Some of the elements of this teaching should include:The client positions that are used for maintaining good bodily alignment and optimal physiological functioning include the Sims or the semi prone position, the Fowler's position, the dorsal recumbent position, the prone position and the lateral position.The lateral position is a side lying position with the upper most knee bent and often maintained in that position with a pillow; the Fowler's position is a sitting position with the head of the bed up and elevated; the dorsal recumbent position and supine position are lying on the back with or without a pillow for the head; the prone position is lying on the stomach; and the Sim's position is a semi prone position.These positions are supported and maintained with pillow, bolsters and wedges when necessary to maintain anatomically correct bodily alignment.External fixation devices, halo traction, skeletal traction, and Crutchfield or Vinke cervical tongs are immobilization techniques that are used for fractures and other serious disorders. An end-stage of morbid obesity in which the person has abandoned any form of exercise, and/or movement has become impractical due to an inability navigate through doors or up stairs or because furniture other than the usual place of rest would break. The later signs of compartment syndrome include burning pain secondary to ischemia, paresthesia secondary to neurological impairment, hypoesthesia secondary to sensory nerve damage, pulselessness, and cool and pale skin.Compartment syndrome is a medical emergency which, left untreated, can lead to the loss of the affected limb. In fact, percussion is most often done in combination with postural drainage.Vibration is highly similar to percussion except vibration is done by placing the palm of the hand on the lung area and doing rapid vibrating movements on the area while the client is positioned for postural drainage.Inspiratory muscle training techniques entail instructing the client to lie in a comfortable supine position, to relax, and then to take deep breaths with a mouth piece with an increasingly smaller lumen so that the client has to progressively take deeper and deeper breaths using their diaphragm while overcoming the resistance of the obstructive mouth piece.Some of the orthopedic devices that nurses apply, maintain and remove include traction devices, splints, braces and casts:Traction, simply defined, is a physical pulling force that exerts pulling on the bodily part. The length and width of all areas are measured and the depth of wounds is also measured. Simply defined, full range of motion is defined as the maximum movement of a joint specific to that joint. When pressure ulcers are not prevented, the nurse must assess and care for it. The purpose of skin traction is to decrease pain and muscular spasms after a fracture has been surgically repaired with internal fixation. Odors can be described as malodorous, pungent, foul, or musty; and some pathogens like pseudomonas have a characteristic odor.Wound discharge, which is also referred to as wound exudate, is assessed and described as the lack of any drainage or the presence of some drainage which be described in terms of color, amount and characteristics.The quantity or amount of drainage can be described as minimal, moderate or excessive and copious when a wound drain is not being used to measure drainage precisely. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Adelphi with a double masters degree in both Nursing Education and Nursing Administration and immediately began the PhD in nursing coursework at the same university. All of these measures are used not only for immobilized clients but also for many post-operative clients.The procedure for deep breathing and coughing is as below. These and even more complex and advanced standardized tests and tools are also used during a physical therapist's assessment of the client.Mobility abilities and impairments can be also assessed by observing the client while they:Simply defined, gait is the way the person walks, or ambulates. impaired bed mobility a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as the limitation of independent movement from one bed position to another. These stages are:The treatment of pressure ulcers is complex and it often includes a combination of treatments and therapies. The wound remains vulnerable to injury until full healing is completed with good tensile strength.Some wounds, like surgical incisions, are planned wounds and others such as those occurring secondary to a trauma or a pressure ulcer are considered unplanned wounds. In this section of the NCLEX-RN examination, you will be expected to demonstrate your knowledge and skills of mobility and immobility in order to: (plural immobilities) the quality of not moving the state or condition of being unable to change one's location, move or be moved Immobility is a big problem for many people who can't afford a car. She worked as a registered nurse in the critical care area of a local community hospital and, at this time, she was committed to become a nursing educator. An incentive spirometer consists of a plastic chamber with a ball, a mouthpiece and tubing.