For me, that is a constructive cultivation of guilt, a sensible formulation of sin.
Jeffrey A. Lockwood. But perhaps there is a place for taboos in UUism. Taboos against hunting gorillas afford protection to the Cross River gorilla, Our connection to sea turtles is complex and inherently culturally driven. Historically, colonization and Christianity have also caused cultural degradation in terms of retention of traditional belief structures across the African continent due to the vilification of these beliefs. 6/3/2019. Maybe UUs should find a place for what is so often taboo in our congregations—a justifiable, motivating, constructive sense of shame. How wonderfully ironic that the most liberal religion might be the context to sustain this rather conservative notion. In contrast, fishers in Akwidaa are not regulated by a taboo or influenced by the GWD and therefore are less willing to adjust their fishing methods in ways that would decrease sea turtle captures. Winneba's location in central Ghana makes the town much more ethnically diverse than Ada, with individuals from clans that do not recognize the sea turtle taboo, but also from clans that do (All communities are aware of the laws protecting sea turtles regardless of whether the taboo is prevalent. While a good amount of literature exists on sea turtle taboos and social customs, further study of these traditions is necessary in locations like Ghana where community engagement in conservation efforts is needed.
Different human cultures have had varying effects on their environments. Fishers in Cape Coast, Ghana accepted a recent government fishing closure of the Fosu Lagoon because traditional practices already reduced fishing efforts in the lagoon. Researchers and advocates have their taboos as well — like menstruation, for example. Or what should I make of the fellow at the Laramie garden center telling me that planting seedlings in early May might be sensible this year? I’ll admit to a surge of satisfaction when I hear the spray plane passing over the flood-irrigated pastures outside of town, making it possible to dine on the back deck without being exsanguinated by bloodthirsty mosquitoes. When asked, many reasons were given for the decline, but the presence of too many boats and the illegal use of lights when night fishing were considered the primary causes (Figure Most individuals (85%) acknowledged they catch sea turtles when fishing, but most were quick to add that it was not intentional (Table Only one individual in Ada indicated a captured sea turtle is either eaten or sold (or both), as opposed to 12 fishers that indicated they are not eaten or sold. Mar. In terms of conservation, official regulation can aid in filling the cultural gap left by the loss of taboos that would otherwise protect animals and habitat.
When web searching finally revealed a condition called meralgia paraesthetica which can be caused by a pinched nerve in the buttocks after prolonged biking, I was relieved. "Don't expect special treatment: "People are very informal here and being on a first-name-basis with anyone short of the King is the norm. Finding a single brand name that works universally in terms of pronunciation, meaning, and “ownability” is a monumental challenge. This time period coincides with the primary sea turtle nesting season in Ghana, which suggests fishers may be capturing gravid females that migrate to Ghana for nesting purposes. Perhaps guilt is a reliable moral compass, a deep, inarticulate feeling of a gap between what we’ve done and what we value, between who we’ve been and who we could be. More fishers in these two communities are willing to modify their fishing methods to reduce sea turtle by-catch and mortality. Therefore, recognition of the taboo does not necessarily result in adherence.
The point of confession was acknowledging our failings—and striving to do better. I travel in airplanes, drive when I could bike, use a gas mower instead of a push mower, and nudge up the thermostat (even while wearing a sweater) when working at home.
The GWD office in Winneba only recently began sea turtle education and law enforcement programs.
Or what should I make of the fellow at the Laramie garden center telling me that planting seedlings in early May might be sensible this year? Environmental taboos . The strong support for sea turtle conservation in Winneba is likely a result of the diverse ethnic groups present in the community, and the constant rotation of fishers among the boats.
The community affirms an effort to protect sea turtles but this appears to be driven by directives from a British-owned eco-lodge adjacent to the community. Key informants advised that Azizenya and Totope are changing in terms of the influx of new community members from other ethnic groups and they believe that this is diluting adherence to the taboo.