The AccessID is two letters followed by four digits (e.g., xy5678).
Your personal identification number (sometimes called your Banner number) is printed on the front; this is your official university identification number.
This process also helps researchers avoid inadvertent protocol violations.
IT service access is controlled by your student and/or employee status in Banner, and by authorization from university Business Affairs Officers and other approvers. Be enrolled at Wayne State University, with a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.2 or higher, and ACT math score >=26 or SAT math >=590. It is your key to WSU computing services and resources, including: Academica, Canvas, Wayne Connect and more.If you do not know your WSU AccessID, you may find it on your WSU OneCard (picture ID) or by searching your name in the Follow the steps below to log in with your AccessID and temporary password to set up self services.When you are prompted to change your password, choose a secure one that you will easily remember.Choose a password that follows C&IT's Strong Password Standard.Your AccessID and password will be your key to accessing many Wayne State services, including email, online classes, and wireless internet.
open, simply close this tab or window. The following is frequently asked questions about eProtocol to assist you. Wayne State Users: Please click on sign up and register for an account using your Wayne Access ID. Find more information at open, simply close this tab or window. You just logged out of but your session was created with .You may terminate your portal session by logging out of , or by clicking the button below. Students participating in this program will receive scholarship support of approximately $2,500 per year for up to four years. In order to login to eProtocol, you must have a Wayne State University Access ID.
Students participating in this program will receive scholarship support of approximately $2,500 per year for up to four years. If you wish to keep your session with open, simply close this tab or window.
New students and employees can follow this overview to get started with Wayne State's email and account system.
Guest AccessIDs are available to employees not paid by th... The Wayne State University AccessID is an unique identification code assigned to each applicant, student and employee. Click here; Need help?
Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Sometimes email messages sent to students are returned with a message stating that the email ID does not exist or that the email account is over quota and cannot receive messages. open, simply close this tab or window.
This is especially helpful when adding key personnel because training may be required for these individuals. All Wayne State University employees are required to use two-factor authentication to access administrative services within Academica. New Wayne State University students and recently hired employees are to use the nine-digit personal ID (PID) found on their one card as their initial AccessID password (this number is also mailed to new students upon application). Also on the front of your card is your access ID, which doubles as your WSU email address and a barcode that is used to check out books at the campus libraries.