Use our journey planner to find a cheap train ticket to Aberdeen.
No trains between Aberdeen and Dundee The vibrant city is surrounded by 165 miles of outstanding coastline and is home to the UK's largest National Park, Cairngorms.
And that means Aberdeen has plenty of excellent dining and entertainment for freshly-paid oil workers. Or if you prefer plusher surroundings, it only costs a little more to travel to Aberdeen in luxurious First Class comfort. Plus, with over 100 new seats, you can get even more value on advance tickets.
You must enter at least 1 adult or 1 child passenger 23:11. Go contactless with digital tickets on your phone. Our new Azuma trains are here, click for a first look inside the new Standard and First Class coaches and find out what makes our Azuma trains a more comfortable journey.Find out instantly when tickets are available for your journey.Tickets are available for travel up to and including:
Please visit our
Aberdeen to Bellshill timetable.
Factors such as the time, date and train company you'll be using can affect the availability of each one.
We are currently unable to run LNER train services between Edinburgh and Aberdeen. No trains between Aberdeen and Dundee Go contactless with digital tickets on your phone. With annual, monthly and weekly options available, find out if aNational Railcards offer up to 1/3 off train tickets in the UK and can be a great investment if you travel a few times or more in a year.
You’ll save many a mickle by using our journey planner to find a cheap train ticket. Aberdeen to Paisley timetable. Now you can travel from London to Aberdeen on … All it takes is a cheap train ticket.Aberdeen’s rich maritime history is just one of the many things which attracts visitors to the so-called Granite City.Be inspired by LNER's pick of the best places to eat in Aberdeen. Or if you prefer plusher surroundings, it only costs a little more to travel to Aberdeen in luxurious Now you can travel from London to Aberdeen on our brand new Azuma.
Smoother, quieter and more reliable, Azuma will make your journey even more comfortable.