Earlier this year, the SATORI project, funded by the European Commission, published recommendations on Internet research as part of an effort to standardize and update research-ethics guidelines. As a reaction to new technological developments, including the political and institutional pressure on researchers, the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) has recently published the third edition of guidelines for ethics in Internet Research: “Ethical Guidelines 3.0” (IRE 3.0). Research studying information that is already available on or viathe Internet without direct interaction with huma… The Ethics Working Committee, as composed of ethicists and researchers from various regions and countries, has produced three major reports to assist researchers in making ethical decisions in their research: 2019: Internet Research: Ethical Guidelines 3.0 [PDF] Internet-mediated research (IMR) in particular can raise challenges in adhering to existing ethics principles. A first set of IRE guidelines was developed, approved by the AoIR membership, and published in 2002 (Ess and the AoIR ethics working committee). The Ethics Working Committee, as composed of ethicists and researchers from various regions and countries, has produced three major reports to assist researchers in making ethical decisions in their research:Researchers, students, ethicists, and related institutional bodies and academic organizations in the domain of Internet research may turn to these ethics document as a starting point for their inquiries and reflection.
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