0000022549 00000 n Class 3R is either: (1) From 1 to 4.99 mW into a 7mm aperture (e.g., pupil of the eye) or (2) five times the Class 2 limit of 2.5 mW/cm2, which works out to be 12.5 mW/cm2. Some
0000016138 00000 n 0000040413 00000 n 0000023286 00000 n
Class 1 lasers and laser products are inherently safe under reasonably foreseeable conditions of operation including the use of optical instruments for intra-beam viewing and as such they present no hazard to the eye or skin. SUMMARY: Lasers classified as Class I M are between 302.5nm and 400nm (overlapping slightly in both the visible and invisible range) and are safe for exposure, except when viewed through any optical aid which magnifies. The ANSI Z136 Committee has published or has under development seven standards specific to the laser field.The current version of the main ANSI Z136.1 Standard (Z136.1-2000) assigns lasers into one of four broad hazard Classes (1, 2, 3a, 3b and 4) depending on the potential for causing biologic… 0000039398 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %����
255 37 0000022028 00000 n Inherently safe laser… Laser classes that can be used for construction work are classes 1, 2, 3A, and 3B(Restricted).
0000033430 00000 n
It will be listed either in Arabic numerals (1 2, 3R, 3B, 4) or in Roman numerals (I, II, IIIa, IIIb, IV). The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is an organization for which expert volunteers participate on committees to set industry consensus standards in various fields. 0000010770 00000 n 0000041758 00000 n 0000002537 00000 n The second method is used by LaserSafetyFacts to determine NOHD. 0000003536 00000 n Most laser products are required by law to have a label listing the Class.
0000029139 00000 n The table below sets out the system of classification of laser devices and the potential hazards of the laser classes from 0000038713 00000 n 0000038277 00000 n 0000011114 00000 n 0000001036 00000 n 0000042387 00000 n Laser classes Lasers are classified for safety purposes based on their potential for causing injury to humans’ eyes and skin.
0000022914 00000 n 0000039102 00000 n 0000002934 00000 n Classification of Lasers. 0000032809 00000 n < At this website, we primarily use the Arabic numerals, for convenience. 0000000016 00000 n
This label provides important information on the hazard of the laser. 1.1.5 Threshold Gain Coefficient for Lasing Laser …
They can emit in the visible or invisible. 0000011395 00000 n 0000005353 00000 n 0000015375 00000 n 0000004124 00000 n ga«)Zóa.LƒÛõQ5R#;f8²0±A"ª¯UO ¬U#êØÛjTÕ‰C½Qí\|©ê*ºĞÌ\²ÌttÚî^yÙ©RäuÕU_÷¨ûîØw\]€ HAZARD CLASSIFICATION FOR LASERS . Although class 3B(Restricted) lasers can be used for construction work they should not be used in dimly lit work areas. trailer A class 1 laser product may contain a laser system of higher classification, but the engineering controls keep the AEL below the class 1 limit for example a CD/DVD player or a laser printer. These definitions are wordy and cumbersome to read out of context, but when given the specifications of a laser or laser … 0000010332 00000 n 0000029720 00000 n Under the circumstance of lasers of this class being viewed under magnification, potential eye damage is possible. N 1 to achieve the condition of population inversion between E 2 and E 1 at moderate pumping. 0000016367 00000 n 0000029488 00000 n 4 1 Lasers: Fundamentals, Types, and Operations N N E 0 E E 1 E 3 E 0 E E 1 2 Fast decay Fast decay Fast decay Pumping Pumping Lasing Lasing (a) (b) Figure 1.1 Energy level diagram for (a) three- and (b) four level laser systems. Lasers have been classified with respect to their hazards based on power, wavelength, and pulse duration.
0000015742 00000 n