This is brand new and undisplayed (so has no pin holes), but has been stored in a closet for some time a where the edges got dented.
I love this freaking dress. I also didn't like this print when it came out, because I think at the time my style was still too sugary, and I hadn't really learned to appreciate dresses with darker colors or more mature themes.
and then someone explains.
The only. It's convinced me that this print is great and easy to make into an awesome coord. If any of you don't know, I wear wigs pretty frequently. Who doesn't love pancakes?
About 69-79cm. *Angelic Pretty Dreamy Dollhouse OP Since that brand database we were all excited about a while ago never seemed to have happened or is still in the works, I figured I could come up with a chronology of Angelic Pretty, mostly because I'm curious, and it might be helpful for anyone wishing to confirm that AP uses the same pattern again and again and again (not objecting, just pointing out.)
A friend of mine used to have the skirt and ended up selling it.
This is one of the more mature sweet prints AP has done, and it managed not to be a disaster!
About 85cm. It has a cake theme, which I love. This dress pretty much has it all for me: winter themes, snowglobes, cakes, pom-poms, and fur. Another successful carousel print. Then, I went to a meetup with my local comm wherein my friend coorded the HECK out of it. Another unique food print!
Not a huge fan of cherry motifs usually, but I think it works well here! Dreamy Dollhouse (2009) I've wanted this dress for some time now.
Angelic Pretty Dreamy Dollhouse BIG SET .
This print sort of ushered in the era of OTT sweet lolita, in my opinion, and it's pretty amazing no matter how many bad coords there are featuring the Oo Jia replica. No toys!? AP's really been pushing the religious imagery thing over the past couple of years, and I've never been that into it, but I think they did this dress really well.
There are a couple reasons for this.
OP Features . This is the most recent lucky pack, the one released for the 2015 New Year. First off, I was able to get one of my dream dresses from Angelic Pretty. DS: Decoration Dream, Toy Parade, Jewelry Jelly, Milky-chan, Sugar Fairy Cake, Dreamy Dollhouse etc! Today I want to make a post about my many inspirations in fashion, makeup, and lifestyle. This print.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The tulle lace has a candy pattern. *cough cough Sugary Carnival*)
I've seen this dress coorded beautifully several times and it is after mine own heart. Dreamy Baby Room: A Saga. The dress design is gorgeous, the colors are vibrant but still pastel. A successful carousel print. But the re-release really caught my eye!
I actually wasn't a huge fan of this print for a while, but i think the dress design is so cute and unique, with the heart bodice.
Angelic Pretty Dreamy Dollhouse OP Lavender.
Please also check your spam folder.I love Angelic Pretty and sweet lolita fashion :) I mean, come on. One being it is cheaper than buying new AP and two, because a lot of the prints I want are older and no longer available unless you buy secondhand. I AM OPEN TO SELLING EVERYTHING AS A SET AT A DISCOUNTED PRICE OF $345** Look at it.
MATERIALS: Original burberry print (100% cotton), tulle and chemical lace, satin ribbon This print isn't very interesting, but that's kind of why I like it. Apparently, it conjured up too many images of "ageplay" to them, with the use of baby blocks, rattles, and carriages.