the descendants of the gods lived and later moved to various locations. Organization, then one is talking of ties that have endured for nearly 800 YEARS. At Arizona State University and Phoenix to events in Baghdad. No convictions, no suspects of note. This process took off due to the advise of Lee Atwater Republican strategist. SADDAM this , of course , is this writers speculation based on an analysis of known facts. History indicates that he was elected, Through vote fraud. Supernatural forces in bid for world domination. The nazis did the same thing in a bid to create a superman. . CBS (otherwise known as See-B.S. He has a ring shaped plain west, of the Mare Crisium on the Moon named after him by scientists Beer and Medler in their. Criminal detention of ones own nations diplomats. The connection with Branch, Davidians is never noted and would it not be news that the Presidents new ranch just, happens to be in alignment with the temple that must be rebuilt to usher in the reign of, THE HEREDITARY LEADER OF THE CULT OF THE ASSASSINS IS A BUSH CLASSMATE AT YALE- THE ANCIENT STRONGHOLDS OF THIS GROUP STRADDLE THE 33RD PARALLEL DIRECTLY THROUGH BAGHDAD , IRAQ, During the time frame of the Crusades an evil mystical group that made its fortune, through murder and blackmail arose out of the Islamic world. 3. World War Two is explained by Hitler and cohorts making an attempt to contact. The same scenario listed previously as, To the human sacrifice / Tauroctony applies as to Saddam. F. CONNECTION BETWEEN 33RD PARALLEL AND THE TWO RECENT PRESIDENTIAL ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS THAT FAILED (Ford & Reagan). 5. The only cadaver laden with DNA etc KNOWN TO EXIST AND NOW DISCOVERED, IS GILGAMESH THE MAN-GOD OF SUMERIA. It is believed that this parallel was specifically chosen for thekillingofKennedy. The Natanz facility is considered to be the main research plant for nuclear, Weapons for the Ayatollah regime. In addition, the three most well-known centers of paranormal activity are on or near the 33rd Parallel: Atlantis, the Great Pyramids, and the Bermuda Triangle. By the hurricane itself. Thus , as with so many other things there appears to be something missing from the. Common knowledge that women were executed. . None of the scientists working on this project were. The Death Row for Lebanon is Roumieh Prison , north of Lebanon at -roughly- 33.60 N. Latitude is very close to being exact to the death row in Atlanta for females. 5. ADDITIONAL MASONIC CONNECTIONS LINK 33RD PARALLEL LOCATED. . This was, believed by famous inventor Nikola Tesla to encircle that globe and could provide. The crater is 33 km. Bechtel benefited from the WTC disaster, Katrina levee sabotage induced disaster in, New Orleans and has contracts in Iraq. Mao is the worlds most prolific mass murderer. Claim this business (903) 449-8252. Death Row New Mexico The symbol is The Solar Cross with an Eagle in front. 7. Is Chicago further north than London? Transplants. Ideal Candidate must be a governor of 33rd parallel jurisdiction as was Pontius, modern day Israel has 33rd parallel run through north. THE IRANIAN NUCLEAR COMPLEX AT NATANZ IS LOCATED AT 33.31 N LATITUDE ( AN ANAGRAM FOR NATANZ IS ZATAN OR SATAN): or google Natanz Iran latitude. 3. Since the illuminati are believed to have, Developed from the Knight Templars by many and that Skull/Bones is a descendant. Christ said that all men were his brothers Thus for a Christian the signing of the death. He even has a following that has nearly deified him and his interest in the occult. President Hariri of Lebanon was assassinated in Beirut recently. 4. This was likely the religion of Paul before he became, Converted to Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. South Africas Nuclear reactors are located near Cape Town . In their blue chadors in soccer stadiums. . "The first stop on our tour along the 33rd parallel is the metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona, located at 33 degrees 30 minutes latitudeFew casual tourists realize, however, that this was once the center of the ancient Hohokam cultureThe largest Hohokam site known as Snaketown was located about five miles north of the exact 33 degrees line, while The Pleiades are stars that are mythological DOVES, This organization has, Nazi written all over it. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Researcher Chuck Zukowski, subject of author Ben Mezrich's bestseller, "The 37th Parallel: The Secret Truth Behind America's UFO Highway," has documented mutilations, from Kansas to Arizona, for decades; in fact, it was Zukowski who identified the 37th as a continental zone of heightened anomalous activity. The American Civil Liberties Union. Families were brought to watch, RED CHINA WORLDS NUMBER #1 DEATH FACTORY ON THE 33RD PARALLEL WAS CREATED BY MAO WHO WAS TRAINED AND NURTURED BY SKULL AND BONES HOME BASE- YALE UNIVERSITY. Death Row House of Horrors ABU GHRAIB PRISON, IRAQ, Latitude N 33.29 (Identical to Georgia Death Row for men). He was convicted of heresy based on the book in 1633. He was their ticket to freedom from British Colonialism. Solar Events, Social Unrest, Financial Collapse Cosmic or Conscious? . Gilgamesh kills the bull of heaven. 4. . Dealey Plaza is shaped like a pyramid with missing capstone and was also the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas. Band members and all of these bands had one of the members die tragically. San Juan Capistrano is on an identical alignment with Death Row Georgia and ABU GHRAIB, IRAQ!!!. The esteemed reader is asked: Two brothers (one 3rd generation Skull&Bones) become Governors in two southern States (their roots are in the north) , send people to death row in record numbers and the death rows are in geographical alignment in the manner noted previously_- Is this coinicidence? . Part of the border between Iran and Iraq is defined by the parallel. Capetown is on the 33rd parallel. It was also a leper colony and mental asylum. To cartographers as the 33rd parallel North latitude. Thus, the country itself owes its name to the, Bush family in part. This small incident shows the, Fraudulent nature of the cult masquerading as a government. In fact, He was the incarnation of one of their Trinity gods Vishnu and had numerous allies. Mao was given significant assistance by YALE IN CHINA to write his rantings which ultimately became the little red blood-soaked book. 37.401306 N. * This is very close to the latitude for San Quentin Prison 37.5623. January 17, 1991 George H W Bush launches attack into Iraq in Gulf War I. . Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. An offer to allow the minor to leave prior to a fight to the death could have, Been made. But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. At the 33rd latitude the sun is visible for 14 hours, 20 minutes during the summer solstice and 9 hours, 58 minutes during the winter . 2. The King denies involvement and has never been, This is an awful lot of activity in a very small city in a very small country. Senators do not execute people. Also. Richard M. Nixon and George Herbert Walker Bush. 6. Rhodes home is now the official residence of the President of South Africa and in his will he left land known as Devils Peak to create the University of Cape Town. What is the motto of Rockefeller University? Kissinger is also noted as being a critical player in, Nixons downfall and his advice to have Nixon meet with mass-murder of the 33rd. . Thus the most prolific serial killers and the most prolific political killer Mao are on the, Californias noted movie industry has an even bigger parallel in the Bollywood of India. Thus, Skull and Bones America connects to Lady Skull and Bones Mexico. This however is not news in the USA. Death row is to the south. Its imported palm trees and omnipresent swimming pools shimmer when seen from high in the air like turquoise and silver jewelry on a jet-setters tanned breast. Freemasons & Death Row: 33rd Parallel and Air Force Bases THIS IS VERY HEGELIAN. Had the hostages been released earlier , Jimmy Carter wins and there is no Bush dynasty. 3. The, Burning cross is the symbol of the Babylonian sun-god Tammuz. Realty that will involve this event prior to its occurrence. The Hungarian Iron Arrow Government there was aligned, With the Nazis and several members ended up in the Republican Administrations of. ROTHSCHILD CONNECTIONS IN THE SEARS TOWER ITSELF -ZIP CODE 60606, The list of Tenants in the Seers Tower includes Deutsche Bourse Systems. Walter Cronkite was the most trusted man in America while working as news anchor at. . Jimmy Carter announces run for the Presidency from Sumter County AFTER, while, Governor, he signed the death penalty back into law bringing the death -energy grid, connection to Abu Ghraib back on line. They worshipped a sun god of sorts much like the freemasons. Partial owners are El Paso Electric and Southern California Edison. A huge factor in ancient religeon of hebrews and christians involve Mt Hermes which is the place that moses was visited by god. TEXAS EXECUTIONS UNDER THE GEORGE W. BUSH ADMINISTRATION: International Outrage over Texecutioner Bush, . Being the all-seeing Masonic eye. What city is 33 degrees north latitude and 112 degrees west longitude? 2. riches could total 33 BILLION. What parallel is Dallas on? Lorenzo De Medici provided critical support for Columbus to be allowed to sail to, The Americas and was part of a secret network involving the former Knight Templars. The Bank is. . The primarily French built Osiraq reactor is located at the following coordinates: . Mexico and the cult is attracting even US military scrutiny. . The founder was involved in neo-nazi bombings in Canada. The reader is respectfully asked: What are the odds that both are killed on the 33rd parallel, In direct alignment with the nuclear sites AND their deaths usher in the advent of nuclear, Weapons in their respective societies AND people linked to the CIA or what would, Become the CIA after WWII are linked to their deaths or have A LOT TO LOSE IF, FDR was replaced with 33rd Freemason Harry Truman who dropped Two atomic bombs, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two Japanese cities very near the 33rd parallel. Remains from burial sites at Machu Picchu were taken to Yale early in the last century by. This is Why the saying only a southern Governor can win the Presidency came about. REALTY ON THE 33RD PARALLEL. This edict by Frederick II authorized the slaughter and pillage. . Latitude N 33.890. 8. c) The 33rd parallel runs through California as previously noted. KNOWN OR SUSPECTED CIA ROLE IN. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The Ismaili sect as the assassins are now called. WAS the King. the average human was a chimpanzee. TWO HUNDRED / 20% OF DEATH ROW INMATES TO THEIR DEMISE IN TANDEM. The Crips and Bloods street gang phenomenon goes nationwide. He was referred to as THE ANTICHRIST BY POPE GREGORY THE 9th. * This is a nearly exact/possibly, exact alignment with the Death Row of Mississippi. THANKYOU FOR YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER. Kukulkan is described as bearded, light skinned, with reddish hair and gray eyes. His ownership of the Home would ensure many happy returns to. Hunter S. Thompson was once a security guard at the Esalen. Maos mentor was a member of the Chinese occult-steeped TRIADS named after the groups glorification of the number 3. 5. Faith there? ALL OF THE SELLERS JPMC does not like what is being sold- it does not buy. What was so bad about Ur of the Chaldees that Abraham could not practice his. No chance &. He was an absolute ruler in every sense of the word. The cross forms a form, Of the letter T. THE 33rd PARALLEL IS THE MOST POWERFUL LOCATION NOT THE ONLY LOCATION WHERE THIS ACTIVITY CAN OCCUR. The Phoenix Lights, witnessed by thousands of people in the skies above the city were one of the most enormous UFO sightings in history.As per the witnesses, two separate UFOs events were reported.The city ofPhoenix is situated on Parallel 33. So did the Nazi army 70 years later. Pornography Industry (as it is called in these times) located primarily in the San. The CIA was heavily infiltrated with fascists and nazis that essentially formed its, Backbone on the German General Gehlen nazi espionage web in occupied Europe towards, The end of the second world war. It is located at 30.55 N Latitude. The Mystery of Parallel 33: Everything Is Connected To This Number Major financial centers north of the 33rd Parallel include London, New York, Chicago, and Switzerland. The Washington Shambala Center. Feb 6, 2019 #1 2. Middleman among numerous bizarre incidents dealing with this phenomenon. The concept of Ley lines is precisely the, Concept behind the 33rd parallel or the concept of Feng Shui or Geomancy. Latitude for Santa Fe, New Mexico is N. Latititude 35.67. A Q could have been arrested twice in the Netherlands. Hells Angels motorcycle gang : Formed in Oakland , California. The federal government burned to death scores of men, women and children at a site of, horror that is in direct alignment and very close proximity to the sight of the famous ranch, of President Bush in Texas. . 5. Your email address will not be published. Widespread sexual misconduct in ritualized fashion and killings. The, Romans also had a senate. . THE INCAS PRACTICED HUMAN SACRIFICE AND MUMMIFICATION LIKE THE INHABITANTS OF MEMPHIS , EGYPT, __MEMPHIS HAD A PYRAMID SHAPED PAVILLION FOR THE TENNESSEE. 2. New Mexico Flag is a solar cross. 45 Thus the worst prison riot and until, 9/11 the worst mass murder / terrorist act and the city of the gods were aligned. This is now a multibillion dollar industry largely now under the control of gangs. ., Paul Allen , the third richest american has a thing about Jimi Hendrix, the deceased, rock star and has purchased much of his estate and legal rights. (Freemasonry being associated with Solar or Sun worship) Latitude N 33.92 . Astrum Argentum (latin for Silver Star) an Order founded by Aleister Crowley. The Aztec priests would time the passage of the Pleiades to determine the exact time to plunge the knife into the heart of the human sacrifice victim. The location for Waco is N. Latitude 31.335. The South African Government has the Worlds Only Occult Unit to deal with crime related to sorcery, ritual murder and such. THREE OF THEM NOW Somehow favor the interests of the nation of Iran/Persia. For a detailed analysis of this please see: MASONIC ASTROLOGY IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, The first Capital for a very brief period likely for purposes of anointing the, Confederacy with supernatural powers was Montgomery, Alabama for barely, . . Tran dimensional stargate in Iraq. The Sea of Chaos lies adjacent to a 33km crater named. Codified death for 25 different crimes . western freemasonic concept of 33rd parallel is unknown. 1915 County Road 2010 Ravenna TX 75476 (903) 449-8252. 5. Japan, China and India are also at the forefront of the unethical organ transplant list. . Santa Fe, NM 87502-2486. 2. water, rising from the dead and so forth. In fact there is ritual murder rife throughout Africa and AFRICA IS THE ONLY CONTINENT TO HAVE BOTH THE NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN 33rd PARALLELS RUN THROUGH IT. They did stop. The Pretoria Central Execution Chamber saw THOUSANDS EXECUTED during its operational time frame. Another interesting fact is that Baghdad is located at latitude 33 33N and the palace of Saddam Hussein was built exactly on this position.The ancient city of Damascus, Syria also corresponds to that parallel. THE STAGE PROP RANCH IS LOCATED IN EXACT ALIGNMENT WITH THE CENTER OF JERUSALEM WHICH AS NOTED HAS GRID COORDINATES OF 666: Since the ranch is a recent purchase the selection of this site raises many questions. There is a Green Dragon retreat center associated with. . Ancient-Contact: MASONS & THE MYSTERY OF THE 33RD PARALLEL - Blogger Washington D.C. is on the 38th parallel. Did Bin Laden Really Die the Same Day as Hitler? The three were killed by the screaming eagles. The creation of a Superman a master race to which in comparison. Westinghouse is installing new more powerful reactors at the 33rd parallel located . Machiavelli dedicated The Prince to Lorenzo De Medici. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. UFO linked mythology. He goes on to win the Presidency defeating a. non 33rd parallel sitting President (Ford) that never executed anyone. Miccosukee Indians in the Everglades swamp twice a year. . . The 33rd degree is highest publicly known degree for Freemasonry, and some say it signifies illumination and freedom from religious dogma. AND KARBALA ,IRAQ WHERE SHIA ISLAMS FOUNDER WAS DECAPITATED ARE IDENTICAL Please google the terms yourself for purposes of verification or use a map or globe. ; A Divine sacrifice. Phenomenon , like all that permeates the entire 33rd parallel issue. Abu Ghraib is now officially. FDR died suddenly while having his portrait painted at what was known as The little. Cecil Rhodes was born in 1853 and was the secret-societies founding father. The 11 again. Download Unionpedia on your Android device! The female alleged muslim suicide bomber operated from a radical muslim cell. It was ruled by a Grandmaster , had 9 levels of initiation and basically, Was the first known systemic movement to create mind controlled assassins promised a, Heavenly paradise if they managed to murder a given leader or important person. The Hollywood movie industry is funded almost entirely by the NWO/Illuminati, Rockefellers Bank, JPMorganChase . All of this occurred in 1947. Capricorn is represented by a goat and Tookie is black; I.E. Gilgamesh is a hybrid part man / part god. 7. 1. The Aga Khan has ties to a swiss foundation with Neil Bush and the current Pope Benedict before he became Pope. 4. In fact , Nashville is the possible home of secrets pertaining to the Holy Grail, a vessel filled. Hierarchical system in the world , the caste system which exists to this day. Also missing or at least UNDER COMPLETE NEWS BLACKOUT IS THE STATUS, OF THE TOMB OF GILGAMESH. The exact location is known as Poverty Point, an area of human habitation for thousands of years. Keep this fact in mind for later in this article. 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death was published by AM Design on 2020-07-01. . . The same date in which Tookie Williams was executed by son-of-a-nazi Guvernator/Terminator. For more U.S. locations including cities, towns, parks and more, use the Find Latitude and Longitude tool. Recently , President George W Bush appointed George Herbert Walker III as, Ambassador to Hungary. . The Mare Crisium in latin means Sea of Crisis. That means no movie. . 4. A clerical regime is suddenly run by a glowing secular individual that talks of wiping a. nuclear armed country, Israel off the map. The Earth's parallels 33 North and 33 South reveal fascinating details. Your email address will not be published. Gilgamesh Tomb found. MULLAH OMAR (TALIBAN), Richard Nixon told the turks to stop growing poppies and turning it into heroin for. The pyramid is located in Memphis TN. In fact , the entire war in Iraq and Afghanistan may be a means to secure sufficient, spiritual energy for Power. No hope of a dynasty or a comeback to the throne. Three died the day Jesus was, 6. 2. See a problem? That the blood is that of another not the signer. Both men have publicly stated the need for a New World Order. Faster access than browser! Why. Was Alamogordo , New Mexico. If that was part of the purposethen Waco/ Branch Davidian compound must be, viewed as the same, since the Federal Government was directly involved beyond. Kerry Plan would GIVE nuclear fuel to Iran. This explains a lot, in particular how a Hollywood actor now turned Governor got to, This explains why movies never show bankers in a bad light, show disdain for, Conventional morality and why the entire industry seems dead-set to lead youth in, This explains why a movie such as The Interpreter shows the UN in a good light and a, Movie such as the recent National Treasure show freemasonry in a wonderful aura as, Well.