Governor Kay Ivey on Wednesday announced the Revive Alabama grant program to support small businesses in Alabama that have been impacted by COVID-19. MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WALA) -- Gov. Kay Ivey’s chief of staff is quarantining at home after his wife tested positive for the coronavirus. On behalf of UAB and the UA System, we thank Governor Ivey for investing in this important program that will promote health across the state.” Responding to the CARES Act announcement today, UA System Chancellor Finis St. John said, “We are pleased to provide this new testing service to all public colleges and universities across our state. Kay Ivey will provide a coronavirus update today.Gov. State Health Officer Scott Harris said that right now hospitals statewide are managing the surge, but his office is also looking at alternative sites for health care. Kay Ivey 15th Supplemental State of Emergency Proclaimation on Scribd" href="" style="text-decoration: underline;">Gov.
While I respect those districts that have elected to go to virtual classrooms, I feel with all my heart that a slide will come by keeping our schools at home, especially if there are other options. MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - Gov. Their Safer at Home order expires Friday.Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission.Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our There is no specific number of cases in the state or in hospitals that would trigger emergency health care measures.See Governor Kay Ivey's July 29 Supplemental Emergency Proclaimation:
Gov. Alabama Gov. Retail stores may open with 50% occupancy rate.Ivey did not close Alabama’s beaches, a step taken in some places to prevent greater outbreaks after the July 4 holiday.While not a mandate, Ivey and State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris urged people to wear masks.“We know face coverings aren’t perfect and they don’t stop everything.
Governor Kay Ivey unveiled a Safer-At-Home order Tuesday designed to reopen portions of the Alabama economy crippled in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Revive Alabama will reimburse small businesses up to a combined $100 million for expenses they have incurred due to operational interruptions caused by the pandemic and related business closures.
Kay Ivey and State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris give update on state response to COVID-19 pandemic. MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Governor Kay Ivey made major announcements about COVID-19 in Alabama. MONTGOMERY – Gov. Kay Ivey 15th Suppleme... by WZDX News on Scribd