From Nain, the name of a small town in central Iran (Persian Nā'īn) where this style of carpet is made.More fully "Nain rug".
By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies., ym mhob rhan o Gymru, er yn aml yn crafu byw mewn diwydiannau peryglus, yn rhoi gwerth mawr ar weithgarwch diwylliannol.Our grandparents, in every part of Wales, although often scraping a living in dangerous industries, placed great value on cultural activities.Roeddwn yn falch iawn o weld argymhelliad 6, sy'n cyfeirio at rôl tadau, ac argymhelliad 8, sy'n cyfeirio at rôl teidiau a I was very pleased to see recommendation 6, which refers to the role of fathers, and recommendation 8, which refers to the role of grandparents in the parenting process.Perhaps one day I will be a grandparent, and I look forward to the fact that grandparents are going to be a major consideration for the Government and I am pleased that they will be considered in deliberations.Mae'r egwyddor sy'n sail i'r timau newydd, y timau integredig cymorth i deuluoedd, yn golygu y byddant yn edrych ar y teulu estynedig ehangach a rôl The principle underlying the new integrated family support teams means that they will look at the wider extended family and the role of grandparents.Yn y blynyddoedd i ddod, gwnaeth y ddau ŵyr ailadrodd yr hanes am y pryd o fwyd bythgofiadwy hwnnw wrth eu plant eu hunain gan hel atgofion melys am eu In later years, the two grandsons retold the story of that unforgettable family meal to their own children and recalled the fond memories they had of their grandparents.Many of us have parents or grandparents who are proud of their motto: save before you buy.
nain translation in Welsh-English dictionary.
Seems like your pronunciation of Nàin is not correct. Latin -16 Spanish Romanian Hungarian 13 Português {{app['fromLang']['value']}} -> {{app['toLang']['value']}} adjective noun Danish
Pronunciation A decorative carpet or rug of a kind made in the Iranian town of Nain, typically of very finely woven wool with softly coloured, often floral, motifs.These Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English? How to say Nàin in English? From Welsh nain grandmother, further etymology uncertain.Late 15th century.
Catalan Armenian The welsh for Grandmother is Mam-Gu, Or Nain Mam-Gu is pronounced (Maam-Guee) and Nain is pronounced like the number 9. Here Are Our Top English TipsThe Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage German
By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies., ym mhob rhan o Gymru, er yn aml yn crafu byw mewn diwydiannau peryglus, yn rhoi gwerth mawr ar weithgarwch diwylliannol.Our grandparents, in every part of Wales, although often scraping a living in dangerous industries, placed great value on cultural activities.Roeddwn yn falch iawn o weld argymhelliad 6, sy'n cyfeirio at rôl tadau, ac argymhelliad 8, sy'n cyfeirio at rôl teidiau a I was very pleased to see recommendation 6, which refers to the role of fathers, and recommendation 8, which refers to the role of grandparents in the parenting process.Perhaps one day I will be a grandparent, and I look forward to the fact that grandparents are going to be a major consideration for the Government and I am pleased that they will be considered in deliberations.Mae'r egwyddor sy'n sail i'r timau newydd, y timau integredig cymorth i deuluoedd, yn golygu y byddant yn edrych ar y teulu estynedig ehangach a rôl The principle underlying the new integrated family support teams means that they will look at the wider extended family and the role of grandparents.Yn y blynyddoedd i ddod, gwnaeth y ddau ŵyr ailadrodd yr hanes am y pryd o fwyd bythgofiadwy hwnnw wrth eu plant eu hunain gan hel atgofion melys am eu In later years, the two grandsons retold the story of that unforgettable family meal to their own children and recalled the fond memories they had of their grandparents.Many of us have parents or grandparents who are proud of their motto: save before you buy.
nain translation in Welsh-English dictionary.
Seems like your pronunciation of Nàin is not correct. Latin -16 Spanish Romanian Hungarian 13 Português {{app['fromLang']['value']}} -> {{app['toLang']['value']}} adjective noun Danish
Pronunciation A decorative carpet or rug of a kind made in the Iranian town of Nain, typically of very finely woven wool with softly coloured, often floral, motifs.These Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English? How to say Nàin in English? From Welsh nain grandmother, further etymology uncertain.Late 15th century.
Catalan Armenian The welsh for Grandmother is Mam-Gu, Or Nain Mam-Gu is pronounced (Maam-Guee) and Nain is pronounced like the number 9. Here Are Our Top English TipsThe Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage German