Slash-focused loadouts tend to pair this damage type with Viral to increase Slash's bleed damage. Vaikka Plains of Eidolon avautui Warframe-kampanjan alussa, se ei ole oikea paikka uusien pelaajien viett aikaasi. Rifle This element is fantastic for all situations, causing all targets afflicted to take increased damage from all sources. - Puncture status effect creates sonar like hotspots that when hit amplifies the damage by 4x. A mod for +10% puncture would do absolutely nothing. basically, the idea behind this is, if you use mod space for a stat, you should be compensated for it and if you use 2, then you should be double compensated. Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. Impact, Puncture, And Slash Mods Question. Warframe Orthos Guide - How to Obtain, Craft, and Best Builds Most builds in Warframe take advantage of the Hunter Mods in some way. (Doesn't help Magnetic's case when some Corpus units use Alloy armor that Bombards do.). Each of these will have an elemental status tied to them. Endgame loadouts seldom spec for Puncture unless they need another status effect for Condition Overload or similar mods. While it can't fully strip armor on its own, Corrosive's damage multipliers and status effect make it a fantastic element for fighting the Grineer and Infested. Exact explanations of how each damage type works can be found below. ), You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Learning the usefulness and status effects of each element is key to making your weapons as powerful as possible. If you're a new player, we recommend Corrosive and Heat. regardless, if your build benefits from an extra elemental damage type mod, I'd say that should take precedent. Let's go over how they work. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. BY: Erica Ziegler-Smith . How to Get Fish Oil in Warframe - The only I/P/S damage mod worth equipping is Accelerated Blast. Only disadvantage of this melee is low impact and puncture damage. you still need to get down to 33%, and if your damage is able to do that fast enough you wont need that increase, and if not,this will be pretty much useless anyway. . are the mods that increase damage to certain enemy types worth it like expel corpus? Related: Warframe: Excalibur Complete Guide Drops, Abilities, And Builds. Official Drop Tables Void damage strips Sentient resistances, although only Operator Amps can damage Eidolon shields. New Impact to Slash Mods Hot or Not?! It causes enemies to flinch and recoil backwards. Rarity making your weapons as powerful as possible, Warframe: Excalibur Complete Guide Drops, Abilities, And Builds, Warframe: Galvanized Mods And Weapon Arcane Guide, Warframe: Revenant Complete Guide Drops, Abilities, And Builds. So it is a total waste to put a +5% puncture damage to a weapon it has no puncture damage by itself. Combined Element:+75%, Some ideas for the Bronze IPS mods: Bleed ignores armor scaling and will always do the same damage while everything else gets weaker as armor ramps up. Google search "warframe damage" and you will get back Slash is superior no matter how you look at it sadly, because that armor ignoring slash proc is just godly. as well as just because you have one and you Rending Strike, which adds to base charge damage as well - still only better than an element on weapons with some significant %age of puncture dmg. . mod replacements: (for faction mod or vile acceleration), NOTE: can get higher number on overframe by swapping [Malignant Force] for [Infected Clip] or [Vigilante Supplies] for [Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation], but in reality such a build is less practical bc you need the ammo and status chance to do more damage in game. For safety, rockets arm after traveling a safe distance. Slash tiberon Grants a high burst of damage on certain enemies. [Top 5] Warframe Best Impact Weapons (2022 Edition) It is effective against all forms of flesh, but it is less effective against Grineer armor and Corpus Robotics. Option 2: Secondary stat increaseonthe IPS mods. The only real reason to use an 120% physical mod is if it's a slash mod that you want to increase the chance of getting slash on a status proc (which for weapons you could use this on and get around the same flat damage as a 90% element, you'd already have a very high chance of a slash status effect.) Warframe: Is Shattering Impact Worth Using in Eidolon Hunt? Impact and Puncture are trash. Puncture as a base element is good against armour. - Warframe Update 29.10 Corpus Proxima LeyzarGamingViews 184K subscribers Join Subscribe 1.1K Share Save 35K views 1 year ago New Impact to. Increases effectiveness against enemies with Shields, especially Corpus units. (It's weaker than pure Viral before you even pair it with Slash.). Use regular expel mod if no primed version as it is still a 1.3 or 1.69x multiplier. Thanks! it is the same reason people will hate my suggetion to remove the power of bleed, even though in that same suggetion, i provided a way to still bypass armour and shields with 1 status (which is what slash used to be). It's tough to top Viral in the current meta. Obtained From: Sister Liches. thehotsung8701A,April 12, 2015. (so if Slash > Impact + Puncture, you should be good) For an interesting case, take the Soma Prime. 2020 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved. Piercing Hit: +90% Puncture, +0.9 Punch-through Or is it similar to where you get more experience killing Grineer then Corpus and Infested? . Warm and healthy dish with various veggies and herbs. It will never reach 0, but when armor grants 99% damage reduction, it feels like 0. yes it should, but it shouldnt make enemy levelredundant. Unable to move or attack for 3 seconds. Found the internet! Fixed armor would actually be an indirect nerf to Slash as well as a buff to everything else. For basic builds, consider what mods you have and aim to get multiple damage types elemental or straight out damage improvement. Puncture's status effect is somewhat lackluster when compared to Impact and Slash, yet its high damage multipliers to common health types make Puncture a solid damage type for weapons with high critical stats and low status chance. Impact damage is effective at quickly draining Corpus shields, but it does comparatively less to Corpus and Grineer bodies. Impact, Puncture, And Slash Mods Question - Warframe Forums they have changed the way armour scaling works, so slash is not as important as it used to be years ago. At 6000 ferrite armor, 100 Corrosive deals 29 damage. sooner or later, Slash will be nerffed againor become useless against enemies. Gas is created by combining Heat and Toxin. Warframe: All Damage Types Explained - TheGamer With an understanding of games for as long as he can remember, Charles has a large interest in understanding what makes things fun. Recommended for use with weapons that have a higher Impact damage than other damage types. You rarely see Radiation used in high-level content except for status primers and niche builds. - At maximum 10 stacks enemy is stunned. the mod seems good but its hardly necessary, you re already proccing enough status, that having ot rely on impact ot trigger slash (that likely already exists in your melee) just muddles the table for the effects you actually want. 2020 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved. everyone wants OP builds that pretty much trivialize the entire game. Edit:status procs, puncture decreases damage, useless; slash deals bleed that ignores everything, great & impact stuns them for 1,5 second, garbage. Stacks indefinitely, but only ten stacks are shown at a time. In incarnon mode, this build procs Impact, Slash, Viral and Radiation giving +480% dmg after only 1-2 hits. 2 mods, each procapplies 2% Pierce chance to deal damage that bypasses armour and shields, at 10 stacks 50% chance for your next hit and resets counter. generally they aren't too helpful, because for whatever reason, they max out at just +60%. WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. i can kill level 160 demolysts pretty fast and they have base HP of 2500, which is 3.5x more base HP than heavy gunners. Unlike most third-person shooters, Warframe's weapons have unique damage types that come with powerful status effects and damage multipliers. that is pure and simple, OVERPOWERED! IPS: +50% 1 mod = 5 stacks (resets at 5 stacks) Endo Required To Max Its damage multipliers allow it to decimate unarmored targets, while its status effect makes Viral a great element for killing more armored targets as well. If slash gets nerfed again, it would ruin Titania, Ash and other slash ability warframes well Titania won't be ruined as much as the other warframes since the damage input she does still do alot of damage. Learn everything about Warframe's Ash. people should be welcoming to ideas that makeitsooner, if those ideas still give a decent result. New melee stances and their forced procs : r/Warframe - reddit block forward: first hit procs impact, second hit procs slash, third hit knocks down Vengeful Revenant neutral: fourth hit procs impact, fifth hit knocks down forward: third hit procs slash, fourth hit procs impact neutral block: second hit procs slash and lifts, forward block: first hit procs impact, third input knocks down Swooping Falcon That's not how the math works. 1 mod, each procapplies 2.5% Hack, which deals 2.5% more damage for every consecutive hit. Impact Impact's effectiveness versus Shields and Machinery makes it a great damage type against the Corpus. Impact is generally regarded as useless, as it only deals bonus damage to shields, which are significantly easier to deal with than armor. Most weapons in Warframe use Impact, Puncture, and Slash as their default damage types, although some weapon types (Lich and Tenet weapons, the Phage, etc.) Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. A possible 3-course menu for 6 people who don't like nuts or seafood is: Starter: Vegetable soup with gluten-free bread. This is even though Fulmin already has innate Electricity.). Ambassador Warframe Your Quick Guide - Hypernia It has no effect if the melee weapon's Impact damage is zero (for example ranged attacks of, The amount of armor reduction per hit is a flat, constant value, independent of the amount of, Shattering Impact is applied before percentage-based base armor strips, such as. That's because Corrosive has a +75% against Ferrite. It's also planned to be ported to Xbox Series X/S.LeyzarGamingViews :YouTube Membership: Community : Page: Elemental should complement base stats, which is exactly what my suggestion does, but also makes the other stats useful if you throw on another mod. thanks for the help everyone! It is highly effective against Grineer Armor and Corpus Robotics, but suffers against Corpus shields. the armour type wont matter, viral + bleed doesnt care what armour the enemy has. but the community still wants their OP status. Heat is considered by many as the best simple element in Warframe. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. And impact as a base element is good against shields. Although, people will still use the most effect damage type vs which ever enemy armour or health, it depends on whether they are status immune or not. It only works on organics due to the weapon's nature. Im sorry for the long post, im just trying to reply to everyone without double posting . Despite the nerf to scaling, a fundamental problem remains. [Top 5] Warframe Best Impact Weapons (2022 Edition) 460k dps viral+slash crescent slicer. Toxin is also a solid choice for fighting unarmored Grineer. Is Impact Kuva Nukor Really Worth It? (Warframe) - YouTube Max Rank Description r/Warframe. i can delete level 160 heavy gunnerswith 3 mods, because of slashand dont evenneed viral. Damage types are divided into certain categories: Status staggers targets and increases HP threshold for Parazon finishers, Status reduces the target's damage output, Status shocks enemies, chaining electricity to nearby targets, Effective against flesh and bypasses shields, Status creates an AoE that deals damage over time, Effective against Overguard and resets Sentient resistances, Status creates a dome that magnetizes projectiles toward the dome's epicenter. which is why in my suggestion, there would be effectsthat bypasses armour and shields. You may have heard the craze that is the Impact based Kuva Nukor and may have wondered how it actually compared to a "normal" Kuva Nukor, so in this video i . In the above example, applying a 90% Toxin Mod to the MK-1 Braton will grant 90% of the Braton's base damage as extra Toxin damage. Void damage is reserved for Operator Amps and the Xaku Warframe. Armor scaling makes all damageexcept Bleed eventually worthless including anti-armor damage types like Puncture. 1 mod, each procapplies 1% Pierce chance to deal damage that bypasses armour and shields, at 5 stacks 25% chance for your next hit and resets counter. Band Aid Mod - Search . Whether you're a veteran of the Origin System or a brand new Tenno taking the first what point does it become 0?, like what level? 1. Just about every endgame build uses Viral. They are factored in multiplicative of everything else; meaning, they are always a +30% damage increase. The Synoid Helicor deals the most impact damage of the hammer-type weapons. Only increases the Impact damage of rifles. There's a reason why you don't want to strip all of an Eidolon's armor with Shattering Impact Sarpa. It helps if you can get used to one weapon and still get to use it when you need a different type of damage depending on the faction. Proccing impact more than once in a single instance of damage will not allow this mod to proc more than once, nor will it increase the chance of the mod proccing. The status they current provide is ok for a base status that you dont even need to mod for to get, which is why I will suggest making a way to improve them, IF you mod for them. Warframe Epitaph Guide - How to Obtain, Craft, and Best Builds There are four standard Elemental Damage types in Warframe: Cold, Electricity, Heat, and Toxin. people who point to DPS will say use just elementals, multishot, fire rate, and base damage (unless it's a crit build), but for practicality, I'd say you generally want some punch-through and some weapons really benefit from reload speed. Most endgame builds avoid using Blast altogether since it has terrible damage multipliers. 2020 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved. The bleed from slash is OP, its that simple. Sawtooth Clip: +90% Slash, +90% Status Duration You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. The physical damage mods are only worth equipping on weapons with very high base damage in that area - so say, with the Jat Kittag, sticking a +90% impact bonus on it gets a MASSIVE boost in damage when compared to something like the Cronus. 10 stack suggestion is OP for crowed control, status weapons can get 10 stacks in a matter of 1-2 shots/hits. That really sounds like IPS needs a more thorough and fundamental rework in that case. Its status effect can stack with other slows, although most players opt to combine Cold with Toxin to create Viralone of Warframe's combined elemental damage types. Slash only shows its mettle when armor levels get high and that doesn't take very long. then make allIPS mods have +1 to the respective new status (like syndicate mods)and apply the new statuses to weapons that dont have base IPS statuses (since they would be taking mod space). Out of the three i would say impact is the least important, unless you're fighting against corpus. Edit Preferences Overall it's a pretty balanced damage type, and most of the bonus damage is on heavy armor. Everything falls apart against armor class modifiers (%boost and %armor ignore) and Bleed though (100% armor ignore). Impact, Puncture, Slash: Warframe Damage Rundown (2020) i can still effectively kill level 160 heavy gunners with 0 slash build (bo prime) and no riven. That was what I was looking for. Very high critical and status chance also with high attack speed. At Sortie level, the +50% against Ferrite Puncture has makes it 3x neutral and Corrosive's +75% against Ferrite a 6x neutral, but Bleed just doesn't care about that pesky 20x ehp multiplier armor gives. Against aLevel 8 Heavy Gunner with 500 ferrite armor, which is 62.5% Damage Reduction. Sawtooth Clip: +90% Slash, +90% Status Duration, Piercing Hit: +90% Puncture, +0.9 Punch-through. Slash only seems OP since it ignores armor scaling, but if armor didn't scale, it would be on the same playing field as every other damage type. but all three increase Elemental Damage, so i guess. In this guide, we're going to give a brief look at all 15 damage types present in Warframe, how to create certain elemental combinations like Blast and Viral, and explain what each damage type does. This weapon has impressively high base damage and slash damage. Impact Damage | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Cold is great for damaging shields and certain Grineer heavy units. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. IPSshort for Impact, Puncture, and Slashis the backbone of most weapons you'll find in Warframe. Slash Vs Impact Vs Puncture? - Players helping Players - Warframe Forums