They will blindly continue to follow like sheep and let somebody sticks something that has never been FDA approved. So thats where our focus needs to be. So what happens? And I, Im ashamed of myself now 40 years later, because I at 25 was drinking the Kool light Kool Aid, like many of our 25 year olds are now basically saying, you know, wait a minute, its your bad behavior that got you sick, Im working 24 hours a day to make drugs for you. Post by @Cynthia85345839. But we weve understood what project Looking Glass is in this, you know quantum field that we live in. Most of you know that we lost three channels over the weekend, some of you who dont know, I have a solution for everybody when this happens now. Yeah, your circle all these years? So if you want the Patriot Street Fighter gear, thats where you get it. He is also the creator of the Patriot Streetfighter podcast where the very first episode explaining the military operation behind the 2020 Presidential Election put him into YT censoring stardom as it went viral worldwide. And so were saying what bullshit This is in the entire time theyre going over the loudspeaker saying you know, masking is federal law you have to wear this you have to wear that no bandanas and were all sitting there saying its not a law there is no law show me the code of law you know this app call the sheriff you know you cant be saying this over the loudspeaker but were just sitting there saying is and and but were wearing the mask the whole time. You can read our entire affiliate disclaimer here. Meet the Tomahawk-Toting QAnoner Terrorizing School Boards The Patriot Street Fighter Revolutionary Army is resonating is resonating everywhere all over the world. Go ahead and hit me with it. So this is, this is this is our good old president, Ronald Reagan. He claimed that this tour was very different from the first one that was held and this tour consists of his "dream team" of people. 1:13:22 If you cant find me, you cant find the live streams. Im so pissed off about what was done not just to anybody, but specifically you and Ben for the reasons why and I want to I want to go right into that real fast. Were going into the second phase of that Wednesday I havent decided on yet. So I spent the next 45 minutes over the back of the chair, my chair on my knees, and His hands were in so I was had had that, you know, the handshake, you know, kind of developed handshake both of his hands for about 45 minutes, because hed come out of it. I think thats where the religious order the satanist gun control, the religious order made us believe. I literally see stars, and Im still trying to hold my iPhone behind me. Oh, he used AZT at too high a concentration at the wrong time. And those two young women I saw them lined up filming on their iPhone at least two of the young women I was talking to and I said please film it did the mask is in my hand. MIMICKING THIS CHANNEL AND THE PSF REVOLUTION. Read About All Possible Detoxing Options HERE. Im like, Im never wearing that. I dont know if itll be drone footage or whatever, but just want to put that out there to you. It goes right to it from either strike One, two, were taking the whole damn candle down. The police chief youre gonna want to hear tonight tomorrow night. See for me in Santa Barbara Ventura area where I live. NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. Thank you Scott for being OUR warrior!! We are using a secure payment processor called STRIPE. They said a conviction is something youre willing to die for. he locked him out of the house youre locked him out of your office, 1:06:35 Want to share news with us? Thats why I continuously tell people, do your own research, you know, do your own research, and that means finding out what you need to know. And thats when it all began. Because they these are the theyre the the good guys are a outnumber these pieces of shit. So even Starbucks, even some nutritional supplement companies have to say if there theres a chance you get these cancer causing fumes. Pastor Dave from His Glory has a great conversation with Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay. Yes, he by now. But anyway, you can do that there are people standing up everywhere. Exactly a 62 year old woman and shes going to teach her so he keeps going and Ive got it on tape. And accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay & Michael Jaco: 2023 is the Year of the Takedown of the Deep State. Scott McKay | Patriot Streetfighter - Telegram But is trying to get the truth out on our social media platforms and our videos. One is the bravest woman in America, Cathy O'Brien, author of "The Trance Formation Of America" and MK Uktra sex slave survivor of the elites in Wash DC and around the world. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. I know theres going to be a an event in town. But you know what, what we need to do is go to these city council meetings or any of these other meetings where these people are held responsible. Anybody else that fits that billing. And I heard people say, why would Trump allow this? So we have patriot Street Fighter 1112 and 13 are up and running. Please check the description below for more info .Our backup channel :The TNT Report 1 : Resurrection Tour is now in motion and we've been invited to bring the Patriot Streetfighter Tour into the mix with 84 stops around the nation over 4 months beginning Mid-May. Im wearing to save the kid shirt or anything to do with child sex trafficking. Patriot Street Fighter! Pal Bulletin is trying to build a Pro Trump community & it is our goal to add whatever the deplorables need and want to see on this website. So you want to go to the radio show. Wow. Gonna be over the nose. We are a proud member of the WhiteHat Movement. But let me tell you. This is bullshit. We hope you dont mind as its expensive to pay for bandwidth and time to do this. Never say Gallo for him. Because then President Ronald Reagan had campaigned on were gonna reduce the size of the government, which was pure fraud, they reduced the size of the government by riffing, you know, firing, mainly the women, the nothing the technicians, and, and, and then putting them on a contractor. Were gonna get this tour. I learned really young so Im in the biological response modifiers program, I get hired by Frank crosetti. Judy was Pennsylvania. T hose of us who grew up in the 1960s have fond memories of one of the best World War II television series 12 O'Clock High.The series ran on ABC for three seasons from September 1964 to . I was on the phone today with a police officer from a certain city here in Texas. 8:13 And anyways, folks, Judy Mike ovitz is her education, if I understand correctly, is in rheology. Operation Tomahawk from Patriot Streetfighter on Vimeo. And then the course of the things building up to that before I said, Wait a minute. And it has to do with why we went into Afghanistan, right? In physics a phone on is a collective excitation in a periodic elastic arrangement of atoms or molecules in condensed matter, specifically in solids and some liquids often referred to as a quasi particle it is an excited state in the quantum mechanical quantization of the modes of vibrations for elastic structures of interacting particles. So we went into Afghanistan. 2:18 But I want to see if we get him out of it. past me for a while until somebody young fella had a seizure behind me. Number five, 23:52 And they try to say my name is and I said Mike Have it. Let's Break the Censorship Together, Opt in and Spread the Word! By Kerry Cassidy September 24, 2022 1 Min Read. Im working Republican politics. Telegram channel "Scott McKay | Patriot Streetfighter - TGStat You cant hear the music. It was supposed to be a promotional video, a promotional video for our upcoming book, plague of corruption, that book was supposed to publish november of 2019, October 12, the 13th of 2019, I gave a talk at the truth about cancer, which was entitled, persecution and cover up and Im talking 2019, Im jailed. Its it says triple A or man mesh. Thats, you know, patriots certainly, I mean, need to work together. 19:13 Read our Pledge HERE. Lets just call her Karen is standing at the door. Youre hurting me Leave me alone. Yeah. But everything goes in the description of these videos. And then I would just hang in there like hanging buddy, I got you. Santa Barbara is a is an unbelievable echo chamber. And this is what our books are about. 26:27 This is why coalition jsoc missions, that if you dont know jsoc, thats Joint Special Operations Command special operators. Subscribe now for access to all new broadcasts, videos and posts! So this is a problem when they say pull it up over your nose because I cant pull it up over my mat mouth. And we say Simply did the work to try to save humanity and just just put the truth out there without rule without regard to these corrupt this plague of corruption that I now call it, you know, thats the the long and the short of everything. Theyre using this COVID bio weapon attack, to hurt us into the pen. 31:48 Yeah. We are trying to spread his message to everybody . I have a bit of an idea but basically, in my opinion, this is this differentiates the same kind of technology as the med bed technologies Sonic healing technology, sound waves phones. Ill take it, give it to me. If a discrete time translation symmetry is broken, which may be realized in periodic periodically driven systems, then the system is referred to as a discrete time crystal, a discrete time crystal never reaches thermal equal equilibrium as as it is a type of non equilibrium matter. This, again, is describing something similar to project Looking Glass. So, of course, I walked in with no mask. I got out of college applied, read a news ad in the Washington Post. This is Judy Mike ovitz Dr. Judy, its a true pleasure to have you here. I will on the run that weekend say put something out telegram. Im staying on this issue. And these people dont look, I was in an echo chamber in the Republican Party. And I jumped right into fort Dietrich Frederick Maryland and and and just the plague of corruption, which is what our book our new year. Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. You know, I said, Yeah, you didnt target me when Im flying with Bobby Kennedy Jr, digit. Because its a puzzle piece, you take what fits what doesnt discard it. 1:14:34 Please consider donating to our page. Derek Johnson, Captain Kyle, Tironianae & Kelly: Law & Order, Trump Im not going anywhere Dont you dare touch me and dont you judge my phone is as the other one whos behind me the all only all way and all I can see is that hes got dark hair and they get on this plane and and so he I start until finally he comes to attack me And I unbuckle my seatbelt and I say Im getting up, you know and and he grabbed me by the left arm and Im wearing this jacket, by the way, almost is exactly what I got on a professional. It was actually called a reduction in force. Its at Scott If, if you dont hit the home run bonus life, folks, it isnt your only chance. The Greatness of 12 O'Clock High - The American Spectator | USA News In fact, hes going to pick up the gas, and the hotels for me. But um, you know, Im, Im defined by that time. You know, they had to watch you take the medication and watch you swallow it. From from Big Pharma sign up big looks like I said Big Pharma I beat him I beat the hell out of them because they have overstepped their bounds they saved my life. But patriot Street Fighter seven is ready to go we will be up on Monday and we are having Chris sky from Canada he I talked to him today he is the Canadian patriot Street Fighter I told him today you are the Canadian patriot Street Fighter with what hes doing to share the rights of the Canadian citizens in that country. I was just asked to an my I cant think of Mikes name shoots out of shadows. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Scott McKay is a very well spoken and well researched patriot who follows the Q movement and is very familiar with politics and the take down of the global cabal. We make seminal discoveries they call us city, its all along one paper I remember on the gene expression, the epi genetics and how HIV could could regulate how that latency my PhD was latency in that that monocyte macrophage that innate immune cell and how it activates and if you simply so the that my PhD thesis committee said based on your thesis will Magic Johnson die of HIV AIDS and everybody was dying in 1991. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and have indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. He has people in his household that exactly this militant TDs to the max. i locked about a house which is my office its raining, 1:06:37 Im honored to the gave us you this for this long and Im honored to have you here and I am truly honored. Youre right. You dont immune activate somebody with a retroviral infection spread through its body, his body and kill them with another infection. I interview Scott McKay a fellow broadcaster about his views on Trump and team, the playing field and how various issues may interfere with goals and agendas. And Im sitting there, whats he doing? Theres nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. We havent forgot about you, you know, were focused here at home, were going to get this done here. This isnt for me to say, you know, that this, this is the reality that I know to be 100% true. Privacy Policy They dont have the courage, the true courage a human or a man to have have to have their own convictions to understand why they have the convictions, its easy to pick up somebody elses dialog and say, Oh, yeah, me too. Every requires a mask, you get that in a text message, etc. What it means is, I have no fork in idea. This will ignite all the other good guys in the department to step up and say you know what? I promise you were gonna get there. Ill let him tell you why he connected with me. Theyre that, you know, for we remember from from The Philadelphia Story, we remember that youre not allowed to touch them think about COVID Whoa, dont touch them. This says, Yeah, this is kind of off that path of where we were going. I want so I watch Santa Barbara is a very small airport I want I I walk in Ive got the same mask. Its enough of this bullshit. But I didnt think we would be going down this path. You can read our entire affiliate disclaimer here. And people talk I hear this yesterday from David had a good idea. I dont care who it is. You got to be a guy that thinks intellect is what I respect. So folks, um, what were going to talk about tonight, I was lucky enough to to have people that knew Dr. Judy. Theyre at least not dangerous. If I see something I push a lot of people to other channels, I bring them on this show. Patriot Talk: Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter Interview W/ Francine And Allen of In The Prophetic. Scott Mckay is an amazing person and a very devoted patriot that tries to bring light in a world that darkness used to be the norm . The information warfare, the misinformation coming out, the infiltrators into what we call the Patriot movement are the truth or is that its kind of a strange name. Okay, so that just gives you kind of an idea, the kind of stuff that the things that I see, and try to figure out where it fits. So when you get a chance to get to get a chance to meet him. Thats what it takes. These people are full on leftists, and for a businessman and hes its hard for me to withhold the milk post pussy wareness sisters skinny jeans, because you know what I respect I respect you have to be tough guy. Breaking of time symmetry only occurs in non equilibrium systems. We will not monetize this channel . Theyre not done. You know, comes back a couple times. So yeah, I made the product we got it done with with my boss at the time and, and a couple weeks later, I got fired from that job. We have a great guest. Im a professional woman traveling. The person that knows the least always knows that the loudest. This isnt protecting people. 2:27 Theres no question with what you people are doing. Scott Mckay is an amazing person and a very devoted patriot that tries to bring light in a world that darkness used to be the norm . These cookies do not store any personal information. And they were rightfully afraid of us. access to the good Karens out there. One of them that did step up as you know, I thought heres a guy that talks about doing your research. And most of us last year, were very aware of, you know, her prominence in the exposure of the criminal Fauci and the criminal empire are the satellite of the Empire CDC over there. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. But lets not forget, Robert is the main organizer, and carrying the expenses of this tour. I mean, and Im ashamed of myself for that behavior than because, you know, we now know we were all lied to as kids, and I was living right in the middle of it, and wed have two young men come in, and and we literally, it was like prison when I was in, in jail back in 2011. So at that point, when I started loading a plane, Im putting up resistance, your comms manager, whatever. You know, I dont want to have this conversation. Latest Posts. Join here for free For those who joined up alreadycontact me hereso I can add you to the queue for adding your invite link on Survive the News. 15.9K Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter , edited 17:47. If you purchase something from these links we or the owners of those links COULD get paid for that. Again, its on the trains, its on. Im going to talk about where Intel counts, the discernment you have to have not me in particular for this, you know that theres been enough information given to me that its proving you know, the legitimacy of it. So I dont want to hear the rest of here. As I said, Im going to go as far as I can. Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter & SG Anon Revealed! The Emerging 48:03 Scott McKay and Patriot Streetfighters Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovitz,, Kim Iversen: Pfizer Exec Caught Hoping Virus Never Ends So Pharma Can Make Bank, Portly Hillary Clinton Appears on Stage with Pete Buttigieg at Clinton Global Initiative U Conference (VIDEO), Spate of Whale Strandings Near Offshore Wind Projects Becoming Impossible to Ignore But Feds Still Deny Link, DEVELOPING: Residents Told to Shelter in Place After Train Derailment in Springfield, Ohio (VIDEO), JUST IN: Presidential Candidate Whos Never Held a Political Office Beats Out Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place In CPAC Straw Poll, Real Housewives of Orange County Star Announces Youngest Daughter is Transgender Named Ace. Oh, by the way, for the tour, folks, I would suspect a number of you people might have been donating for this. Now, as I, as I watch it, looked at this and did a little researching on this, you know, on this technology and, and the articles that I read, that has something to do with whats happening now. Good to have you folks. By probably like 95% to five or less probably way less than that. Or do you want to lose the country? How can I help so theres so many people who reached out to me other people who sent me these bits of john kerry and and I wanted a shout out to the Buffalo Bills football player who stood up in uproar on a plane and defended you know, another another black man on the plane who was being bullied by the stewardess and said, No, this is your problem. Ill kind of figured out what how I figured out how I learned that. But its the same thing. Christian actor and writer Kirk Cameron was met with resistance by public library workers in a small Tennessee town after they learned he was going to present a pro-God message during his book tour. Its just total bullshit to be, never could figure that out, couldnt rectify myself one shot here. Nope. So you understand the kind of Intel that Im getting. Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. Lets get together Say hello to you folks. None of your payment info goes to us it all goes to them. Follow Conspiracy Music Guru Here. Hey, you know, Ill be over here at a certain time. You're on patriot Street Fighter eight still, I believe seven is ready to go. They were Fauci and company were targeting all the drugs towards the CD for T cell, which was dying for a but yet we knew that only one in 10,000 T cells was infected with HIV. So Ill send you Yes, we can make it we can make it public, I believe is that I dont know his name. They just take the laws on our side, every part of the Constitution and the law is on our side. Its forgotten country accepted. I was going to get into this every time Im like, sure that take its in a cellophane go upstairs. Ive got a whole stack of them here that I give to the kids. And shes like being nice to me after that incident, and the nicest guy in the plane. Im flying first class so I dont stop for breakfast. And theres care and the flight attendant like, Oh, shit, its gonna be a long flight. Wait a minute and isolated it from the saliva folks. So I did read through that. +Scott McKay+ -Patriot StreetFighter- == Asymmetric Warfare & Patriot Infiltrators,, Were going to address it. If If King shit Spurlock would remove somebody like me or my Jayco or somebody like that. Youre hurting me. MyPillow WINS! 2. We will have me see tomorrow night schedule just so you know whos on deck this week. Type above and press Enter to search. Address: 4447 N. Central Expressway, STE 110-198, Dallas, TX 73205 And were Im 24 years old, and and many of the other young women technicians who were, you know, either pregnant or married, you know, we know nothing about this. Conservative guy from Hollywood. Please Help Support BeforeitsNews by trying our Natural Health Products below! And when they rejected it, you know, and and this is the kind of garbage you get in peer review. And this is what theyre doing right now with COVID-19. I talked to him tonight on the tipping point on revolution radio. You know, what, what about science and that, and thats what youll see in our upcoming book ending plague. so were yeah so hes i dont know why my face is all right i was out on the beach before i jumped on this call but yeah so anyway thats thats the end of the story so he says well you know if i take these handcuffs off you know youre signing this thing and im like yeah motherfucker you take those handcuffs off and youre lucky you dont get my foot right in the middle of your balls oh wait a minute you dont have any you know i love, 1:08:46 Its it is what it is. Everybody has a perspective, I had mine, Ive learned that the drops in the Intel always had a multi year Delta. Scott is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been involved in a number of small start up companies. When designing a unique treatment plan for your specific ailment, he believes in involving his patients and families in the decision-making process. You have ALLOWED me to continue this fight. Right? Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. I dont know about Lynn, I just heard this recently. But I wanted you to understand two things. 10 Things you Never knew about Scott McKay Patriot Street Fighter And Im like, Oh, man. american american okay and so i sent you by text oh the next day somebody sent me john kerry special envoy to the president sitting on an american airlines in first class in in la by the window looked a little left side of the plane but it looks like looks like my flight hes sitting there with no mask on eye on nobody nobody viewed no mask in sight its not even around his neck her in his hand its nowhere to be seen oh yeah they didnt take him off the plane or on saturday that the united airlines pilot that had a perfectly see through mask one of the ones they listed is as unacceptable on their website last i looked you are doctors youre not medical professionals you cant none of this has no basis in science and medicine this is just control this is lets just see if we can get everybody down your bow down and kiss my ass glide said it before and ill say it again i dont bow down to anybody but god and im not bowing down to anybody its just simply not happening so its you know and and so this goes on for a while where you know finally you know im hurting pretty bad and hes like youre going you know youre going to jail and that didnt work well last time where i dont get out of there for five days and i cant do anything about it and i know i hear you david ill be out there in a minute so my husband just came home and i locked the door so he wouldnt interrupt us, 1:06:32