"And whether you save money each month for that, or you just risk it and wait for something to happen, it's definitely an invisible cost. "To have video monitoring, surveillance, drones that descend when people come on the property — that could cost thousands of dollars," she said.Still, $70,000 per month — what 50 Cent was reportedly paying — is not the norm, even in ritzy Greenwich, Leahy said. "Eventually, there will be a flood, or an electrical issue, or a roof repair," he said.
A massive mansion with perfectly manicured grounds, a private pool, and a high-tech security system may sound like a dream home to many.But such a house will cost you much more than just the mortgage. Even the larger homes in town are only about 12,000 square feet, she said, four times smaller than 50 Cent's former home, she said. "In a condo, your heat and hot water is probably part of your common charges, but if you buy say, a townhouse with 14-foot ceilings and have to pay all of your own utilities including heat, it can cost $2,000 to 3,000 per month," And then there's landscaping. But for the size of the rapper's former home, $70,000 per month doesn't surprise her.Owning a mansion like that, Leahy said, is like "having a small hotel." "There are many 'invisible costs' of owning a so-called mansion," "Things like that are a part of our standard disclaimer and should always be communicated to the buyer," Atlee said.Homeowners expect to pay utility bills, of course, but what some buyers may not know is how much these costs can add up in a large home — especially when they're coming from an apartment in the city. Realtors break down the 'invisible' costs of owning massive mansions - Business Insider
Subscribe to be updated with new videos and new songs as they get posted. Keeping lawns, gardens, and water features in pristine condition can cost thousands per month, depending on the size of the home. 50+ videos Play all Mix - At Floyd Mayweather's Mansion with Rick Ross' son, Tia and Diddy in Las Vegas | 50 Cent Music YouTube The Reason Why 50 Cent And Floyd Mayweather Started Beefing - Duration: 12:47. These costs, which can include utility bills, landscaping, maintenance emergencies, security systems, and smart-home technology, can quickly add up to thousands of dollars per month. "Depending on the size of the property, this can easily eclipse $100,000 per year. Take 50 Cent, who recently sold his 52-room Connecticut mansion for $2.9 million after 12 years. D'autres articles qui pourraient vous intéresser "Landscaping is always important because who wants to spend $10 million on a house and have an unappealing facade or front yard?" 50 Cent's Official Music Channel on YouTube. ""I think probably the biggest hidden cost is that smart-home systems, like a Leahy said many of the homes she sells have home security systems from Brosnan Security, a company that deals with many of the major estates in Greenwich, Connecticut, where the average home price is $3 million, according to Leahy. Copyright © 2016 Business Insider Inc. Tous droits réservés. http://www.thisis50.com Rubinstein said.