Japan has yet to develop a plan to dispose of the highly radioactive waste that will come out of the reactors. The nuclear disaster at Fukushima sent an unprecedented amount of radiation into the Pacific. He has worked against the operation of the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi reactors since 1997. http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/english_editorials/956456.htmlWith the world’s attention focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, the Japanese government has been pushing forward with its preparations to dump contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean. Reactors 1, 3 and 4 then suffered hydrogen explosions.Tepco must inject water into the reactors indefinitely to keep the melted cores cool, but water tainted by contact with the fuel and associated debris has been leaking from the damaged containment vessels and into the basements of the reactor buildings, where tons of fresh groundwater flows in daily through holes in their damaged walls.The contaminated water is pumped out and passed through a filtration device called the Advanced Liquid Processing System — which is supposed to remove every radionuclide except for tritium — and stored in the tanks.Tepco has taken steps to limit the amount of groundwater seeping into the reactor buildings, including wells to intercept and divert it and an underground ice wall around the buildings to block any inflow.According to Tepco, however, about 83 tons of water are seeping into the reactor buildings each day.
Fukushima radioactive water should be released into ocean, say Japan experts This article is more than 6 months old Build-up of contaminated water … Processed adequately, however, tritium is believed to pose little to no health risk. 2 reactor is relatively known through past inspections.
As a neighbor, Korea has every right to raise the issue with the Japanese government. http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/english_editorials/956441.htmlSubcontractors hired to rebuild the disaster-stricken Tohoku region created slush funds with taxpayer money to wine and dine and give cash to senior officials of four major construction companies, The Asahi Shimbun has learned.The combined sum of the slush funds reached at least 160 million yen ($1.51 million), a result of padded bills paid for by revenue collected under a new tax levied for reconstruction projects in the region.The four construction companies whose executives accepted the gifts from the subcontractors are Shimizu Corp., Hazama Ando Corp., Kajima Corp. and Taisei Corp. Fukushima melted fuel removal begins 2021, end state unknown Melted fuel removal at Japan’s tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant begins in … The range of plutonium particle spread was previously estimated at 50km, and this research changes that number to 230km.
During the Fukushima meltdown, it combined with silica gas created when melting fuel and other reactor materials interacted with the concrete below the damaged reactor vessel.
Seeing the blueness of the sky of Iitate.”While happy to be back in their beloved region, many residents were critical of the state radiation-monitoring networks that were supposed to provide them with adequate information to allow them to live safely in the village. Regarding this forever-lied-about Fukushima tonnage released daily, the problem is two-fold— 1) only a small (yet growing) number of dumbed-down, Facebook and Twitter-absorbed, McDonald’s food-engorging people are even AWARE…..yes, after five years…..of how serious Fukushima is. That’s the most important point. Some have raised doubts if removing all of the melted fuel is doable and suggest an approach like Chernobyl — contain the reactors and wait until radioactivity naturally decreases. Last August it came to light that the allegedly treated water still contained other dangerous contaminants, including iodine, cesium and strontium. can only be a temporary measure while a more sustainable solution is needed” and a “decision on the disposition path should be taken urgently.”Beyond 2020, Tepco has not allocated any additional space for holding treated water on the site and has no plans to do so at this time. .
It is more important to remember that 800,000 tons of this water contains not only tritium but also contains other hazardous radioactive materials, including strontium-90, as a result of the failure of the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) technology operating during the last 9 years. Under the road map, the government and TEPCO will compile a plan sometime after the first decade of debris removal ending in 2031.
As an elderly man explained to me in 2017: “It’s the place where I was born. Based on these data, they were able to map the distribution of various elements coming from materials within the damaged reactors – including iron from stainless steel, zirconium and tin from the fuel cladding and zinc from cooling water. Microscopic particles emitted during the Fukushima nuclear disaster contained plutonium, according to a new study.The microscopic radioactive particles formed inside the Fukushima reactors when the melting nuclear fuel interacted with the reactor’s structural concrete.Nearly ten years after meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant caused a nuclear disaster, the new information about the extent and severity of the meltdown and the distribution patterns of the plutonium have broad implications for understanding the mobility of plutonium during a nuclear accident.The study used an extraordinary array of analytical techniques in order to complete the description of the particles at the atomic-scale,” says coauthor Rod Ewing, co-director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford University.The researchers found that, due to loss of containment in the reactors, the particles were released into the atmosphere and many were then deposited many miles from the reactor sites.Studies have shown that the cesium-rich microparticles, or CsMPs, are highly radioactive and primarily composed of glass (with silica from concrete) and radio-cesium (a volatile fission product formed in the reactors). Together with state monitoring, such citizen science practices resulted in lower consumption of contaminated foods.While such examples demonstrate the power and potential of citizen science, there are inherent political complexities involved when citizens or nongovernmental organizations step in and claim expertise in areas typically reserved for state agencies and experts.