, Dead on accurate Scott. 3.3.23 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Dr. Robert Young, Direct Chemical Weapons Attack on America!! All the DS needs is to flip one Repubican judge and its over. If you havent, go watch it and youll get it. They finance every war their military industrial complex; they profit off of that, they own they make all that money anything to do the support of war. BTW, I still see no sign of the rule of law in this country. 1.30.23 Patriot Streetfighter, Now Is The Time For "We The People", FIGHT!!! DIA vs CIA! The tunnel was a former underground catacomb, a former sacred place of worship for a race of beings from which the lizard Royal Family descends, whom worshipped a goddess named Diana. By the time we hit 1934, there was the Bretton Woods Act. Welcome To Revolution Radio. Because they put faith in man-made societal means, not Godly means. Are you familiar with the concept of divide and conquer ? Dr. Amen is the author of 28 books, including three New York Times bestsellers: Change Your Brain, Change Your Life; Magnificent Mind At Any Age; and Change Your Brain, Change Your Body. That was set up by the nazi Bush crime family, and they talk about the Homeland more than the USA. There was no election fraud, it has been said again and again and again. Theyre using Trump now, or a Trump clone/body double, which keeps the Quiqly Formula going: while politicians have the people distracted, bouncing around like tennis balls from the right to the left on secondary issues, giving the appearance of fighting, both sides are all secretly invested in one primary issue- Global Collectivism. I apologise for not providing the separate links to all four pages of the Archbishops letter in my previous post. The Trump administration has had to record them all committing new crimes including the attempt to steal the 2020 Election. Before passing judgement, at least get your information up to date. Banks Faltering World Wide, 3.2.23 Patriot Streetfighter ROUNDTABLE w/ Mike Jaco & Nino Rodriguez, Sleeper Cells Activated, 2.27.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Dr Sandra & India Update, State Of Ascension with SG Anon. Its not. I have advised before that President Trump is protected by Sentient Beings, whom are a higher spiritual lifeform than OFOT. This update covers the latest development in the election and Trumps epic war against the deep state, specifically focusing on Trumps preparation ofactivating special forces operations unitsfordomesticaction i.e. Can you prove Biden hasnt flown Air Force One? The whole time Trump has been in power, youve seen this relentless attack from it doesnt matter if its from the Democratic Party which is a crime syndicate the Republican Party, which is a criminal element, if its from international leaders around the world, whether its the United Nations, whether its the Vatican every piece of this global Cabal, this apparatus has been in full attack mode to take down the most existential threat that this group has ever faced and thats with the Donald Trump Presidency. Youve seen it unfold, you just didnt know what it meant until tonight. Scott McKay | Patriot Streetfighter. That was going to be their whole thin the herd on the planet. What many might not know is that Camilla in cahoots with the Duke of Edinburgh and agents within MI6 were responsible for the Murder of Diana in the tunnel in Paris. Flynn Shadows the Shadow Gov! Like you, I suspect, I too am anxious to see justice prevail. Patience is a virtue. His brilliance is only matched by the author of The Art of War. Scott McKay knows this all too well. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Business 2 Life! Kay Briskey, https://archive.org/details/2021-jan-08-tipping-point-scott-mc-kay-sting-of-stings-underway-in-usa, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transcript-adm-mike-rogers-on-face-the-nation-october-18-2020/. God Bless, http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/04/lies-against-our-flag.html We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. Either way, they are sick people. The only thing worse than a democrat are people like this POS who claims to have all this inside information but in reality is a false prophet. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnnsAVzVztZZd2voe-EUF0w. 11-12-20 The Tipping Point Radio POST ELECTION UPDATE #2: MILITARY INTELLIGENCE HAS EXPOSED THE OPERATION TO TAKE OVER THE UNITED STATES GREAT INFORMATION. Let that sink in! Everything you have said makes so much sense, and I really thought Trump would drain the swamp. Mr. McKay, when will this Military Sting you spoke of in your YouTube Video, WHEN, WILL IT HAPPEN!!! Thank you for your support. Over the past two years, youve gotten NOTHING right. Right about that time, this plan that Im going to tell you about had been underway for decades. Justice in America Weve been too ignorant, weve been too apathetic to do it ourselves and now this country has gone to the brink, to the very edge and right now, these guys, with the help of you are going to save it with what Im going to share with you. I could go on and on if you like. Click on "Watch later" to put videos here. Scott McKay is a former competitive bodybuilder. and Q is likely a psyop nothing more. Everyone thought he had lost his mind when he hired war criminal, John Bolton but I knew right away what he was doing to outmaneuver the zionNEOCONnazi globalist scumbag! The subject of your email entry should be: Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure, Must be in text format Proper Grammar No foul language Your signature/name/username at the top. It is a very highly-engineered, scripted movie to lead all of us to a conclusion, with the primary intention to wake people the Hell up, so they can finally see for themselves the truth of whats going on. Youve watched the people who have not done their homework and the due diligence that weve done for three years, dissecting this information, following it, watching events happen in real time, watch proof, after proof, after proof to know we have a legitimate power that has a bulletproof plan to bring this criminal empire down once and for all. In general I agree with McKay, but not with some of the details and Ive been at this longer than he has. He is now the host of Revolution Radio's "The Tipping Point" television show. Also on monkey werx, he said his intel tells him trump never left the White House. But in the last 20 years, we had our people, well call them the Patriots, the Alliance Powers, which youre patriots in the military, some politicians some good guys, some business people and 22 Alliance Nations around the world and this alliance had been orchestrating the infiltration of all the global power structures that have been taken over in every country by this Cabal. Mark Z Podcast August 20, 2021 Watch the replay. Our mission at Operation Disclosure is to get you up-to-date on the latest conspiracies and to provide raw unvetted information from various sources. Jose is absolutely right. This is their last Hail Mary; this election, to try to finally get control, regain the power at all costs at all costs. We are also focused on disclosing extraterrestrial contact and humanitys lost ancient origins. GOD WON! It would point to articles in its obscure publications, major publications. What a crock of Jim Jones conspiracy bull. Youve watched the media attack it. https://christs.net/ So, October 28, 2017 was the first time this this group, this whoever this group of military intelligence people are dropped some intelligence on what is called the 4chan boards. You lost me at the point where you said 70% of people in DC.. Click on the image above then go to Specials to see discounted stock. 42. There are too many judges ruling against Trump. Recent Episodes. Scott McKay's "The Tipping Point" on Rev Radio, Sister [] Hold the line people, please. Particularly, the 2nd one which Youtube banned. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?????? I could go on and on too. All well & good. is FALSE HOPE. Now, this this became the greatest military intelligence dissemination operation in world history. StartPage Anna von Reitz with their names for that info. Prather has just posted a new video which was streamed yesterday, Nov. 19th. Call to Listen Studio-A 641-793-6370: Monthly Goal $2000 ! End is near. I want to also say that I think that Trump is one of the best president in modern times. I hate to state outright what the last option would be but you can figure it out and that would be sad. And what that did was, it created an underground movement of people trying to figure out what this meant. His YouTube channel is: . I knew that there was more going on. Also, they shrewdly avoid any solid contact information so there is no repercussions for their insidious lies. Quite simply what he did with Bolton was to keep his enemies closer and confirm what he already knew about that chicken hawk basturd who never knew a country he didnt want to bomb. Sununu.jpg, 20211109 - THWzmc1jcyb4 - 11.5.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview Leigh Dundas, National Pushback.jpg, 20211109 - TKKd49JLqGTL - 11.4.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview w_ Laina Orlando.jpg, 20211109 - j5IoCySTmlMN - 11.4.21 Patriot Streetfighter Roundtable with Mike Jaco and Anne Vandersteel.jpg, 20211110 - 7H5W5gTuNT0k - 11.8.21 Scott McKay on The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B.jpg, 20211111 - HA6HlO3rIWKM - 11.9.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview w_ Clay Clark.jpg, 20211111 - S5Zcjt91JJBa - 11.10.21 Patriot Streetfighter on NVTV w_ Nick Veniamen.jpg, 20211111 - wI111DbE5dCN - 11.9.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr. Kirk Elliot, PhD.jpg, 20211116 - ZaMVmX0EkIzb - 11.15.21 Scott McKay on The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B, w_ Jason Shurka.jpg, 20211118 - pyvLEN2EXSVh - 11.16.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview w_ Patel Patriot on DEVOLUTION.jpg, 20211127 - tP83vrSV1HxZ - 11.26.21 Patriot Streetfighter - Economic Update with Dr. Kirk Elliot PhD.jpg, 20211130 - LDthiGQkU7Xf - 11.29.21 Scott McKay on The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B.jpg, 20211130 - TlCyePMDW44U - 11.27.21 Patriot Streetfighter OK Gov. I replaced it with a follow-up he did a few days later with much of the same content. . INTEL - SCOTT MCKAY - Current Situation Update (Video) SCOTT MCKAY FROM TIPPING POINT RADIO SHOW. Download Telegram . To make moneynot to get the TRUTH out. Im living in Sweden, Stocholm were the same press ethics are Very obvious. Thank you. Special Guest Brent Johnson, director of Freedom Bound International, a Common Law Service Center, dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the Declaration of Independence. Wow. I am a veteran. Not that I set out to study this cabal of international investment banking interests, because I didnt even know enough to focus there. To help detox heavy metals and toxins from chemtrails and other exposure, we recommend taking Touchstone Essentials liquid zeolite products. https://hannahmichaels.wordpress.com/. Scott McKay Tipping Point! PatriotStreetfighter. Choose a Network & Enjoy! 627. Gold, Silver, and Copper. Many of the criminals are already under house arrest. Instead of a defensive weapon, it was an offensive weapon of the National Security Agency, designed to do one thing: to enslave humanity. "The 5 rules to AWAKENING: Rule #1 - Everything you were ever taught is a lie by design; Rule #2 - governments lie 100% of the time, they always have, and they always will; Rule #3 - the Illuminati controlled mainstream media is not . Today he hosts a radio show he created on Revolution.Radio called "The Tipping Point" where he has been branded as the Patriot Street Fighter for the people. Copyright 2020 BRUCE CONTENT, LLC All Rights Reserved, Scott McKay: US Military 2020 Election Sting Leading to Trump 2nd Term Landslide, Trump Campaign Legal Team Holds Press Conference in DC 11/19/20, Geopolitics, Synthetic Terror & Interventionalist BS, 5G Network/Psychotronic Weapons/Brainwave Entrainment/HAARP, UFOs/Interdimensional/Breakaway Civilization, EcoHealth Alliance Whistleblower: I Believe Ukraine Conflict is a Coverup for Failed US COVID Op, Deep State Absolutely Wants to Kill You Alex Newman, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months, BBC Banned Johnny Rotten in 1978 for Telling the Truth About Jimmy Savile, There is NO variant, Not novel, NO pandemic Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich. So of course I am drawn to stuff like this. At the time of the crash, Dianna was carrying the child of a Muslim, which had enormous consequences as written within the ancient codes of every major religion. 2.21.23 Patriot Streetfighter & Dr Christiane Northrup, Cabal Weakened, Secret Space Programs, 2.20.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, OVERWATCH Intel Update, 2.17.23 Patriot Streetfighter Econ Update with Dr Kirk Elliott, 2.16.23 Patriot Streetfighter with Cathy O'Brien, MK Ultra Survivor & "Trance Formation Of America" Author, 2.14.23 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Dr Bryan Ardis, Miscarriage Nightmare, Serpent Transhumanism, 2.10.23 Patriot Streetfighter w/ SG Anon, Latest White Hat Operations, Turkey, 2.09.23 Patriot StreetFighter with John Michael Chambers, The Great American Coupe Of 1913, 2.07.23 Patriot StreetFighter, Economic Update, with Scott McKay and Kirk Elliott, 2.7.23 Patriot Streetfighter w/ Clay Clark, Aaron & KASH PATEL, Government Gangsters & The Takedown Of A President, 2.06.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Scott McKay and Steve Stern, 1.31.23 Patriot Streetfighter, Economic Update, With Kirk Elliott. Sep 6, 2022. Choose a Social Network! Copyright 2020 BRUCE CONTENT, LLC All Rights Reserved, Geopolitics, Synthetic Terror & Interventionalist BS, 5G Network/Psychotronic Weapons/Brainwave Entrainment/HAARP, UFOs/Interdimensional/Breakaway Civilization, FBI warned that QAnon poses a domestic terrorism threat., EcoHealth Alliance Whistleblower: I Believe Ukraine Conflict is a Coverup for Failed US COVID Op, Treasonous Federal Employees Caught Plotting the Coup on Zoom, http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/04/lies-against-our-flag.html, https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=145023, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months, BBC Banned Johnny Rotten in 1978 for Telling the Truth About Jimmy Savile, There is NO variant, Not novel, NO pandemic Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich. Moses was an extraterrestrial, as was Jesus Christ. We are also reaching out to Scott McKay for an interview and also encouraging him to post videos to . Since the assassination of John F Kennedy, he says that every US President with the exception of Ronald Reagan has been a Deep State criminal. Assuming that is, all the States purchase their paper from the same source? At the end of Trumps Administration, he put more energy into reading the Word of God then anything else because he knew what was coming. america agrees with u those of us who believe in president trump are with u!!!!!!!!!!!! That Dominion logo was photo shopped. Hang in there, surely it will all come to light, but be ready for anything. Nothing is going to stop whats coming. Details on how Joe Biden has been formally indicted on a Class A felony by Ukraine. And this military intelligence operation, dissemination program started this whole thing off. In short, this election was a military-grade sting operation to bring down the criminal power structure that has been ruling this country and every country around the world for a very long . POTUS did not give in. United States. He says the Trump presidency is a de facto military presidency that was established and put in place to bring down the Globalist Rothschild-London-central banking enterprise that completely controls every country on the planet. But theyve built this matrix that we live in, this machine that we operated in I dont care if you call it Communism, you call it Capitalism, Socialism, Marxism, Nazism those are all created by this power structure. He has NO sources in intel. Follow The Patriot Street Fighter, Scott McKay? Why did Trump let the American people down? After reading this, ask yourself why Congress moved to condemn QAnon and the FBI warned that QAnon poses a domestic terrorism threat.. Uranium One was a scandal where the State Department, under Hillary Clinton and Vladimir Putin which is b***s*** hes not her enemy in any case, they sold this uranium to Vladimir Putin. His YouTube channel is: This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^ All source links to the report can be found on the [] Its upIve noticed that anti-virus programs are blocking it, though the new censorship! being a Michigander could you please expound on this statement?(Who really saved America in the nick of time? January 11th, 2022. Trump was put there for a reason- not to stop whats coming, but to expose whats coming. Please respond with a link. Uploaded by Thank you for your show,this is my first one I heard.God Bless everyone PRAY FOR MR.TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY and MR.PENCE AND FAMILY. I never thought Id live to see my whole family turn against us for having common sense. So as they started to drop this intel. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. Exactly. However, an alliance of military generals have been working on a plan to infiltrate this Globalist power structure to take them out. YouTube took it down and I cant find it on Bitchute. Candidate Endorsement Dr. Mark Sherwood.jpg, 20211207 - 31UhWPVgfES4 - 11.30.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview w_ Chris Burgard & Nick Searcy.jpg, 20211207 - 3jnXqVw2hHyi - 12.6.21 Scott McKay on The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B.jpg, 20211207 - CqQLilnA9sga - 12.3.21 Patriot Streetfighter - General Update.jpg, 20211207 - HnGm3avgOhCZ - 12.2.21 Patriot Streetfighter w_ John Guandolo, Battle Plan for Taking Back America.jpg, 20211207 - Jx9VHopP7Jcn - 11.30.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update with Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD..jpg, 20211212 - HRbf7ABPMurS - 12.9.2021 - Economic Update with Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD.jpg, 20211214 - k87AMphC6ooJ - 12.13.21 Scott McKay on The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B.jpg, 20211221 - VC97j1qMYPc8 - 12.16.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD..jpg, 20211222 - oXZwelVh6joG - 12.17.21 Patriot Streetfighter, Tom Numbers & Soccer Legend Matt Le Tessier - Athletes Dropping.jpg, 20211226 - BpwHmJEofOPd - 12.22.21 Patriot Streetfighter Interview w_ Spiritual Sniper Dr. Stella Immanuel, M.D..jpg, 20211226 - ElTYTkH4TyU5 - 12.23.21 Patriot Streetfighter Roundtable w_ Dr. Bryan Ardis.jpg, 20211226 - Genbetr7X2uQ - 12.20.21 Scott McKay on The Tipping Point on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B.jpg, 20211228 - TxuuLWsg0WN0 - 12.27.21 Scott McKay on The Tipping Point - Scott McKay Interviews Vaxx Injured Commercial Pilots.jpg, 20211229 - NjxnklGXPBBx - 12.28.21 Patriot Streetfighter with Jason Shurka.jpg, 20211229 - bVNetQzg0YnF - 12.28.21 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update w_ Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD..jpg, 20211230 - TrRl0i0yBL4r - 12.29.21 Patriot Streetfighter - 27 TRUTHS w_ Clay Clark.jpg, 20210124 - 6IKcDch2NjHC - 1.23.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 33 - Declass Turning To Flood, Patriots in Control.mp4, 20210127 - 2QbOYgN9xSeF - 1.24.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 34 - US Corp Puppet Agenda Clear, Save Themselves.mp4, 20210201 - LWvH8qec5Ccm - 1.26.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #36 - Censoring Machine Overdrive.mp4, 20210202 - 2IlO2YTw6w1f - 2.1.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 40 - Burma Military Takedown On Cabal Puppets.mp4, 20210206 - 32zAsTopNYfv - 2.5.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 44 - Future Belongs Not To Globalists But Patriots.mp4, 20210206 - FPHGwQckDAKf - 2.4.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 43 - Big Corp Titans Exiting, What's Coming.mp4, 20210206 - NTjINUNeWLuu - TPR - The Tipping Point Radio Show on Revolution Radio - 2.1.21.mp4, 20210206 - XOKo78Ctx5yD - 2.3.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 42 - List Of DS Deaths Growing.mp4, 20210207 - 1vHHHmwid97u - 1.27.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 37 - Mission Control NOT the WH, 7 Days Dark.mp4, 20210207 - 2oSkRR5fgEp2 - 1.25.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 35 - Military In Control.mp4, 20210207 - Kr4E1BPWvrLW - 1.22.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 32 - More Troops Heading To DC, Mission On Point.mp4, 20210207 - Tj8KybSP2byu - 1.31.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 39 - Mainland CCP Targeted, Robinhood Revelations.mp4, 20210208 - 0PccJyIRY4Ir - 1.28.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 38 - MASSIVE INTEL DROP ON CHINA.mp4, 20210208 - EHy0gAuMCcAA - 1.20.21(B) Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 30.mp4, 20210208 - Eh5sFAPG1AdZ - 1.16.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 25 Patriots Are In Full Control PAIN Coming.mp4, 20210208 - GJhj08Bh6z9A - 1.14.21 Patriot Streetfigther POST ELECTION UPDATE 23 MILIntel Indicating Imminent Nation Lockdown.mp4, 20210208 - adPOhQMjcqU2 - 1.19.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 27.mp4, 20210208 - jZiCxUm0hMpX - 1.17.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE 26 - MIL INTEL OP Dynamics Revealed. I feel as if I been betrayed!!! Nobody I know understands the history we are living through. First, we must have the awakening! as God as my witness. These people like Scott McKay are just as bad as the Democrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are too involved freaking out over the fake pandemic to pay attention to anything else going on. Theres 2 legal and constitutional ways TRUMP can stay in office and will. Immune Shield is the breakthrough new, doctor-approved supplement for quickly strengthening and protecting your immune system. Thank You! Search the history of over 797 billion Furthermore, when the crash did not kill Diana, she was murdered inside the ambulance by the so-called medics at the 13th pillar in the tunnel, formerly the site of the sacrificial altar. I think the government is now working on an investigation of what really happened. Servers were in four foreign countries., Sidney Powell triples-down on the Scytl servers this morning on Glenn Becks radio show: pic.twitter.com/myQoetgRuS, Sara Thatcher (@SaraThatcherCA) November 20, 2020. . Sting of Stings Underway in USA! That operation gained high speed in about four or five months so then, it become thousands, to tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands, to millions, to tens of millions of people, worldwide, in every country on the planet following this operation known as Q. US Naval hospital ships stationed off NY & California were publicly stated to be ready for pandemic patients, however the real intention was for the thousands of abused women and children rescued by US military. As I listened on "Tipping Point" I realized you have collected the resources I need. Can you prove he doesnt live in the White House? If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you cansubscribe via the PayPal Subscribe button located on the site. NOW, theyre in office, yet ONCE again, and are going to have their way with us! So now, that the NSA has shown everything about all of our lives, good and bad it also did one thing: it put every single one of these bad guys, all these criminals in government, in Washington DC, Big Tech, multinational corporations, military industrial complex, the monarchies around the world, the Vatican go down through the list this is a massive, corrupt power structure.