Studies show that people read differently online than when they read printed materials, therefore, when you write for the Web or social media you should: A. Develops a strategy or plan for handling the incident, monitors it in process, and adjusts the plan as needed. The subject is the. Dont date your materials by using the year or referring to news events that will become out-of-date quickly. Derrick Jensen: The feedback we received from them, from the local media that we work with on a regular basis and have a pretty good relationship from them . At the completion of this lesson you should be able to: The previous lesson introduced tools the PIO can use to communicate with the community. Check off the things you would plan to include in your Go Kit and add other items as you see fit. Some important considerations to effectively use evolving media include developing: Now you have an understanding of the advantages and limitations of traditional and evolving media. This lesson focused on how to communicate effectively, which involves: In the next lesson you will learn how to use your tools and skills to communicate information about being prepared to your community. Many times the site of a crisis or disaster may be considered a crime scene and needs to be processed by forensic units. An important part of your role as a PIO is to communicate with your community before something happens. Identify the purpose of what you are writing and start with the main message. (A media pool refers to a group of news-gathering organizations pooling their resources in the collection of news.) With an eye on public safety, the mayor began looking for a way to educate people about disaster preparation and response. They will go other places to get other information (local citizen reactions, sidebar stories, etc.). In Lesson 2 you learned about the many different media options you have, including: Select the right medium or right mix of media for a strategy to get your message to your target audience. All social networking sites allow users to find people they know among the members, or look for other members with similar interests or affiliations. What is in it for them? 20. C. will transfer to a planning position if no media covers an incident. Score .9906. Technology allows anyone to be a journalist. Images, sound, and information captured by the public can be used by traditional news organizations, or posted to social media sites, and broadcast globally. Making sure community members understand the events that unfold during severe weather, pandemics, and non-emergency scenarios . Are there cultural differences to take into consideration? As the PIO, you must know your organizations role in an emergency and have emergency management knowledge, including: This lesson introduced you to your role as a Public Information Officer (PIO). The Public Information Officer gathers, verifies, coordinates, and disseminates accurate, accessible, and timely information on the incidents cause, size, and current situation; resources committed; and other matters of general interest for both internal and external audiences. Simplify complex ideas by using short sentences. The test questions are scrambled to protect the integrity of the exam. The Governor declared the emergency following a similar declaration by Liberty County. Sit on your coat tail to keep your jacket from riding up. Office: (301) 447-1200 Fax: (301) 447-1201, (800) 621-FEMA / TTY (800) 462-7585
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Your organization may have other format preferences, such as single-spaced and one-page only. Distribute family emergency preparedness kits through community elementary schools is both clearer and more meaningful. Contact local, tribal, territorial, and State press associations to obtain media lists. The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Public Information Officer (PIO) training program is designed to provide PIOs with the essential knowledge, skills, and abilities to support proper decision-making by delivering the right message, to the right people, at the right time. Mayor Holden: We have what they call Mayor Mouse, and Mayor Mouse basically is operated to go to various schools. Now that you have some tips for better writing, lets look at how to write a news release. Look at the audience, but dont lock eyes with any one person and dont look into the camera. It can be taken alone or before Basic Public Information Officer Training (G290). Sound bite B. Themes weaved throughout the series include the 95/5 concept and an emphasis on whole community strategic communication planning. Video sharing sites to expand or market a story, and. Campaign topics can range from recruiting volunteers to fire safety. Are there warnings or other critical messages to be communicated to the public? Illustrate the multiple roles of the Public Information Officer and the media in planning for and responding to an emergency. Consider information about the whole community when identifying topics, including: There is no point in conducting a hurricane preparedness campaign if your area is not subject to hurricanes. Ability to hold feature stories and run them when space is available or on specific dates or times of year, Audio (sound clips or telephone interviews), Prerecorded segments lack the break-in option for providing emergency information, Exaggerated nature of local television news. The EMI training program provides PIOs with the opportunity to learn and practice the tasks of gathering, verifying, coordinating, and disseminating public information at all levels of government.. Select the correct definition External Affairs A. Coordinates the release of accurate, coordinated, timely, and accessible public information to affected audiences, including the government, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector B. This demonstrates how social media are now an integral part of our lives and a valuable part of the PIOs toolkit. To read this blog, go to:, Example 1:Survivors of the April tornadoes have until Monday, June 27 to register for disaster assistance from FEMA as well as . Blogs are a good tool to use to communicate with your audience. C. is a failed theory and should not be used by modern public information officers. They can be used for personal networking, professional networking, and sharing public information. View IS-29.a - Public Information Officer Awareness | FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI).pdf from CIS 20 at SUNY Empire State College. Last name. Radio is a form of broadcast technology that has the following needs, advantages, and limitations. Make sure the media area is far enough away and/or your workspaces are shielded from prying cameras, microphones, and eyes. The role of the public information officer A. is strictly dictated by the National Qualification System position task book. Knowing how to effectively speak to media representatives using both verbal and nonverbal communication. Who is likely to be affected by the hazard or threat? 1. Resource Typing Definition for Response . (Unit 2), Describe the types of written products used in public information activities. Some evaluation data can be collected without contact with the audiencefor example, number of Web page hits or increase in the quantity of smoke alarms purchased. !]U9[MZ\waQ>yICK{",|.NH&ec* 'C/M;WrQJ6bs\
886} Campaigns that combine a mix of media are more likely to be effective in influencing people. Other zombie origins shown in films include radiation from a destroyed NASA Venus probe (as inNight of the Living Dead), as well as mutations of existing conditions such as prions, mad-cow disease, measles and rabies. Avoid acronyms. If you determine the need for a media area: At the scene of an incident, the news medias most basic needs are access to information and images. At the completion of this lesson you should be able to: Key to being an effective PIO in an emergency is the ability to: Lets start by looking at what you need to know about emergency management. Year in and year out, nearly 1,400 Arizonans get heat related illnesses so serious that they end up in an emergency department. Develop a picture of who you want to reach with your message by asking: Now that you know what you want to communicate and to whom you will communicate, next you need to develop and implement your campaign. Transparency in government promotes efficiency and effectiveness and allows the people in your community to understand and participate in your processes. Determine information to be communicated to the public. There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. An important part of the PIOs relationship with the media is knowing what they want. Verdi White: The way that we set this particular operation up is we took the Incident Command System and made it an overlay onto the National Guard that had the infrastructure to be able to do all the functions that we needed to accomplish to do this, and of course one of the central components of, of an incident command system is the public information piece. Different types of written products include the following: View actual news releases, statements, and fact sheets on the InciWeb site []. B. Joanne H. Moreau: We focus a lot on making sure that we have a very accurate and timely information process of information dissemination. B. report to the Finance/Admin Section Chief when arriving at an incident. The median, annual pay for public relations specialists, during the same period, was $52,090, with the top 10 . Although its meaning has changed slightly over the years, it refers to a human corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead. Did the message reach the targeted audience? EMI is introducing a limited number of IS courses that have been translated to the Spanish language. Thats right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens youll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe youll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for arealemergency. The Zombie Survival Guide identifies the cause of zombies as a virus called solanum. Please review the IS FAQ's for more information. Break your ideas into one subject per sentence. This lesson covered the knowledge and skills you need to effectively manage emergency public information during an incident: The next lesson summarizes your role as a PIO and how to use all the tools available to you to help your community be prepared and to share critical information when an incident happens. Overview: The FEMA IS-29.A course was published on 8/5/2019 to familiarize participants with the concepts underlying the PIO role. 4. Tammy Kikuchi: The Joint Information Center and the Command Staff out there would hold daily briefings for the media, and quite honestly that took much of the heat, if you will, off the Governors office. Communicate information to enable people to prepare for an incident and to make decisions during an incident to protect lives and property. The rise of zombies in pop culture has given credence to the idea that a zombie apocalypse could happen. At the completion of this lesson you should be able to: In the previous lesson, you learned about the audiences with whom you will need to communicatethe media, the public, and employees and leaders within your organization. Social media sites help disaster survivors look for lost family members and pets, and provide information on where to get assistance, where to find shelter, and how to give aid. Guidance on COVID protections for EMI students, and the CDC Coronavirus page for the latest updates on the pandemic response. D. takes its origin from two sources: management consultant D. Edward Deming and Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto.. Gather, verify, coordinate, and disseminate public information in an emergency from a Joint Information Center. . Angie Welling: Pretty much every State agency was involved, and thats when we found out pretty early on that the Governor had involved every aspect of State government. When an emergency happens, ICS is implemented. They can be seasonallike hurricane preparedness week. Do not be afraid to put bad news first if that is the message. Organizing the information in a news release so that the important information comes first is called: A. AP style B. Inverted pyramid C. JIC style D. Journalistic style, 7. For each of these toolstelevision, newspaper, radio, news briefings, and evolving mediayou need written products. This lesson introduced you to different tools you can use to communicate your message as a PIO, including: In the next lesson you will learn how to prepare quality written products for these tools and how to speak effectively with the media and to the public. Please note that the is program now requires a fema sid to be used instead of your ssn. Use natural gestures, but dont cross your arms, raise your eyebrows, shrug your shoulders, sway, or bounce. Some examples include traditional media using: An important step when communicating is to continually evaluate and adjust your message by monitoring the media. Avoid getting involved in these media disputes. A strategy to effectively use all the tools (traditional media and evolving media) together and determine the best mix of tools for what you want to communicate. Even a few minutes of practice can make a big difference. A goal that makes you stretch is good. 1. People use technology to tell others that they are okay. Having such knowledge enables them to make informed choices that affect their health and well-being. They focus on specific issues or programs to move the public to take action. We wanted questions answered, we wanted stories to be able to do, and we had one place to go to and that was great. Provide public information, emergency public information, and community education to your internal and external target audiences. (Unit 4), Given a scenario, apply the 8-Step Model to a public awareness campaign. Harvard psychiatrist Steven Scholzman wrote a (fictional) medical paper on the zombies presented inNight of the Living Deadand refers to the condition asAtaxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndromecaused by an infectious agent. Do they have special communication needs (e.g., visual or hearing impairments, or limited English proficiency)? They also tell people how they can prepare for a disaster, and protect themselves when disaster strikes. What do they already know about the topic? As a PIO, when you get to the scene, you will first make contact with the Incident Commander to gather information and assess the situation. You cant manage who shows up but you can and should manage contact with the site. More than 70% of the illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths are guys. Responsibilities of the Components of the ICS Organization. The steps to organize and conduct a news conference or briefing are: Note: You may want to identify several knowledgeable people to assist and provide information at the news conference or briefing. Disclosing information to the public in ways that are easy to find and use. They heighten awareness of community hazards and encourage the public to take steps to become more prepared. Additionally, students conduct various public information activities and exercises, to include writing messages and conducting press conferences. One of the advantages of the Incident Command System (ICS) is: A. 3 Step Guide for Assistance, Federal Emergency Management Agency | Emergency Management Institute, Notice to Applicants for EMI or NFA Courses, How to apply for a FEMA Independent Study course (Online Course), How to apply for a course held in EMI (On-Campus Course), Non-Resident Courses (EMI Courses Conducted by States), National Standard Exercise Curriculum (NSEC), Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP), Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP), National Incident Management System (NIMS), Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC), Disaster Field Training Operations (DFTO), Schools Multihazard and Mass Casualty Planning, Virtual Table Top Exercise (VTTX) (Sites participate from home via VTC), Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, Exercise Simulation System Document (ESSD), Guidance on COVID protections for EMI students, Please review the IS FAQ's for more information, IS-29 Public Information Officer Awareness, E/L0388 Advanced Public Information Officer, Master Public Information Officer Program, Special collection: Emergency Management Institute student papers, E/K0389 - Master Public Information Officer Implementing Communications Strategies for Whole Community Leadership, E/K0393 Master Public Information Officer Applying Advanced Concepts in Public Information and Communications, E0394 Master Public Information Officer Mastering Public Advocacy Plans to Create an Effective Community of Stakeholders. You can find the complete list of courses in the Spanish language course list. Increase community preparedness is not specific. At the completion of this lesson you should be able to: Public awareness campaigns are ongoing public education programs that PIOs use to inform, educate, and increase organizational visibility. A secondary audience is elected or other officials such as Incident Commanders or emergency operations center managers who want an overview of emergency public information. These sites make it easy to establish networks of contacts. A defining characteristic of wiki technology is the ease with which pages can be created and updated. Media management skills including knowing what the media wants, managing amateur journalists, and using media pools and media areas. Develop and implement your campaign by setting a goal, creating a message, choosing your medium, and identifying timing. If you need to build an email list, consider including a place for people to sign up on your Web site. The heat on the desert floor isnt just a nuisance, its expensive & lethal. Responds to the media while respecting restrictions on the release of sensitive information. One PIO talking by phone to an on-scene PIO to confirm the number of responders at the scene prior to an initial news release. .. Many different social media monitoring tools are available.