Texas Health Steps A health care program of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for Medicaid people. Self-Employed Individual Retirement Account (IRA), Simple IRA, and Qualified Plan Deductions A federal income tax deduction for self-employed people or partners in a business. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) A child who meets the definition of deprivation and who lives with a relative who meets the relationship requirement. the prevention and treatment of substance abuse; Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) nutrition. The discovery date is compared with the report date to determine whether a change is reported timely. The automated process uses existing applicant information, electronic data source information and reasonable compatibility when income verification is required. Card Sleeve A durable paper envelope folded to the dimensions of the plastic EBT card. Court Awards Taxable money that a person receives as the result of a lawsuit, such as compensation for lost wages or punitive damages awards. The marriage must not have been annulled. Pick or change your PIN. It could take several weeks for your P-EBT card to arrive after claiming benefits. All system-generated correspondence is scheduled for batch printing although it can be retrieved from Pending Correspondence and printed locally. The qualified hospital may choose to make PE determinations for pregnant women, children under 19, parents and caretaker relatives of dependent children under 19, and former foster care children. Unauthorized access to this site and its information assets is prohibited. Texas's EBT customer service number is 1-800-777-7328. Each original correspondence is given a unique Correspondence ID (identifying number). Examples of public institutions include county and city jails and Texas Department of Corrections prisons. Passive Renewal A process by which the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) automatically recertifies a Former Foster Care in Higher Education (FFCHE) active Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) for another certification period. Four Months Post-Medical Medicaid coverage extended for a maximum of four months after denial of a case because of spousal support income. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) applicants and people in these counties are still subject to E&T work registration requirements with TWC, but are exempt from E&T participation and are not subject to SNAP federal time limits. If you are just looking for support services and want to be contacted by programs, you need to create an account. Military Member Aperson in the U.S. Armed Forces/Reserves (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard), National Guard (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Reserve Guard) or the State Military Forces/Texas State Guard. an applicant or a certified Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)or Medical Program household member or a member who would be certified but is disqualified; or. Step Grandparent The spouse of a blood-related grandparent. The buying, selling, stealing, or otherwise effecting an exchange of SNAP benefits for cash or consideration other than eligible food, either directly, indirectly, in complicity or collusion with others, or acting alone. Deprivation Loss of parental support caused by death, incapacity, continued absence of one or both natural or adoptive parents, or because of unemployment or underemployment of both parents in a two-parent family. Pending Correspondence Forms or notices that have been generated on a case and are waiting to be processed in batch. Protection at 1-800-252-3439 or www.tdi.texas.gov. This results in: Administrative Review A desk review of the fair hearing record by a Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) attorney to determine if the hearing officer's decision is correct. Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Medical coverage for children under 19 whose family income exceeds the limits for Children's Medicaid. See Alternate Payee. Range of Payment The highest to the lowest representative pay amounts used to determine the current ongoing budget. Self-Employment Income Earned or unearned income available from one's business, trade or profession rather than from an employer. Standard of Need Basic needs of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) families represented by a figure predetermined by the state of Texas per the number of certified people in the group. To continue working, click on Stay on page. Voluntary Quit Leaving a job without good cause. Print Mode Indicates where historical correspondence was printed. ITIN holders pay taxes. Primary Cardholder (PCH) The person designated to receive and be responsible for the household's Lone Star Card. perform initial self-screening to check for potential eligibility; view general benefit program information. Please look at the permit to find your number. The second party selects the Second Level Review interview mode. Click here to re-activate your account. Call us at 1-800-772-1213 to make an appointment to file your application. Override A Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) procedure that allows the user to make a change to the system-determined Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) results. Welfare-to-Work A federal program designed to support state and local efforts to move hard-to-employ Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients into unsubsidized jobs and promote their self-sufficiency. Institution of Higher Education Any public or private college, community college, junior college, technical institute, or university that usually requires a high school diploma or equivalent certificate such as a general equivalency diploma (GED), to enter. Adults on the Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) must be legal parents (including a certified stepparent) to the dependent child. Timely Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) application filed by the 15th of the last month of certification. Seedispose. Office of Inspector General (OIG) A division of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) created by the 78th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to prevent and reduce waste, abuse, and fraud within the Texas Health and Human Services system. *Important: Don't write your PIN on your Lone Star Card. Basic Utility Allowance (BUA) Deduction given to a SNAP household that has utility costs but does not qualify for the standard utility allowance (SUA). Standby List Applicants who are awaiting an interview without a specific appointment. Reinstatement Process of providing Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) to a household denied because of failure to return a complete Medicaid Report. There are two types of categorically eligible households: Certificate of Coverage A certificate that serves as proof of a Medicaid recipient's most recent period of Medicaid coverage. Print Type Classification of historical correspondence as the original record or a reprint of the original. These households may bypass the income and resources tests and are deemed financially eligible. Dispose To authorize an Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) so eligibility is established or denied. See User-Generated. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Past name was the Food Stamp Program. a supervised shelter that provides temporary living quarters; a place not intended for regular sleeping quarters; or. . Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) A federal program that pays benefits to help eligible people pay utility costs. For example, a user can: User Guide A Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) help tool accessed by clicking on the Help icon in the upper right corner of TIERS pages. This process occurs without staff or specialist action. Priority Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Issuances Expedited SNAP benefits, benefits issued on or after the 25th day from the date of application, and issuances ordered by a hearing officer decision that must be made available in order to meet fair hearing timeliness requirements. Unemployment Benefits Services allows individuals to submit new applications for unemployment benefits, submit payment requests, get claim and payment status information, change their benefit payment option, update their address or phone number, view IRS 1099-G information, and respond to work search log requests. Texas Workforce Commission's Unemployment Benefit Services - Sign Up One program is the Choices program for TANF recipients, and the other is the SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) program for SNAP recipients. Individual Number A unique nine-digit number that identifies any person known to the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS). Vested Retirement Account An account to which an employee makes contributions for a specified period of time as defined by the employer. Legal Requirements The non- financial eligibility requirements for a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF) or Medicaid child, such as age, relationship, domicile, citizenship, Social Security number (SSN), and deprivation. For Type Program (TP) 08, Parents and Caretaker Relatives Medicaid A relative within the required degree of relationship, other than a legal parent, caring for a dependent child who meets the income limits for that program. are held under court order as material witnesses or juveniles. Complete Review A re-evaluation of ongoing eligibility. Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) The rules used to determine financial eligibility for certain Medical Programs that are based on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax rules. SeeCase. The caller must provide the head of households Social Security number (SSN) or the case number and date of birth of a household member to access information. Representative Payee In Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), a person designated to receive and manage the household's benefits for someone who is incapacitated or incompetent. A same-sex marriage that occurred before June 26, 2015, is considered valid effective June 26, 2015. a facility located on the grounds of or immediately adjacent to any large institution or multi-structure complex; an educational or vocational training institution; and. Additionally, a consumer assistance program can help you file your appeal. The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) administers unemployment benefits, which provide temporary relief for eligible Texans who find themselves out of work or dealing with severely reduced work hours. Welcome to UnitedHealthcare Individual Exchange plans, also referred to as Individual and Family plans. Timely Disposed An Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) that is completed in accordance with program timeliness standards. Batch and Online are the types of print modes. Instructions include not writing their PIN on the card sleeve or anything they carry in their purse or wallet, not revealing their PIN to anyone, or letting anyone use their card. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and who has received a final order of deportation. You do not need to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to connect. TANF-State Program (SP) A child who lives with both parents, or a parent and stepparent, and both parents and stepparent (if included in the certified group) receive TANF benefits. Escrow An escrow account is an account a mortgage company sets up for the homeowner as part of their monthly mortgage payment. all eligible members receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA); or. Click here to view alternate account management instructions to re-activate your account. This process occurs without staff action. SOLQ enables state social services to rapidly get information they need to qualify people for programs. The PAN is not related to the persons Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) case number. Reception Log The functional area in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) where office contacts by phone, mail, fax and in-person can be recorded. Sufficient Employment Job earnings, other than seasonal work such as migrant or seasonal farm work, that would result in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) ineligibility without including the 90 percent earned income disregard . Non-Traditional Retailer A food retailer who operates in a farmer's market or as a roadside vendor. even if an applicant chooses not to apply for TANF, the person can still apply for Medical Programs and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to support employment while working toward self-sufficiency. It is when a child lives with both legal parents and both parents are requesting and are eligible for coverage. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. collects information from throughout the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS); and. Taxpayer A person or a married couple who expects: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Basic Cash assistance for families that include a dependent child and no more than one eligible adult. The Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) name must be within the required degree of relationship to the dependent child. Waiver Counties Texas counties with an unemployment rate over 10 percent. reactivating an EDG without requiring a new application form. Unauthorized access to this site and misuse of its information assets may be prosecuted under Texas State statutes regarding the use of individually identifiable personal health information (PHI) and The United States regulations and laws regarding the use of individually identifiable personal health information (PHI). Where is the individual number for Texas Benefits located? Minor Parent A person under 18 who has a dependent. The newborn Medicaid coverage can continue through the month of the child's first birthday if the child continues to live in Texas. Annuity A series of payments paid under a contract and made at regular intervals over more than one full year. Suspended Benefits The Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) is flagged to prevent the ongoing issuance of benefits until eligibility staff review the EDG. VA South Texas Health Care | Kerrville VA Medical Center's Open House When the term is used in the handbook, it means all the following programs combined: Emergency Medical Condition An eligibility requirement for Emergency Medicaid for nonimmigrants, undocumented aliens and certain legal permanent resident aliens. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) The federal program that funds assistance for energy costs for low-income households. What is the average tax refund for married couples? The benefit is funded by taxes collected from businesses. Customs and Border Protection is responsible for border security functions. Incidentals include such things as normal day-to-day transportation, phone, laundry, medical supplies not paid by Medicaid, home remedies, recreation, and household equipment. Call us at 1-800-777-7328 if you can't locate it. Texas Workforce Commission's Unemployment Benefit Services - Glossary General Equivalency Diploma (GED) A high school equivalency certificate issued after a person completes a State Board of Education-approved high school equivalency program. createcorrespondence and reports based on system-requested and user-requested criteria. Marriage A legally or formally recognized union between two people. Some people qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid. Grant in Jeopardy The Office of the Attorney General's (OAG's) designation for a case that is potentially ineligible for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) grant because the OAG received a child support collection on the current monthly obligation and it equals or exceeds the TANF grant plus the disregard. Spend Down The amount of excess income that the applicant must deplete with incurred medical bills before being certified as medically needy. They cannot be used to schedule appointments using the Scheduling functional area. These facilities have limited power of attorney to obtain health care and educational services for the children under their care. Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) A person lawfully admitted for legal permanent residence in the U.S. These are given to a SNAP household that either incurs a heating or cooling cost separate from the rent or received a Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) payment. Users cannot delete system-generated correspondence. Molar Pregnancy Also known as hydatidiform mole, a molar pregnancy is considered a degenerating pregnancy. Reasonable Compatibility The method of verification used for Medical Programs. Texas Health & Human Services Commission. Where is EDG number on Lone Star Card? - remodelormove.com The user name or password is incorrect. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) proration is based on the number of days between the file date and the end of the month. Texas Workforce Commission's Unemployment Benefit Services - Help - Logon The mortgage company uses money in the account to pay annual property taxes, home insurance premiums and sometimes homeowner association fees on behalf of the homeowner. Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) A utility assistance program funded annually by the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).