Parents and Guardians of Middle and High School Students,Chesterfield County Public Schools is pleased to provide information about our 2020 summer program offerings. The Department of Digital Learning has waived the requirement for students to complete the Online Orientation Course before registering for any online summer course.
Information about registration, which starts May 25, will be sent later this week.This Winterpock ES fifth-grade graduate has earned the title of "Stay Home Science Fair Champion" for 2020.School Board approves virtual start to 2020-21 school yearTechnology Department to continue Chromebook support into summerChesterfield County School Board approves pre-Labor Day school opening for 2021-22 school yearReunión de la comunidad virtual programada para familias de habla hispana para discutir opciones para la reapertura de escuelasRegistration open for incoming Chesterfield kindergarten studentsMeal Distribution Sites Update for July 1 – August 31, 2020
All courses will have teachers interacting online to support students through all aspects of a fully online course including whole class and small group instruction, assignment feedback, facilitated discussion, goal-setting, progress-monitoring, and virtual office hours.CCPSOnline courses are $250/credit for Chesterfield County residents and $500/credit for non-residents.All elementary students with Internet access and a school-division issued Chromebook or personal device (home computer, tablet, smart phone, etc.) Please note that this replaces our traditional summer offerings, including camps and the behind the wheel course. Initial eligibility letters for summer programs were sent home on May 16th. We are excited to share information about summer learning opportunities for Chesterfield County students. Please note that this replaces our traditional summer offerings, including camps and the behind the wheel course. All courses provide students an opportunity to move through the content at their own pace and to test out of content previously mastered.Paper packets will continue to be prepared and made available at schools twice during the month of July for students who do not have access to online learning opportunities.The elementary school Recovery of Learning program begins on June 29th. Some elective courses are available also.Core content courses will have teachers interacting online to support students through goal-setting, progress-monitoring, virtual office hours, and small group instruction. Please visit the “Hot Topics” section of the If a student wishes to take all or part of a non-credit bearing course to build skills and knowledge due to learning loss caused by the extended absence from school or if a student needs to recover content in order to receive a passing grade for the current school year as communicated by the school principal, register for one of our many courses offered online through the CCPS Recovery of Learning program. Program 1: CCPSOnline Below is a summary of available opportunities for students at the elementary, middle and high school levels. Recovery of Learning opportunities will be structured through Edgenuity courseware. CCPS Online Learning - Summer School Registration for Online Summer School will begin June 1, 2020. Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) will be offering several summer programs for eligible CCPS students. with the minimum system requirements to run each application will have the opportunity to access a personalized curriculum in both mathematics and language arts that covers course content from the grade level they were in during the current school year and also allows a student to progress beyond the current school year if they are ready.Students will work in three primary applications described below.