Listen to conversations over long distances with a homemade laser listening device. Guangdong, China Bien que les limites imposées par les lois de la physique restent impraticables, nos microphones vous poussent à proximité de la limite comme jamais auparavant. Completely different than some other “educational projects” or toy devices you may find on the Internet, our long-distance laser audio listening instruments are the most reliable tools that law enforcement and professional surveillance teams can deploy in a matter of minutes, when achieving tactical advantage in a critical situation becomes paramount.Currently, we are the only company in the world to be able to offer a selection of ten different Laser microphone models: no other laser microphone manufacturer in the world can offer you such a wide selection.Our Spectra Laser microphones are professional laser audio surveillance tools that will allow law enforcement professionals to surreptitiously listen in remotely on any premises by using a beam of invisible light as the sound-carrying medium and without any need to break-in or enter the target room.Equipped with cutting-edge technology and electronics, our laser microphones have no competition in the field when it comes to reliability, performance and ease of use.
Guangdong, China Kategorie Guangdong, China To ensure that our email communications, social media, and digital advertising are timely and relevant to you, we collect and analyze data about your actions on our site.We want you to have a good experience with us. To accurately collect your feedback and better understand your experience with us, we may use feedback tabs, pop-up surveys, and data about how you use our products and sites.Your time is valuable. Laser microphones are often seen as the pinnacle of spy technology as you don't have to install a transmitter to hear what's going in a building.