The social impact of unemployment. It can be said that if the country has high unemployment rate – the government carries a poor management. The prevalence of alcoholism among the diseases is the fourth after cardiovascular disease, cancer and mental illness.According to James Jones (2008), describing the housing problem in the U.S., it should be noted that due to a number of historical, social and economic conditions America has one of the highest level of housing prices in the world. It should be noted that unemployment leads to enhanced growth rates of crime and increasing involvement of youth in this sphere, the concentration of crime in cities and industrial centers. Often, we have a situation, when a person can not get a job, because he is not “white”. Of course, all these measures are not fundamentally new, but as you know, everything new – is well forgotten old.Bijou Yang, David Lester (2010). Consequently, the more people become unemployed – the more intensified social tensions in the society are. The Social Effects of Unemployment in Teesside Kate Nicholas, Katharine Nicholas Snippet view - 1986. Moreover, the broad masses of African-Americans have virtually no access to quality health care.The next is the problem of crime in the U.S. Poverty: high unemployment can lead to people being discouraged and giving up trying to find work. Despite the proclamation of the equal rights of American citizens, the United States still remains a country of racial inequality and discrimination. Loss of income. Although, I believe that public works can also include work on the cleaning of streets, landscaping, maintenance of public transport, etc.
The economy is further away from full employment leading to falling incomes and consumption – production falls, tax intake falls and the economy may enter a recession.Periods of unemployment can break up an individuals work record and this can make finding another job difficult.Poverty: high unemployment can lead to people being discouraged and giving up trying to find work. Problems that cause unemployment have to be taken into consideration … Nevertheless, it is still true today, as Hyman pointed out in 1979, that there is little study of the social impacts of unemployment. As a result of firing, a person feels himself inferior and starts drinking too much alcohol. It is determined on the base of the cost of goods and services, which are required to meet the most basic subsistence needs. First of all, unemployment rate indicates on state of the economy of the country and its effectiveness. Also, the problem of crime in the U.S. has following outcome – increased number of drug addicts. Youth unemployment has a huge impact - both on individuals and society. You are expected to reference our work if you use parts of it. In other words, to buy a house, average U.S. citizen has to pay credit for thirty years. Periods of unemployment can break up an individuals work record and this can make finding another job difficult. High youth unemployment has a negative impact on economic growth and productivity that can’t be ignored. Some ethnic groups have a higher rate of unemployment than other groups.Older people also find it harder to find a job, especially those over 40.LOSS OF SKILLS- The longer someone is unemployed the less likely it is that they will retain important work skills.
Thirdly, I think that local authorities should also create retraining courses for people who lose their jobs. Of course, before providing the loan, employment service must ensure that the borrower’s business plan is competitive and meets the general requirements. As a fact, the persistence of discrimination in hiring and firing indicates irreducible gap between white and colored Americans. In my opinion, racial-ethnic groups are systematically discriminated in salary and education fields. This will lead to increased poverty … In other words, most of our citizens depend on their work, because they have to earn money. The effects of unemployment on social and political attitudes. This will lead to increased poverty and continued unemployment, especially for some sections of society.There has been some link shown between an increase in suicide rates and unemployment.The effects of unemployment are not spread evenly through the economy. Many experts consider that there is a direct relationship between the growth of drug addiction and crime.It should be noted that the problem of alcoholism in the U.S. is closely related to the unemployment. I am convinced that unemployment issue is under the jurisdiction of the state and, in my opinion, competent management of this sphere will reduce the negative impact of all the above mentioned problems and also reduce social tension in society.According to Brenda Sorensen (2010), leading economy experts consider that the main directions of state policy on employment and unemployment should be following:Consequently, not all of the active policy measures are effective and can be criticized, because their impact on unemployment is difficult to determine. I strongly believe that all these measures are in demand and will help to reduce social tensions in the society and contribute to general economic recovery.To sum it up, it should be noted that currently, in the U.S. unemployment rate is around 7 per cent (17 million people are unemployed). It should be noted that this indicator has enormous impact on social stability in our country and in the worse case can lead us to the revolution. To begin with it can be said that unemployment has significant impact on social issues. Consequently, the person loses his skills and it is becoming much harder to find appropriate job. Loss of self respect. Further information. As a rule many of the unemployed mind their own business, but do not have enough money for a start up. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL EFFECTS OF UNEMPLOYMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA: PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE SOCIAL EFFECTS OF UNEMPLOYMENT.