our latest articles, we presented Mama Ocllo, an important deity in the ancient beliefs of Inca people. "Ishat, Phoenician Goddess of Fire--fire goddess phoenicia phoenician goddess canaanite goddess canaan levantine goddess heat goddess", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_fire_gods&oldid=1142808801, Rirryaw Aitu: Ivatan place spirit Aitus who played music and sang inside a cave in Sabtang, while lighting up fire; believed to have change residences after they were disturbed by a man, Mangkukulam: a Tagalog divinity who pretends to be a doctor and emits fire. Mama Ocllo was a fertility Goddess who founded the Inca capital Cuzco with her husband/brother Manco Capac. These types of myths and legends usually involve deities who are in some way associated with fire. As the volcano deity, Aetna was passionate, fiery, temperamental, but also generous. According to Japanese mythology, Kagutsuchi is the cause of his mother, Izanamis death, during childbirth. Kolash (Human from the nest) was the god of birds and their trills. They feared that if the beast ever achieved its aim, then the world would be left in darkness. It provided a sanctuary and the feeling of protection. Manila: National Museum. Nina has reach the top 10 most popular girls name 2 times, and has reached the top hundred names 15 times. In fact, in Indian mythology, Draupadi is extremely approachable, even if her main focus and attention are often turned to managing and directing fire at will. Chasca ~ Goddess of Dawn. The hierarchy in your pantheon was determined by the importance of each purpose. 112 Followers. their mythology and folk tales. Without further ado, here is the complete list of female deities of fire. Rex Book Store, Inc. Ouano-Savellon, R. (2014). There is currently a theory put forward by Gary Urton that the Quipus represented a binary system capable of recording phonological or . It was believed that Chantico was a guardian spirit, protecting homes and everything precious and valuable. . The T'boli Creation Myth and Religion. Sekhmet is said to have been the peoples punishment when Ra, the Egyptian Sun God (also referred to as the fire God of Egypt) became angry with them due to not following laws or maintaining justice. Names with similar meanings include Amara, Carissa, Anita, Jessica, Nancy, and of course Grace. Still, first of all, she has a unique relationship with the Andean sacred lake, Lake Titicaca, which is central to the Inca creation stories. allowed to go out. Oya seeks to find justice and to provide punishments for those who offer up dishonesty, deceit, and injustice to the world. Agneya (Hindu) - Daughter of the sun God Agni, she is worshipped as the guardian of the South East.. Brigit (Celtic) - Goddess of the forge, hearth and sacred flame. Aetna is known as the goddess of fire and the goddess of the volcanic Mount Etna, located in Sicily, Italy, in Greek mythology. There is no Hawaiian fire God, only a goddess in ancient Hawaiian mythology. Nina's average ranking is 634.48, with it's highest ever rank being #. Along with fire, water, air, Earth, and space help to form the existence that we perceive and see all around us in our everyday lives. The A-Z list of Fire Goddesses below deals directly with the element of fire. As one of the oldest deities in ancient Egypt, Wadjet is highly admired throughout Egypt. Cite this page The Editors of Give Me History, "Top 20 Fire Gods and Goddesses Throughout History," Give Me History, January 10, 2022, https://www.givemehistory.com/fire-gods-and-goddesses. Vibal, H. (1923). Aetna is most commonly known as the mother of the Palici by Zeus. Oya (African/Yoruban Goddess of Weather), 10. In the Inca beliefs, Mama Cocha is one of the four elemental, divine mothers; the others are Mama Nina, the goddess of fire, Pachamama, the goddess of the earth and fertility, who presides over planting and harvesting and can cause earthquakes. It is said that Chantico held the power to deny or permit access to enemies and strangers alike. Its accidental extinction often symbolized a failure to care for the family and religion. Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, is normally depicted as two fish swimming in opposite directions. Xiuhtecuhtli is also known as the fire in cold, light in the darkness, life after death, and food during famine or wartime. In literature, Nina Zarechnaia is a character from Anton Chekhov's 'The Seagull,' plus there are characters named Nina in 'Vile Bodies' by Evelyn Waugh and 'Phineas Finn' by Anthony Trollope. Sekhmet is considered a healer, hunter, and warrior. She was ashamed because of Conirayas low stature among the gods, and ran to the coast of Peru, where she changed herself and her son into rocks. American keyboards cannot spell the difference between Nina and the . Stata Mater (Roman) An important Goddess of the capital of Rome. She protected fishermen and sailors, making sure that they had plenty of fish, preventing storms, and calming the seas. Mama Allpa was an Earth Goddess, who nourishes all life. Discover the meaning of the goddess names and archetypes by exploring their myths and symbolism. In such cases, the Inca people would dress the maize like a doll, treating it as a manifestation of Mama Sara. Mama Cocha - Inca Goddess Of The Sea With Strong Connection To Lake Freya is a Nordic fire goddess, known for love, beauty, wealth, magic, and even fertility. Nina is as multiethnic as you can get: Nina is a common nickname name in Spain and Russia, a Babylonian goddess of the oceans, and an Incan goddess of fire. Mama Quinoa She was the goddess of quinoa beans. The element of fire can be very destructive and She was protected by the pharaohs and also simultaneously considered the protector of the pharaohs herself. Fire is used in a controlled way to cook and heat the home. 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